The Follow Who Know Road Campaign in Nigeria: Development, Impact and Lessons Learned from a COVID-19 Mass Media Campaign

Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria in collaboration with the Government of Nigeria strategically chose to use a mass media campaign as an approach that would shift behaviors around COVID-19. This campaign, named Follow Who Know Road, aimed strategically to reduce COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, increase testing among people who are symptomatic or exposed and ramp up adoption of COVID-19 prevention behaviors among suspected and confirmed cases.

This brief  articulates the systematic process of developing the Follow Who Know Road Campaign even amid a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. SBC practitioners and programs can apply this process for effective development of SBC mass media campaigns from start to finish.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 20, 2023

Communicating the PrEP Category to Adolescent Girls and Young Women

This strategy brief is intended for use by implementers working to generate demand for PrEP among AGYW. Drawing on all learnings throughout the positioning process, the brief provides a narrative explanation of how to communicate the PrEP category to AGYW and includes actionable guidance on how best to develop communication that will get the attention of young women and make a lasting impression.

Last modified: November 16, 2023

Language: English

Source: FHI 360

Year of Publication: 2023

Health Systems Strengthening Practice Spotlight: Social Accountability and Social and Behavior Change

Social and behavior change is a key part of effective and sustainable health system strengthening programming. The brief highlights the evidence on the role of social accountability in increasing access to better-quality healthcare services and explores how SBC approaches can be more explicitly integrated into social accountability efforts through the use of case studies.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: September 18, 2023

PARTNERSHIPS AND POWER: Understanding the Dynamics Between International and National Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Organizations

This brief contains findings and recommendations from the first year of Transforming INGO Models for Equity (TIME) for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Established in 2022, Transforming INGO Models for Equity (TIME) is a collaboration-based initiative that seeks to explore how SRHR INGOs can and should rethink how they operate to contribute to responsive, equitable, and inclusive development.

Source: EngenderHealth

Date of Publication: July 3, 2023

Lessons from Partnering with Faith-Based Organizations in Very Young Adolescent Programming

This brief explores the potential of faith-based organizations to meaningfully address harmful gender and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) attitudes, behaviors, and norms among very young adolescents (VYAs), their families, and communities in Bangladesh. Most gender and SRH interventions tend to focus on older adolescents (15-19 years) and adults, neglecting VYA populations. Through this activity, MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership sought to strengthen local partner capacity to apply effective programming addressing gender and SRH challenges facing VYAs.

Source: USAID MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership

Date of Publication: June 14, 2023

USAID/Senegal Building a Resilient Health System (BRHS) Project Doubles COVID-19 Vaccination Rate in One Month

This technical brief highlights the favorable results of the pilot COVID-19 Vaccination Acceleration Initiative (CVAI) that took place in Kaffrine, Senegal in July 2022. The Building a Resilient Health System (BRHS) project developed a strategy to design and support a CVAI across nine of Senegal’s 14 regions. BRHS worked with USAID and the Senegalese Ministry of Health and Social Action (MSAS) to pilot the initiative in the Kaffrine region, starting with Kaffrine district. With several partners involved, the CVAI doubled one-dose COVID-19 rates in one month from 10% to 19% and increased the coverage rate for full vaccination from 7.7% to 13% in the region.

Source: Chemonics International

Date of Publication: June 2, 2023

Assessing Application of WHO Global Standards for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Five West African Countries

This technical brief examines the results of the CS4FP Plus 2019 study of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) service delivery in five West African countries (Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger) and the degree to which ASRH service delivery in those countries aligns with the WHO/UNAIDS’s Global Standards for Quality Health Care Services for Adolescents. The brief also includes recommendations for policymakers and program planners in the five countries.

Source: IntraHealth

Date of Publication: March 31, 2023

Tutorat: A Comprehensive Approach to Empowering Health Care Providers and Their Facilities in Senegal

This brief details the Tutorat approach, which emphasizes capacity building of health service providers within their health centers by trained peers through intensive on-site, on-the-job, tailored mentorship over the period of several months. Providers participating in this approach had impressive gains in the reproductive health modules: Management of pregnancy, deliveryand post-partum and Family planning.

This resource is also available in French.

Source: IntraHealth

Date of Publication: March 31, 2023

Government Implementation and Institutionalization of the Universal Referral Approach for Family Planning in Francophone West Africa

To improve modern contraceptive use and reduce unmet needs, the Challenge Initiative francophone West Africa Hub supported municipalities and health systems in nine cities to adopt evidence-based practices like universal referral which integrates the provision of family planning through other health services or entry points at a facility to minimize missed opportunities to support women with family planning counseling and service uptake.

This resource is also available in French.

Source: IntraHealth International

Date of Publication: March 30, 2023

How Theory Based Programming Can Drive COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake: A Program Brief From Nigeria

This program brief explains how Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria applied the 3Cs model developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on immunization to identify effective behavior change factors to be applied to SBC interventions to achieve behavior change related to COVID-19.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: February 27, 2023