Project Example

PSMP Brochure for Employers

This brochure is a product of the Private Sector Malaria Prevention (PSMP) project. PSMP is a three-year pilot program (2016-2019) intended to facilitate a functioning supply chain and competitive market for long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) in Ghana.

The brochure introduces employers to the concept of malaria prevention in the workplace. It states that malaria prevention is a concept easily justied to corporate boards, as investments in malaria prevention have consistently offered rapid rates of return for businesses through reduced absenteeism, reduced costs for company-operated health facilities, and increased employee productivity. It also suggests how the employer can take part in the PSMP program.

The brochure also lists the following:

3 Focal Areas:

  • Retail Supply Chain and Demand Creation: Facilitate expansion of the commercial sector’s distribution of LLINs in urban retail markets.
  • Workplace Programs: Accelerate employer efforts to protect employees and communities from malaria.
  • Advocacy: Raise the profile and commitment by the private sector in malaria control.

Speciifc Objectives of PSMP:

  • Increase the number of retail outlets stocking LLINs;
  • Increase the demand for specialty LLINs sold in retail stores;
  • Increase the number of LLINs distributed/sold to households through commercial outlet sources;
  • Increase the number of employers distributing LLINs through their workplace programs;
  • Increase monetary value of non-public sector sources of LLINs for malaria prevention.

Source: UKAID, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 30, 2020