Community Approaches to Child Health in Malawi: Applying the Community Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (C-IMCI) Framework
The C-IMCI Framework is made up of three elements: (1) improving partnerships between health facilities and the communities they serve; (2) increasing appropriate and accessible health care and information from community-based providers; and (3) integrating promotion of key family practices critical for child health and nutrition, and a multi-sectoral platform. The intent of the C-IMCI Framework is to enable NGOs and governments to categorize their existing community-based program efforts and develop and implement a coordinated, integrated strategy to improve child health. The framework is designed to address each of the three key elements and a multi-sectoral platform that would be most effective in improving child health.
This paper documents World Relief’s approach to C-IMCI interventions at the household level in Malawi, where the government is dedicated to implementing C-IMCI through its community network of health surveillance assistants. Included are sections on: background, Care Group Model, Programming, Results, Lessons Learned, and Scale Up / Costs.
Source: Core Group, World Relief
Date of Publication: October 17, 2021
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