Managing Rumors During the COVID-19 Pandemic : Five Lessons and Actions from Health Journalists in Guinea 

This technical brief explores the lessons learned by journalists in Guinea on managing rumors during the COVID-19 pandemic. On the front lines against misinformation, they received crisis communication and rumor management training through several initiatives supported by Breakthrough ACTION. After four years of collaboration, a final workshop was held to review best practices and challenges faced. This document synthesizes these insights, offering actionable recommendations to strengthen efforts against misinformation during health crises.

This technical brief is available in French and English

Gestion des rumeurs pendant la pandémie de COVID-19: Cinq leçons et actions des journalistes de santé en Guinée

Ce brief technique explore les enseignements tirés par les journalistes en Guinée pour gérer les rumeurs pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. En première ligne face à la désinformation, ils ont été formés à la communication de crise et à la gestion des rumeurs dans le cadre de plusieurs initiatives soutenues par Breakthrough ACTION. Après quatre années de collaboration, un atelier final a permis de faire le point sur les bonnes pratiques et les défis rencontrés. Ce document synthétise ces retours d’expérience, offrant des pistes d’action pour renforcer la lutte contre la désinformation en période de crise sanitaire.

Ce brief technique est disponible en Français et en Anglais

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: September 9, 2024

Guide de dialogue communautaire et boîte à images de Breakthrough ACTION Guinée pour la promotion du vaccin COVID-19 / Breakthrough ACTION Guinea’s Community Dialogue Guide and Image Box for Promotion of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Nous sommes ravis de présenter deux outils conçus pour renforcer l’engagement communautaire et promouvoir l’acceptation du vaccin COVID-19 : le “Guide de Dialogue Communautaire” et pour l’accompagner, la “Boite á Image”. Développés par le projet Breakthrough ACTION Guinea, ces ressources sont des outils pratiques pour renforcer l’adhésion à la vaccination”. Le Guide du Dialogue Communautaire est un manuel complet qui permet de planifier et de mettre en œuvre des dialogues communautaires efficaces en facilitant des conversations constructives sur le vaccin COVID-19. Associée à cela, la Boite à Image contient des supports visuels pour compléter les discussions et transmettre des informations cruciales. Ensemble, ces outils donnent aux communautés les moyens de prendre des décisions éclairées et de contribuer à l’effort collectif pour surmonter les défis posés par la pandémie. Les outils sont adaptables à d’autres vaccins ou sujets de santé et ne sont disponibles qu’en français. 

Breakthrough ACTION Guinée souhaite remercier l’équipe du Cameroun pour avoir fourni une base à la Boite à Image.


Breakthrough ACTION Guinea’s Community Dialogue Guide and Image Box for Promotion of the COVID-19 Vaccine

This resource includes two innovative tools designed to enhance community engagement and foster COVID-19 vaccine acceptance: the “Guide de Dialogue Communautaire” (Community Dialogue Guide) and its companion “Boite á Image” (Image Box). Developed by the Breakthrough ACTION Guinea project, these resources are a packet of practical tools to strengthen vaccination Adherence. The Community Dialogue Guide serves as a comprehensive manual to plan and implement effective community dialogues by facilitating meaningful conversations about the COVID-19 vaccine. Paired with it, the Image Box contains visual aids to complement discussions and convey crucial information to participants. Together, these tools empower communities to make informed decisions and contribute to the collective effort in overcoming the challenges posed by the pandemic. The tools are adaptable to other vaccines or health topics and only available in French.  

Breakthrough ACTION Guinea would like to thank the Cameroon team for providing a base for the Boite à Image (Image Box).  

Last modified: November 23, 2023

Language: French

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Year of Publication: 2023

The COVID-19 Message Toolkit

This Message Toolkit was designed to help the Department of Health (DOH) staff, local government stakeholders, non-government organizations, international organizations and others to communicate consistently and effectively about COVID-19. It is a one-stop-shop for all messages about COVID-19.

The messages here have been reviewed and approved by the Department of Health (DOH).

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Philippines Department of Health

Date of Publication: April 12, 2021

Guide for the Preparation of a Risk Communication Strategy for COVID-19 Vaccines: A Resource for the Countries of the Americas

This document was created to facilitate the preparation of a risk communication and community engagement strategy for vaccination against COVID-19.

Its goal is to help to strengthen the communication and planning capacities of the ministries or secretariats of health and other agencies in charge of communicating about new COVID-19 vaccines in the Americas.

It also includes a matrix for the preparation of a risk communication strategy for COVID-19 vaccines.

Source: PAHO

Date of Publication: March 18, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – Community Pharmacy Interventions

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These materials were created for community pharmacy interventions:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – Patient Isolation and Patient Pathway

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These are posters explaining the basics of patient isolation and referral, and the patient pathway

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – User Testimonials

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These are posters with testimonials from pharmacists about how the materials helped them do their jobs better.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021