Family Planning and Reproductive Health Message Guide: Healthy Actions for Ethiopian Families!
This guide represents an effort of different organizations working in health in Ethiopia to harmonize their messages around the topics of family planning and reproductive health.
The goal of the guide is to provide messages that can be used by organizations in developing their own behavior change communication (BCC) materials. Local and international NGOs took part in the development of this guide, a process that included an initial Message Harmonization Development Workshop, the development of draft messages, a second workshop to refine the draft messages, and production of the guide itself.
The following themes are covered in the messages: in Family Planning: delaying childbearing, child spacing, and completing families; in Reproductive Health: care after miscarriage or abortion; and in RH/FP and HIV/AIDS: HIV and reproductive health, and HIV and family planning.
Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communicaiton Programs
Date of Publication: March 25, 2019
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