The Importance of Prioritizing and Being Specific in Key Community Messages/La importancia de ser específicos y prioritarios en los mensajes clave comunitarios

This is a blog/report on a 2018 training of trainers (TOT) refresher workshops held by the Community Action on Zika (CAZ) project in four countries (Honduras, Dominican Republic, Colombia, El Salvador).

The trainings were led by the CAZ project, with support in curriculum development and facilitation by Breakthrough ACTION. The workshops were aimed at project community technicians with the goal of updating knowledge around the key Zika behaviors, exchanging experiences and lessons learned, strengthening capacities, and providing tools that contribute to improving daily work.

The workshops mainly focused on improving the delivery of key messages about Zika to achieve the adoption of healthy practices in the prevention of the virus and lasting behavior change in the communities where the CAZ project works. In addition, the training curriculum included step-by-step guidance to carry out household visits, activities with children in schools, and during support group meetings. The curriculum also included a “how-to” on the correct use of materials depending on the audience, interpersonal communication to reinforce public speaking and counseling skills, and the tools to deal with the different barriers and difficulties that exist when working with communities. In addition, the sessions were accompanied by a field visit on the third day, where technicians were able to put what they learned into practice during a household visit, school activity, or a pregnant women’s support group meeting.

The experience demonstrated a need to emphasize the promotion of the key Zika behaviors with communities

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: August 30, 2019

Family Planning High Impact Practices

High Impact Practices (HIPs) are a set of evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts against specific criteria and documented in an easy-to-use format. HIPs help programs focus resources for greatest impact.

HIPs are identified based on demonstrated magnitude of impacton contraceptive use and potential application in a wide range of settings. Consideration is also given to other relevant outcome measures including unintended pregnancy, fertility, or one of the primary proximate determinants of fertility (delay of marriage, birth spacing, or breast feeding). Evidence of replicability, scalability, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness are also examined.

Last modified: August 30, 2019

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish

List of High Impact Practices in Family Planning

High Impact Practices (HIPs) are a set of evidence-based family planning practices vetted by experts against specific criteria and documented in an easy-to-use format.

Endorsed by more than 30 organizations, HIPs reflect consensus around our current understanding of what works in family planning. HIPs are identified based on demonstrated magnitude of impact on contraceptive use and potential application in a wide range of settings. Consideration is also given to other relevant outcome measures including unintended pregnancy, fertility, or one of the primary proximate determinants of fertility (delay of marriage, birth spacing, or breast feeding). Evidence of replicability, scalability, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness are also considered.

This seminal brief provides a list of all the HIPs identified by the Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is made up of experts in family planning research, program implementation, policy makers and representatives from donor agencies. The TAG meets twice a year to review evidence and make recommendations on updating and implementing HIPs.

Last modified: August 30, 2019

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish




    Strategic Planning Guides

    These Strategic Planning Guides are intended to lead program managers, planners, and decision-makers through a strategic process to identify the most effective and efficient investments to address the challenge or focus of their program.

    Guides are developed by technical experts and are intended to help planners identify which HIP or practice might work in a specific context.

    Planning guides are availalbe on the topics of adolescents and engaging men and boys in family planning.

    Last modified: August 30, 2019

    Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish




      Technical Specifications Content Guide for Behaviors with High Potential to Prevent Zika

      The objective of this guide is to specify the evidence-based technical requirements and steps to be followed for the practice of each behavior to achieve the desired impact: reducing the risk of negative consequences caused by Zika during pregnancy.

      This guide accompanies the Zika Prevention Behavior Matrix, which analyzes the efficacy and feasibility of seven behaviors with high potential to prevent the transmission of Zika and Congenital Zika Syndrome, based on a review of existing literature, data, and consultation with implementing partners of the USAID Zika response in several countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

      One of the findings of this analysis has been the need to be more specific in the promotion of prevention behaviors to maximize the potential effectiveness of each behavior. This level of specificity requires more detailed technical information and specific steps to facilitate the adoption of the desired behavior.

      This guide contains specific technical steps and requirements that should serve as an input for social and behavior change (SBC) strategies and for the construction of messages addressed to specific groups (for example, pregnant women). In addition, the guide includes recommendations for the promotion of each behavior based on recent experiences of Zika response programs.

      The user of this guide should adapt the technical content to their context, using local phrases and terms to ensure maximum understanding of how to carry out the prevention behaviors effectively. This technical content is an input for the development of activities and communication messages, which should be in turn developed to appeal to the strongest local motivators to achieve the desired behavior change. The more key actors in the response to Zika who use, adapt and incorporate the technical content of this guide, the greater the harmonization of technical information that is promoted, which is of vital importance to achieve mutual support and synergy of the various Zika prevention activities.

      Last modified: August 30, 2019

      Language: English, Spanish




        Zika and Pregnancy: Questions and Answers

        This web page provides answers to frequently asked questions about the Zika Virus and its affect on unborn babies.

        Questions include

        • How does Zika virus affect pregnant women and fetuses?
        • Is there a treatment for Zika?
        • What does PAHO recommend for pregnant women living in areas where Zika virus is circulating?
        • Should pregnant women travel to areas where Zika is circulating?
        • What does PAHO recommend to women of childbearing age with respect to becoming pregnant in areas where Zika virus is circulating?
        • Can mothers transmit Zika virus to their babies during pregnancy or childbirth?
        • How can microcephaly be confirmed in a baby?

        Last modified: August 27, 2019

        Language: English, Spanish

        Tackling the Taboo: Sexuality and Gender-Transformative Programmes to End Chlld, Early, and Forced Marriage and Unions

        This report focuses on the need to address patriarchal control of adolescent girls’ sexuality in the fight against child, early and forced marriage and unions, and highlights the vital role played by gender-transformative programs. The report presents findings from a review of 23 organizations that work at the intersection of child marriage and sexuality, and includes three case studies that feature the work of grassroots organizations working in politically and culturally conservative contexts.

        Tackling the Taboo is intended as a learning tool for practitioners, a guide for future research opportunities, a call to action for funders, and an advocacy tool for engaging in dialogue with policymakers and leaders.

        Last modified: July 3, 2019

        Language: English, French, Spanish

        Cholera Fact Sheet

        This fact sheet provices basic information about the history of cholera, its symptoms, treatment, epidemiology, ans surveillance.

        Last modified: March 25, 2019

        Language: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish




          Cholera Outbreak: Assessing the Outbreak Response and Improving Preparedness

          This document offers a framework for the assessment of a cholera outbreak response, which will help to:

          • Provide a comprehensive overview of the outbreak response
          • Pinpoint the main strengths and weaknesses of the response
          • Improve preparedness for and response for future outbreaks
          • Provide accurate recommendations based on WHO official guidelines

          Last modified: March 25, 2019

          Language: English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swahili

          Community Group Engagement: Changing Norms to Improve Sexual and Reproductive Health

          This brief describes the evidence on and experience with community group engagement (CGE) interventions that aim to foster healthy sexual and reproductive health (SRH) behaviors.

          The distinguishing characteristic of CGE interventions from other social and behavior change (SBC) interventions is that they work with and through community groups to influence individual behaviors and/or social norms rather than shifting behavior by targeting individuals alone. Specifically, community support can shift individual behaviors, including contraceptive behaviors, either by changing norms or individual knowledge and attitudes.

          Last modified: March 25, 2019

          Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish


