Le Guide Pratique du Design Centré sur l’Humain

Adopter le design centré sur l’humain, c’est s’ouvrir à l’idée que tous les problèmes peuvent être résolus, même ceux qui semblent insurmontables comme la pauvreté, l’égalité des sexes ou l’accès à l’eau propre.

C’est aussi accepter que ce sont les gens confrontés à ces problèmes au quotidien qui détiennent la clé de la solution. Le design centré sur l’humain offre aux personnes chargées de résoudre les problèmes la possibilité de chercher des solutions de concert avec les collectivités, de vraiment comprendre les gens qu’elles cherchent à servir, d’imaginer une multitude d’idées et de parvenir à des solutions innovantes, ancrées dans les besoins réels des gens.

Last modified: April 5, 2022

Language: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese

Source: IDEO

Year of Publication: 2015

Coronavirus — COVID-19 Factsheet

This factsheet offers information for the public on the basics of COVID-19.

Included is information on:

  • What is COVID-19?
  • How does it spread?
  • Who does it infect?
  • How can you prevent infection?

Last modified: December 9, 2021

Language: Chinese, English, Filipino, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Kiswahili, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese




    COVID-Ready Communication Playbook for Health Professionals

    The team at VitalTalk crowdsourced this playbook to provide some practical advice to health care professionals on how to talk to their patients about some difficult topics related to COVID-19.

    Building on their experience studying and teaching communication they’ve drawn on their networks to crowdsource the challenges and match them with advice from some of the best clinicians they know.

    Last modified: June 18, 2020

    Language: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Urdu, Vietnamese




      COVideo19 Student-Led Initiative

      COVideo19 is an initiative led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health students aimed at providing science-based, social media friendly information on COVID-19 in multiple languages. The students are part of the Digital Health Society, the student arm of the Johns Hopkins University Global mHealth Initiative.

      The video series, aimed at young, connected audiences around the globe, challenges viewers to become “public health warriors” and combines scientific knowledge about COVID-19 with instructions on how to help stop its spread. In addition to the introductory video—now available in 20 languages and counting—COVideo19 features brief Q&As in multiple languages that address common myths, misconceptions, and concerns sourced from students’ home communities, ranging from the effects of COVID-19 on mental health to the seasonality of the coronavirus. The videos are available on the School’s playlist.

      Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

      Date of Publication: May 17, 2020

      Cholera Prevention Animated Video

      This video, which can be used on smart phones, describes several techniques that can be used to help prevent cholera, including methods of treating water, washing of hands, and seeking medical advice if/when one has the symptoms of cholera.

      The video is available for download in many languages and can be downloaded to a computer, cell phone, smart phone, or for broadcast.

      Source: SAWBO

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

      Watch Out for False Friends!

      This animated video, available in English, French, Portuguese and Japanese, explains how counterfeit medications can look exactly like legitimate medication and how the public can easily be fooled in purchcasing medication that will not work and may even harm. or kill, patients.

      Source: Fight the Fakes

      Date of Publication: March 25, 2019