Tasankha Campaign
“Tasankha” was a multi-media effort under the BRIDGE II Project, a USAID-funded five year behavior change communication program focused on promoting normative behavior change and increasing HIV preventive behaviors among the adult population in 11 districts in the southern region of Malawi,
The “Tasankha” campaign, specifically, intended to promote family values and positive behavioral choices in addressing Concurrent and Multiple Partnerships (CMP) as key driver of new HIV infections in Malawi. The campaign was intended to help individuals and communities understand that ‘choices’ are central to behavior and facilitate better behavioral choices around HIV prevention.
Selection of materials from the campaign:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Date of Publication: May 26, 2020
- Guide de Formation Conseil Dépistage du VIH au niveau Communautaire: manuel à l'intention du personnel non médical
- Community Communication MNCH e-Manual: Participatory Health Promotion Sessions
- Plan Stratégique National de Plaidoyer en matière de lutte contre le Paludisme (PSNPP) en Côte d'Ivoire 2018-2023
- Creating Mobile Health Solutions for Behaviour Change: A Study of Eight Services in the mNutrition Initiative Portfolio
- Advocating for Change for Adolescents’ Toolkit
- PrEP Communications Accelerator
- Driving the HIV response: Community Guide to the WHO 2013 Consolidated Guidelines on the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs for Treating and Preventing HIV Infection
- Family Planning Discussion Topics for Voluntary Counseling and Testing
- The ECHO Study Report
- Guidance for Providing Informed-Choice Counseling on Sexual Health for Women Interested in PrEP: Kenya and South Africa