Community Leadership Development Program (Community LDP)

The Community LDP trains community leaders on the importance of community values in leadership practices and provides them with the management tools that facilitate community management and participation.

With an emphasis on empowerment, the Community LDP instills community leaders with ethical values that result in effective leadership. Involving the community and ensuring sustainability through local ownership, the Community LDP ensures greater health access and addresses the identified priority health issues of the community in line with MSH’s Health Systems Strengthening approach. This tool involves a series of five workshops.

Last modified: March 25, 2019

Language: English, Haitian Creole, Spanish




    Counterfeit Medicines in Legitimate Supply Chains

    This infographic provides background information about the geographic extent of the problem of counterfeit medicines in legitimate supply chains.

    Last modified: March 25, 2019

    Language: English, French, Spanish




      5 Myths about Fake Medicines

      This infographic responds to the following myths:

      • Only branded medicines can be counterfeit
      • Only lifesstyle pills are faked
      • Worst comes to worse, the pills just won’t work
      • There are good quality faked medicines
      • Fake medicines are easy to spot

      Source: Fight the Fakes

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

      Cholera Prevention Animated Video

      This video, which can be used on smart phones, describes several techniques that can be used to help prevent cholera, including methods of treating water, washing of hands, and seeking medical advice if/when one has the symptoms of cholera.

      The video is available for download in many languages and can be downloaded to a computer, cell phone, smart phone, or for broadcast.

      Source: SAWBO

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

      Dengue and Severe Dengue Fact Sheet

      This web page contains key facts, information about the global burden of dengue, including transmission, characteristics, treatment, immunization and prevention and control.

      Source: World Health Organization

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

      End School-Related Gender-Based Violence

      This infographic briefly describes school-related gender-based violence by offering basic information about SRGBV. This includes describing what SRGBV is, how many are affected, what can be done, and who is working on the issue.

      Source: United Nations

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

      Help Control Mosquitoes that Spread Dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika Viruses

      A poster aimed at homeowners and community members, listing what they can do to control the mosquitoes that cause deadly diseases.

      The advice listed includes:

      • Eliminate standing water in and around your home
      • What to do if you have a septic tank
      • Keep mosquitoes out of your home
      • Prevent mosquito bites

      Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

      How to Prevent Cholera

      This fact sheet offers information about cholera prevention related to sanitation, food and water. It also covers signs and symptoms, treatment, and treatment of water.

      The Arabic version of this fact sheet is located here.

      Source: Hesperian Foundation

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

      Human Plague Transmission from Person to Person

      This information flyer provides descripitons of the different types of bubonic plague, including symptoms, transmission, and treatment.

      Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

      Mosquito Bite Preventioin

      This poster describes the various types of mosquitos and the viruses they cause, and protecting oneself from mosquito bites,

      Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019