National Malaria Communication Strategy, 2011-2014 [Zambia]
The communication strategy was developed on the premise that communication is a cornerstone in the success of any health intervention.
The purpose of this strategy is to outline the methods that will be used to disseminate messages to different target audiences under each strategic intervention contained in the National Malaria Strategic Plan. The strategy further defines the channels and approaches to ensure that the messages reach the targeted audience for greatest impact.
The document makes reference to the implementation and coordination framework from the national through community–based structures to the end beneficiary. The ultimate beneficiary is the community affected by malaria. Communities will be reached through existing community structures. Where relevant community structures do not exist, they should be established.
The strategy outlines the messages that will be utilized in the development of communication materials and activities. It also makes reference to the training requirements and further proposes the function of existing community groups such as neighborhood health committees (NHCs), safe motherhood action groups (SMAGS) and malaria advocacy groups that may exist or be established. Finally, the document spells out the monitoring and evaluation process.
Source: Zambia Ministry of Health, USAID
Date of Publication: March 25, 2019
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