Peser en faveur de la transformation des normes de genre dans divers programmes de changement social et de comportement en Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale: Enseignements et considérations

Ce rapport présente des études de cas mettant en lumière des programmes de CSC dans des pays francophones d’Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale et souligne les efforts déployés pour intégrer la dimension de genre de manière adaptée à la culture et au contexte. Elles illustrer la façon dont les programmes peuvent faire avancer les choses sur le continuum d’intégration de genre (de l’absence de distinction entre les genres à la transformation des normes de genre) et pour fournir d’importants enseignements et considérations pour éclairer des efforts similaires via Breakthrough ACTION et d’autres programmes de CSC dans le monde.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 17, 2023

Trends in maternal mortality 2000 to 2020: estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group, and UNDESA/Population Division

This report presents internationally comparable global, regional, and country-level estimates and trends for maternal mortality between 2000 and 2020.

The United Nations Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group (MMEIG) – comprising WHO, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Bank Group and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (UNDESA/Population Division) has collaborated with external technical experts on a new round of estimates covering 2000 to 2020. The estimates represent the most up-to-date, internationally-comparable MMEIG estimates of maternal mortality, using refined input data and methods from previous rounds.

Source: WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and UNDESA/Population Division

Date of Publication: June 8, 2023

The State of Women and Leadership in Global Health

Women in Global Health undertook this research on the state of women’s leadership and global health to assess the pace of change at the global level, the impact of the pandemic and inform recommendations with country experiences from India, Kenya, and Nigeria.

The headline conclusion is that women are still significantly underrepresented in health leadership and that impacts negatively on women affected and on health systems. It is therefore everybody’s business. Women working in health have the right to equal leadership opportunities, and health systems need their expertise.

Source: Women in Global Health

Date of Publication: June 8, 2023

Fourth round of the global pulse survey on continuity of essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic: November 2022–January 2023

To better understand the extent of health system and essential health service disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO has conducted four rounds of the Pulse survey on continuity of essential health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This report presents global findings from 139 countries, territories and areas that participated in the fourth survey round during November 2022 – January 2023 (with late submissions accepted until 10 March 2023). The findings offer critical insight from country key informants into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on essential health services, the main challenges health systems are facing to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic while maintaining other essential health service delivery, and how countries are responding to mitigate disruptions, recover services, and ultimately strengthen health system and services resilience and preparedness for future health emergencies.

Source: WHO

Date of Publication: June 8, 2023

Plan d’action opérationnel intégré (PAOI)

Le plan d’action opérationnel intégré (PAOI) est un document de planification des activités des acteurs qui interviennent dans le cadre d’Une Seule Sante (USS). Ce document est élaboré chaque année au cours d’un atelier qui regroupe les acteurs d’USS. Le PAOI est un outil de coordination qui permet de savoir qui fait quoi et quand. Il permet également d’éviter la duplication des interventions des acteurs de la plateforme.

Integrated Operational Action Plan (IOAP)

The Integrated Operational Action Plan (IOAP) is a planning document for the activities of actors involved in One Health (OH). This document is developed each year during a workshop that brings together the OH actors. The IOAP is a coordination tool that makes it possible to know who does what and when. It also helps to avoid duplication of interventions by the platform’s actors. The PAOIs are only available in French. 

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 6, 2023

Aperçu des rumeurs, Février 2023

Ce document est le rapport février 2023 sur l’écoute sociale concernant la COVID-19.

Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire a collecté et analysé 295 rumeurs liés à la COVID-19 de façon générale, des nouvelles croyances à la vaccination COVID-19, à la rage, à d’autres maladies à partir de l’écoute communautaire et de l’écoute sociale dans l’optique de mieux gérer l’infodemie.

Overview of Rumors, February 2023

This document is the February 2023 social listening report for COVID-19.

Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire collected and analyzed 295 rumors related to COVID-19 in general, new beliefs about COVID-19 vaccination, rabies, and other diseases from community listening and social listening in order to better manage the infodemic.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 21, 2023

Can Light-touch Enhancements Improve Postpartum Family Planning Use Among First-time Mothers: Findings from small-scale testing of an integrated approach in Tanzania

This report provides an overview of progress and findings from the first phase of the Connect Project which aims to develop approaches to increase first time mothers’ (FTMs’) postpartum family planning  (PPFP) use that can both be feasibly implemented by local and international organizations and, to the extent feasible, sustained by governments without project funding. This report focuses on results from  Tanzania, where Connect “enhances” USAID’s Lishe Endelevu (“sustainable nutrition”) project with light-touch, scalable approaches that aim to address the key barriers to FTMs’ PPFP use.

Source: Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, Save the Children International

Date of Publication: March 15, 2023

Can Light-touch Enhancements Improve Postpartum Family Planning Use Among First-time Mothers: Findings from small-scale testing of an integrated approach in Bangladesh

This report provides an overview of progress and findings from the first phase of the Connect Project which aims to develop approaches to increase first time mothers’ (FTMs’) postpartum family planning  (PPFP) use that can both be feasibly implemented by local and international organizations and, to the extent feasible, sustained by governments without project funding. This report focuses on results from Bangladesh, where Connect is known as Shongzog and “enhances” USAID’s MaMoni Maternal and Newborn Care Strengthening Project (MNCSP) with light-touch, scalable approaches. We use “Shongzog”, which means “the connection” to refer to Connect’s efforts in Bangladesh throughout this document.

Source: Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University, Save the Children International

Date of Publication: March 15, 2023

Using Artificial Intelligence to Craft Clear Air Campaigns

This article looks into the use of artificial intelligence in clean-air campaigns in India. Artificial intelligence tools can provide efficient frameworks to design and propagate clean air campaigns for the greatest online reach and effectiveness.

Air pollution causes nearly two million deaths in India every year. As many as 21 out of the 30 most polluted cities in the world are in India. Yet, public outrage and civic action towards air pollution are sporadic and scattered, peaking during Diwali but remaining low-key for the rest of the year.

In light of this trend, Clean Air Fund and Quilt.AI studied the history and impact of 30 major environmental and public health campaigns in India since 2015. We sought to answer some key questions: What makes a campaign effective? What are the communication cues adopted by them? What is the role of timing and semiotics?

Source: India Climate Dialogue

Date of Publication: February 21, 2023

Big data in Digital Healthcare: Lessons Learnt and Recommendations for General Practice

The authors of this article propose recommendations for guidelines and regulations of data use in healthcare centering on the creation of a unique global patient ID that can integrate data from a variety of healthcare providers. In addition, they expand upon the topic by discussing potential pitfalls of Big Data such as the lack of diversity in Big Data research, and the security and transparency risks posed by machine learning algorithms.

Source: Asian Development Bank

Date of Publication: February 21, 2023