VRIDDHI Scaling Up RMNCH+A Interventions

This brochure describes USAID’s flagship project VRIDDHI which provides techno-managerial support to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and the state governments of Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Punjab, and Uttarakhand to plan, implement and monitor RMNCH+A interventions at scale.

The Project contributes to strengthening health systems in several ways – it trains and mentors service providers, generates and shares evidence to inform decision making, advocates for and supports the reorganization of institutional processes leading to better service delivery, improved access, and increased utilization of RMNCH+A services nationally and in the USAID focus states of India.


Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Wazazi Nipendeni Campaign Materials

This is a complete annotated list of the materials produced during Phase I of the Wazazi Nipendeni campaign in Tanzania, 2012-2013. The materials include: posters, brochures, TV spots, radio spots, billboards, radio jingles, an SP reminder card and a pregnancy wheel.

It is interesting to note changes made to several of the materials during pretesting:

Colors: We had a very ‘colorful’ campaign at the outset, with each print and outdoor material on a different color background. We realized, however, that we needed to have a much more consistent look and feel in order to truly establish the Wazazi Nipendeni brand. We decided on a purple and yellow color scheme, and have carried that throughout every execution

Birth planning poster: The individual birth planning poster, for instance, started as a checklist, where you could tick off each component of your plan. However, it was crowded and cluttered and too much to take in. We ended up switching to illustrations of each component, and positioned them in the shape of a heart, thereby significantly reducing the text, increasing its visual appeal, and showing how they all tie together.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Reproductive and Child Health Section (MOHSW-RCHS)

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019