Project Example

Reaching the Youngest Mothers to Save Lives

In Madagascar, Nigeria and Mozambique the Maternal and Child Survival Program has been testing approaches designed to connect first time / young parents (FT/YPs) to health services.

Key lessons from these studies include:

  • Applying an approach that engages key influencers of young parents (particularly mothers and mothers-in-law) in addition to engaging FT/YPs directly.
  • Ensuring these individuals with significant influence over FT/YPs have accurate information about safe delivery, postnatal care (including postpartum FP for healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy), and newborn care – while challenging attitudes and social norms that stigmatize FT/YPs.
  • Implementing an approach that also engages young fathers, addressing gender norms, building capacity for couple communication, and encouraging positive male involvement in postpartum FP and parenting.
  • Strengthening health system capacity to provide services that are friendly and attractive to adolescents and young people.
  • Using messaging to emphasize the benefits of health service use, particularly the reduction of risk to both mother and baby.

Source: Maternal and Child Survival Program, USAID

Date of Publication: June 11, 2020