Malawi – Moyo ndi Mpamba Campaign Radio Spots

These radio spots are part of the Moyo ndi Mpanba campaign to promote health behavior change across the six focal health areas.

These radio spots are in Chichewa and cover these topics:

  • Nutrition
  • Pregnancy
  • Family Planning
  • Hygiene
  • Malaria

SSDI-Communication supported the Ministry of Health in realizing its ambitious health promotion agenda by developing and running a multimedia, multi-level Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni (“Life is precious, take care of it”) campaign, from 2011-2016. The ultimate goal of this campaign was to promote positive health behaviors and create demand for available services across six focus health areas – HIV & AIDS; family planning; nutrition; maternal, neonatal and child health; malaria; and water, sanitation and hygiene – and with audiences across the socio-ecological landscape and all targeted life stages.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malawi – Moyo ndi Mpamba National Radio Dialogues

As part of the Moyo ndi Mpamba campaign, the project held National Radio Dialogues aimed to promote dialogue and discussion among individuals, families and communities on issues that affect people’s health and wellbeing.

SSDI-Communication worked with and trained 13 radio stations (both national and community stations) to incorporate dialogue topics into one of their most popular programs each week during a five-week period. The effect of this was that every radio station in the country discussed the same issue every week during the period of the dialogues. Radio stations invited their listeners to call in, send SMS, and write letters to respond to the topics discussed on the programs.

The attached report outlines the radio dialogue program, and includes a fact sheet about the activity.

SSDI-Communication supported the Ministry of Health in realizing its ambitious health promotion agenda by developing and running a multimedia, multi-level Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni (“Life is precious, take care of it”) campaign, from 2011-2016. The ultimate goal of this campaign was to promote positive health behaviors and create demand for available services across six focus health areas – HIV & AIDS; family planning; nutrition; maternal, neonatal and child health; malaria; and water, sanitation and hygiene – and with audiences across the socio-ecological landscape and all targeted life stages.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malawi – Moyo ndi Mpamba Reality Radio Program

This radio program, part of the Moyo ndi Mpamba campiang, featured real life experiences and stories of people whose lives changed as a result of adopting healthy behaviors. The program also covered stories of people whose lives and families had suffered the conssequences of not practicing healthy behaviors.

The overall goal of the program was to inspire individuals and families to take action towards health seeking behaviors in addition to influencing communities to create a supportive environment for the prevention and control of health related problems. The program was designed strategically and utilized phasing to ensure that health topics were introduced in a logical way. The program was aired once weekly, using a conversational style that encouraged listener dialogue and interaction.

By 2016, the program was airing on two national radio stations and 14 community radio stations, achieving a high level of reach across Malawi. The program collected listeners’ feedback through SMS, Facebook, and paper mail. Radio producers used this feedback to ensure that future program episodes aligned to listener needs more closely. It also allowed interaction between producers and listeners, and provided an opportunity for people’s voices to be incorporated into the program. Some individuals that gave feedback were then featured in subsequent program episodes.

SSDI-Communication supported the Ministry of Health in realizing its ambitious health promotion agenda by developing and running a multimedia, multi-level Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni (“Life is precious, take care of it”) campaign, from 2011-2016. The ultimate goal of this campaign was to promote positive health behaviors and create demand for available services across six focus health areas – HIV & AIDS; family planning; nutrition; maternal, neonatal and child health; malaria; and water, sanitation and hygiene – and with audiences across the socio-ecological landscape and all targeted life stages.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Moyo ndi Mpamba Malawi Music4Life All Stars Music Album

SSDI-Communication engaged with Malawian music stars to produce this album of 15 songs that integrate messages about health, wellness, and the importance of taking care of oneslef and one’s family.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Moyo ndi Mpamba Radio Serial Drama Design Document

This radio drama, part of the Moyo ndi Mpamba campaign in Malawi, was designed to inspire behavior change on priority health issues among adolescent and adult Malawians through interactive radio programming. The drama unfolded over 52 episodes, aired during 12-month period from July 2014 to June 2015. Each episode included questions for audience members, who were encouraged to respond via SMS or on Facebook.

The drama had three main plotlines:

  • A young married couple, Richi and Nasilina, struggle as Richi maintains his relationship with his old girlfriend Esmie
  • Ndaziona, a 16-year-old girl, has a terrible secret that she is hiding from her mother and two brothers
  • Mrs. Nabetha Gama, a very religious woman married to a very traditional man who strongly believes in traditional healers and superstitions

Learn more about the episodes here.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Moyo ndi Mpamba Radio Serial Drama Episodes

This radio drama, part of the Moyo ndi Mpamba campaign in Malawi, was designed to inspire behavior change on priority health issues among adolescent and adult Malawians through interactive radio programming. The drama unfolded over 52 episodes, aired during 12-month period from July 2014 to June 2015. Each episode included questions for audience members, who were encouraged to respond via SMS or on Facebook.

The drama had three main plotlines:

  • A young married couple, Richi and Nasilina, struggle as Richi maintains his relationship with his old girlfriend Esmie
  • Ndaziona, a 16-year-old girl, has a terrible secret that she is hiding from her mother and two brothers
  • Mrs. Nabetha Gama, a very religious woman married to a very traditional man who strongly believes in traditional healers and superstitions

This page offers a link to all of the episodes.

Read about the radio serial drama design document here.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019