JHSPH Open Courseware: Entertainment Education for Behavior Change

This course, offered by Esta de Fossard in Fall 2009, examines and teaches ways in which education can be subtly but effectively worked into both new and time-honored genres of entertainment to foster positive behavior change and life improvement in both developing countries and local environments.

Upon successfully completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Analyze a societal or individual behavior problem that is to be improved through Entertainment Education (EE)
  • Define the differences in EE program types for different audiences, such as children, adolescents, adults
  • Develop a detailed Design Document (guide for program writers and evaluators) showing the precise knowledge that will be taught in the EE project
  • Construct the synopsis and character sketches for a TV or radio serial drama designed to encourage behavior or social change and create complete episodes of the drama for the intended audience
  • Design and construct support materials, including Distance Education (Edu-tainment) materials for “on-the-ground” supporters of the intended audience of the EE project

The format consists of four lectures:

  1. Entertainment & Education
  2. Creating the Story
  3. Entertainment-Education Equation
  4. The Research Process

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: English