MSM + HIV + Africa
This presentation covers the following:
- What do we mean by MSM?
- Prevalence of HIV among MSM
- How (and why) are MSM at risk of HIV?
- Three Country Study (MSM)
The three country study took place in Namibia, Malawi and Botswana in 2009.
Source: International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Date of Publication: March 25, 2019
- Generic Algorithm to Aid Action Planning at District and Regional Levels
- “Because my Husband and I Have Never Had a Baby Before…” Results and Lessons from Interventions with First-Time Parents in Madagascar, Mozambique, and Nigeria
- Factors Impacting Use of Health Services by First-time/Young parents: A Formative Research Toolkit
- Evidence to Inform Social and Behavior Change for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa
- Community Communication MNCH e-Manual: Participatory Health Promotion Sessions
- Zika Virus Global Emergency Response Plan
- Ajustement à bases factuelles des mesures de santé publique et des mesures sociales / Evidence-based Adjustment of Public Health and Social Measures
- Gapminder
- SWOT Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
- La Planification Familiale dans les Situations d'Urgence: Essentielle,, Voulue, Necessaire et Realisable
- Situation Analysis of Nutrition in Southern Sudan: Analysis Based on June 2009 Assessment
- Household Survey Report Uganda 2012
- #EndAdolescentAIDS Fact Sheets
- Communication Strategy for Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention [Namibia]
- SBCC Strategy for the Expanded Program on Immunization, 2011-2015 [Namibia]