Call to Action for Strengthening Nutrition Content in Pre-Service Training

Investing in pre-service training is an effective and sustainable way to improve nutrition services, but it requires collaboration among governments, academic institutions, professional associations, funders, and technical experts to ensure curricula prepare frontline health workers to deliver quality nutrition services.

On March 1, 2023, USAID Advancing Nutrition engaged key stakeholders in Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, and the Kyrgyz Republic in a virtual consultative meeting to better understand the complexity of the challenges and opportunities around strengthening the nutrition components of pre-service training for health workers. This brief summarizes the consultation discussions generated, the opportunities highlighted, the lessons shared, and the recommendations jointly formulated as a way forward. It issues a call to action to all stakeholders to better integrate nutrition into pre-service education and more regularly facilitate curriculum review and updates.

Last modified: December 29, 2023

Language: English, French, Portuguese

Source: USAID Advancing Nutrition

Year of Publication: 2023

Outil d’autoévaluation de l’égalité des genres et l’inclusion sociale

Ce guide s’adresse aux personnels des projets et organisations de recherche et de mise en oeuvre dans le secteur de l’eau, l’assainissement et l’hygiène (WASH) qui sont résolument décidés à améliorer les pratiques en matière d’égalité des genres et d’inclusion sociale (GESI) dans leurs projets et leurs organisations. Il est destiné aux chargés de programme, aux conseillers GESI, aux chercheurs et aux membres du personnel de votre organisation désireux d’améliorer leurs pratiques en matière de GESI. Il détaille les rôles et les attributions du point de contact (PC), du facilitateur, des participants et des sympathisants du processus d’autoévaluation.

Last modified: July 16, 2023

Language: English, French, Portuguese

Source: Water for Women

Year of Publication: 2021

Risk Communication and Community Engagement Key Messages for Cholera Outbreaks

This is a risk communication and community engagement key message bank for cholera outbreaks. These messages should be adapted to the local context and audience based on needs, epidemiological, and social/behavioral data. Messaging should always be provided in the local language, with respect to literacy levels, and through trusted information channels. Notes have been added in the text where special care should be taken to adapt messages for the setting. This resource is available in six other languages. (Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese)

Last modified: May 19, 2023

Language: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian

Source: World Health Organization

Year of Publication: 2023

Counseling for Choice: The Choice Book for Providers

Counseling for Choice (C4C) is an evidence-based approach to contraceptive counseling aimed at supporting clients to make the best choice about which method is right for them. C4C was developed to address many of the causes of unmet need for contraception and discontinuation among users who still want to prevent pregnancy. C4C aims to change providers and clients’ participation in voluntary family planning counseling discussions and ensure that clients can use their voice, choice, and agency to make contraceptive choices that meet their needs. The approach requires a thorough training in C4C techniques and the use of the Choice Book for Providers, a job aid and visual tool providers use with clients during counseling sessions. The C4C Choice Books have been translated into English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Source: PSI

Date of Publication: September 1, 2022

Le Guide Pratique du Design Centré sur l’Humain

Adopter le design centré sur l’humain, c’est s’ouvrir à l’idée que tous les problèmes peuvent être résolus, même ceux qui semblent insurmontables comme la pauvreté, l’égalité des sexes ou l’accès à l’eau propre.

C’est aussi accepter que ce sont les gens confrontés à ces problèmes au quotidien qui détiennent la clé de la solution. Le design centré sur l’humain offre aux personnes chargées de résoudre les problèmes la possibilité de chercher des solutions de concert avec les collectivités, de vraiment comprendre les gens qu’elles cherchent à servir, d’imaginer une multitude d’idées et de parvenir à des solutions innovantes, ancrées dans les besoins réels des gens.

Last modified: April 5, 2022

Language: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese

Source: IDEO

Year of Publication: 2015

DO ’s & DON’Ts for Engaging Men & Boys

This two page document provides program managers with guidance about designing programs to engage men and boys in promoting health and gender equity.

It brings together recent best practices and lessons learned for male engagement across health areas. It is intended to inform decision-making about programs, policy, media coverage, and funding priorities.

Click on the links below to see the document in:

Last modified: April 5, 2022

Language: English, French, Portuguese, Spanish

Major Epidemic and Pandemic Diseases

This document provides key messages for individuals and communities on how to prepare for and stay safe during pandemics and epidemics.

Last modified: March 31, 2022

Language: Arabic, Chinese, English, Portuguese

Taking a Multi-Sectoral One Health Approach – A Tripartite Guide to Addressing Zoonotic Diseases in Countries

The Tripartite Zoonoses Guide was jointly developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), and the World Health Organization to support countries in taking a multisectoral One Health approach to address zoonotic diseases.

It outlines principles and best practices to aid countries in achieving sustainable and functional collaboration at the human-animal-environment interface. The Tripartite Zoonoses Guide advocates for effective multisectoral, multidisciplinary, and transnational collaboration at the local, national, regional and global levels.

Last modified: March 31, 2022

Language: Arabic, Chinese, English, Portuguese

Communicating risk in public health emergencies: a WHO guideline for emergency risk communication (‎ERC)‎ policy and practice

These guidelines provide evidence-based guidance on how risk communication should be practiced in an emergency, including guidance to countries on building capacity for communicating risk during health emergencies. This includes guidance on: building trust and engaging with communities and affected populations; integrating risk communication into existing national and local emergency preparedness and response structures; and emergency risk communication practice—from strategizing, planning, coordinating, messaging, channeling, and different methods and approaches of communication and engagement, to monitoring and evaluation—based on a systematic assessment of the evidence on what worked and what did not work during recent emergencies.

This includes guidance on: building trust and engaging with communities and affected populations; integrating risk communication into existing national and local emergency preparedness and response structures; · ERC practice – It covers strategizing, planning, coordinating, messaging, channelling and different methods and approaches of communication and engagement. It also touches on monitoring and evaluation – based on a systematic assessment of the evidence on what worked and what did not work during recent emergencies.

Last modified: March 31, 2022

Language: Arabic, Chinese, English, Portuguese