Stopping Dog Bites Helps Stop Rabies

In Sierra Leone, rabies is among the most highly prioritized zoonotic diseases responsible for hundreds of deaths per year. As access to vaccines and therapeutics remains a challenge, and as the majority of rabies cases are caused by dog bites, Breakthrough ACTION developed a social and behavior change campaign “Stopping Dog Bites Helps Stop Rabies”. The dog bites and rabies campaign was developed in close collaboration with the One Health Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) technical working group (TWG) and featured a campaign song, two radio spots, a job aid for providers, a reminder card to be used by for community engagement by community health workers and community animal health workers, and a poster for community members.

Since 2019, Breakthrough ACTION has conducted three rounds of dog bites and rabies campaigns in Kenema, Western Area Urban, and Moyamba and Western Area Rural, where the campaign reached 109,000 individuals, 350,456 individuals, and 105,265 individuals, respectively. The dog bites and rabies campaign trained 914 community mobilizers to conduct house-to-house visits and outreach to schools, colleges, healthcare facilities, markets, and parks. In addition to reaching community members with messages about key prevention behaviors related to dog bites, the campaign also prompted multiple communities to take action by establishing bylaws to decrease exposure to dog bites and rabies (i.e., bylaws around responsible dog ownership).


Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2023

Anthrax Prevention Campaign, Ethiopia

These materials were produced to be aired as part of the Zoonotic diseases prevention campaigns in selected places in Ethiopia.

Radio Spots

The messaging focuses on prevention methods such as avoiding touching, killing and eating of sick looking or dead animals. The spots are available in various languages: Amharic, Afaan Oromoo, and Tigrigna.

Avoid Eating Raw Meat, Spot 1 – Amharic, Afaan Oromoo, and Tigrigna

Avoid Eating Raw Meat, Spot 2, Amharic

Vaccination Radio Spot 1 – Amharic

Vaccination Radio Spot 2 – Amharic

Treatment Radio Spot – Amharic

Prevention Radio Spot – Amharic


Factsheet on Anthrax Prevention – Amharic

This fact sheet provides detailed information and contains key issues such as the causative agent of Anthrax, signs and symptoms both in animals and humans, modes of transmission, prevention methods, and actions to be taken when an animal or human beings get sick. It serves as reference material that can be used by human and animal health service providers, media professionals, teachers, and other stakeholders for effective communication with audiences for a better public health outcome on both animals and humans. Messages on the fact sheet are drawn from the national priority zoonotic diseases message guide. The fact sheet is available in Amharic language.


Anthrax Prevention Methods Brochure – Amharic

This brochure provides messages on signs and symptoms for both animals and humans, mode of transmission, and prevention methods of selected zoonotic diseases. The messages are based on the national priority zoonotic disease message guide. It encourages preventive behaviors such as regular vaccination of livestock, avoiding eating and drinking raw animal products, not touching animals that may be sick, and washing hands with soap and water. Literate community members have intended audiences for messages on the material. It is part of a campaign called “Anthrax prevention Roadshow.”


Anthrax Prevention Poster

This poster is developed to educate the community and encourage them to avoid touching, killing, and eating the meat of sick animals. It also encourages washing hands with soap and water after any contact with animals. The posters can be posted at public places such as health facilities, animal health clinics, schools, and other relevant public places. Messages on the poster are extracted from the national priority zoonotic diseases message guide. The poster is available in Amharic, Afan Oromo, and Tigrigna.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 19, 2020