Universal & Adaptable Information, Education & Communication Templates on Family Planning

These “universal templates” can be used by SBCC specialists who can draw in features that contextualize the images to their setting (such as hair, clothing). The “variation templates” are based on the “universal templates,” and have been adapted to represent four broad ethnic categories. The suggested text is available in English, and also Arabic, Burmese, Somali and Swahili to insert into the blank templates.

All images are based on a literature review of existing family planning-related IEC materials, many from development contexts. The materials have been reviewed by adolescents and community members representing several displacement settings, and practitioners of family planning.

Last modified: July 23, 2021

Language: Arabic, English, Somali, Swahili

Materials in Many Languages

Doctors of the World and British Red Cross have shared COVID-19 fact sheets available in many different languages. Files are in Word or PDF.

Source: Doctors of the World

Date of Publication: April 6, 2020

Medical Aid Films

Medical Aid Films aims to save the lives of vulnerable women and children in the developing world by providing innovative education and training through film.

The company produces resource-appropriate films to support skilled health worker training and community health education – used by over 1,300 organisation in 80 countries worldwide, and reaching more than 1 million people each year.

This web page lists all of the organization’s films.

Source: Medical Aid Films

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Radio Programs on FGM – Ethiopia

A project by Population Media Center includes the production of radio programs in three languages (Amharic, Afar, and Somali):

Source: Population Media Center

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Say No to FGM

This pamphlet is available in several languages, and spells out the types of FGM, health problems associated with it, FGM and religion, and where to get help.

Source: BAVA

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019