Provider Behavior Change Toolkit for Family Planning

The Provider Behavior Change Toolkit for Family Planning builds on the Provider Behavior Ecosystem to inspire practical solutions in these areas.

The toolkit helps users:

  1. Identify, understand, and prioritize factors influencing provider behavior.
  2. Design and implement locally appropriate, supportive provider-related initiatives that address root causes of behavior.

The toolkit guides users through an empathy-focused, four-step process that supports providers, clients, and district health teams in identifying and prioritizing the root causes of provider behavior and generating local solutions. To deliver a holistic view of provider behavior, the toolkit employs a systems lens. The toolkit also uses a multi-level approach to gather perspectives and input on provider behavior from a variety of stakeholders. It positions providers as part of the inquiry and solution development process rather than as part of the problem.

What is included in the Provider Behavior Change Toolkit?

  • Diagnostic tools to help users identify and prioritize provider-related barriers and facilitators to the delivery of quality health services in multiple contexts.
  • Synthesis tools that help users summarize information from the diagnostic process and prioritize challenges to be addressed by programmatic activities.
  • Programmatic tools that help users design and implement more effective provider-related initiatives.
  • An instruction booklet that guides users through the process of implementing the toolkit.

A companion instructional video is also available in English and French.

Last modified: June 10, 2024

Language: English, French

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Year of Publication: 2022

HIPs Implementation Tools

Tools for Implementing and Scaling Up the High Impact Practices

The HIPs Implementation Tools project aims to compile crucial resources for family planning practitioners, such as policymakers and program managers, to effectively implement and expand Family Planning High Impact Practices (HIPs). In response to the growing need for resources that not only explain the effectiveness of family planning HIPs, but also offer practical guidance on implementing and scaling up these practices, the project collaborates with experts and implementers to curate a summary collection of existing guidance documents that are hosted on the FP insight platform. These resources are vetted for relevance and accessibility, ensuring they offer actionable insights, supporting the implementation and scaling up of the HIPs for the benefit of the wider FP/RH community. 

Last modified: May 28, 2024

Source: Family Planning High Impact Practices

Year of Publication: 2024

The Insights 101 Playbook: A Dynamic Learning Starter Kit

The Insights 101 Playbook is an introductory guide to one of the key building blocks of dynamic social and behavior change (SBC) project design: insights. It has been designed to offer concise and practical guidelines with examples—from identifying insights to applying and sharing them across project partners. Consider insights as the distillation of formative research that allows you to include the research findings in the design.

What’s inside?
The Playbook includes three chapters that use a case example to walk through the different insight phases:

  1. Identify and articulate insights
  2. Convert an insight into an opportunity
  3. Share and apply insights

The chapters provide an overview with clear guidance, a case study, and a capacity-strengthening component. There are insights about teams, approaches, processes, and more.

Last modified: February 9, 2024

Language: English, French

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Year of Publication: 2024

Needs Assessment and Design Methodology to Guide Large-Scale Food Fortification and Broader Programming to Improve Diets: Tools 1 and 2 in the LSFF Methodology Series

The LSFF Operational Overview describes the purpose and target audience for tools to assess diets, markets, and diet cost and affordability, and summarizes the key steps in the methodology, including a decision tree on how to select existing data to conduct a needs assessment and design/redesign LSFF and broader programming. The Methods Guide describes the “how” of each step in the methodology. The Operational Overview and Methods Guide complement the USAID Large-Scale Food Fortification Programming Guide and results framework by providing methods to use existing data to better understand the contribution of LSFF programs to improve micronutrient intake, and ultimately, to help achieve the strategic objective and intermediate results in the USAID LSFF results framework.

Last modified: January 2, 2024

Language: English

Source: USAID Advancing Nutrition

Year of Publication: 2023

Defining Social and Behavior Change Competencies for Multi-Sectoral Nutrition: A List for Assessing, Developing, and Evaluating Staff Skills

This tool identifies 52 social and behavior change competencies—knowledge, skills, and attitudes—that project staff must demonstrate to design, implement, and evaluate the SBC components of multi-sectoral nutrition programs. It seeks to help program managers define the competencies most relevant to their activities and identify skill gaps across their project teams, and then use those competencies to guide hiring decisions, identify areas for capacity strengthening, and track changes in performance over time.

Last modified: December 29, 2023

Language: English, French

Source: USAID Advancing Nutrition

Year of Publication: 2020

Family Planning Sermon and Messaging Guide for Faith Communities

This guide is designed to support faith communities, congregations and religious leaders who want to improve family planning (FP) literacy and acceptance through sermons and other messaging opportunities. The sermon guide addresses how religious texts and sacred traditions can help break the silence on FP and correct misinformation. The guide addresses sacred texts and norms from Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, the Baha’i faith, and Sikhism and includes messages that can be tailored to each faith. The messages can be delivered in a variety of settings, including at worship services, faith community ceremonies, or other events.

Last modified: November 29, 2023

Language: English

Source: Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH)

Year of Publication: 2023

Tutorat: A Comprehensive Approach to Empowering Health Care Providers and Their Facilities in Senegal

This brief details the Tutorat approach, which emphasizes capacity building of health service providers within their health centers by trained peers through intensive on-site, on-the-job, tailored mentorship over the period of several months. Providers participating in this approach had impressive gains in the reproductive health modules: Management of pregnancy, deliveryand post-partum and Family planning.

This resource is also available in French.

Source: IntraHealth

Date of Publication: March 31, 2023

Adapting a Radio Magazine Program in a New Geography

This how-to guide is developed for program managers who want to implement radio magazine programs that have been proven to inspire behavior change around family planning.

The original radio programs were developed for specific Nigerian cities and States and are adaptable to other locations which may not be similar to the location and language of the original program. In NURHI 2, a radio magazine programme ‘Ireti Eda’, developed for Oyo was adapted for broadcast in Ogun and Ondo States and was proven successful in changing family planning intention to use in those States.

This was successful because the program manager followed a process of adaptation as highlighted in this how to guide.

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

A How-to-Guide in Conducting Effective and Vibrant Social Mobilization Activity

The Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI 2) project is designed to increase contraceptive use in Kaduna, Lagos and Oyo states. It is an extension of the successful NURHI Phase 1 Project (2009 – 2014) and runs from 2015 – 2020.

This second phase of NURHI builds on successful strategies implemented over a six-year period in six Nigerian cities. Through a strategic combination of service delivery, communication and advocacy, the project aims to increase demand for and supply of family planning (FP) services, ultimately leading to longterm sustainability.

NURHI 2 uses communication to increase demand for family planning among men and women through an integrated communication strategy that employs a combination of social mobilization, media campaigns, and entertainment education.

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

NURHI 2 Social Mobilization Tools

Social mobilization has been used over the years at different times to increase awareness of social issues and promote change at the community level. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of social mobilization in improving health-seeking behaviors.

In family planning, social mobilization is used to generate demand for products and services through community-based activities, such as neighborhood campaigns, community dialogues and key life events. In NURHI 2, programming for young persons is intentional, with discussions around life planning and reproductive health.These activities promote family planning discussions at the community level and direct potential clients to health facilities for more information on family planning and uptake of modern family planning methods.

All mobilization activities focus on making family planning information available and bringing the services closer to the community members, even in hard-to-reach areas.

The following tools are available on the page:

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020