Guidance for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted HIV Infections

The purpose of this guidance is to assist PEPFAR country teams in developing Country Operational Plans (COPs) that align activities to prevent sexual transmission of HIV with country-specific epidemiology and country-owned responses, and that support the continuum of response at the country level. This guidance seeks to aid teams in identifying and implementing the optimal combination of prevention activities needed to maximize reduction of new infections as part of the continuum of country HIV response, while reflecting the following key principles:

  • Identifying and addressing gaps in scope and reach of prevention activities among priority populations
  • Ensuring that interventions address populations and communities in such a way that the level of investment matches the level of risk
  • Using resources so that they have maximum impact on HIV incidence
  • Prioritizing the most effective biomedical, behavioral, and structural interventions in the country context
  • Enhancing coordination across prevention, care, and treatment activities

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English