Niger National Malaria Control Program Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Campaign Videos

These videos were produced by the Niger National Malaria Control Program to maintain the public’s awareness about malaria during the COVID-19 pandemic. The videos are in Hausa and Zarma.

Videos in Hausa

Videos in Zarma

Source: Niger National Malaria Control Program

Date of Publication: August 11, 2021

Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite Campaign Overview – India

Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite (Don’t Take the Bite Lightly) is a national health education campaign to drive malaria prevention and treatment during COVID-19 in India.

This informational slide deck introduces the Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite campaign, including the challenge of COVID-19 and the objectives and future opportunities of the campaign.

For more information, visit:

Date of Publication: July 13, 2021