Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP) – List of Campaigns
The Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP) was a 5-year (2010-2016), USAID-funded project led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) in collaboration with Media for Development International (MFDI), CARE Tanzania, and the Tanzania Communication and Development Center (TCDC).
To learn more about each specific TCCP campaign/activity, go to the following links:
Aiisseee! (I Say!)

Aiisseee! (“I Say!”) is a radio-based game show designed to improve couple communication and promote couple connectedness by giving contestants and listeners the chance to discuss serious relationship issues in a humorous way. In a weekly, 30-minute radio program, three couples compete against each other to see which contestant couple knows each other the best, with the goal of winning a romantic getaway for two. Studio sessions are interspersed with interviews from men and women on the street on related topics. Through its combined game show and documentary formats, the show acts as a platform for conversations about HIV prevention, maternal and child health, and family planning, using a subtle yet provocative approach in order to create a comfortable forum for addressing hard-to-discuss issues in a non-confrontational way.
Get to Zero

President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete launched Tanzania’s elimination of mother to child transmission of HIV (eMTCT) campaign on World AIDS Day 2012. In support of Tanzania’s efforts to eliminate MTCT, TCCP has been providing communication technical assistance to MoHSW and implementing partners for the regional roll-out of lifelong ART for pregnant and lactating mothers, including the development and production of posters, banners, fliers, t-shirts, fact sheets, and press releases. The campaign calls for pregnant and lactating women to test and start treatment as soon as they are diagnosed. TCCP worked closely with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to finalize the National eMTCT Communication Strategy.
Green Star

Fuata Nyota ya Kijani (“Follow the Green Star”) is a national family planning campaign that aims contribute toward the national target of 60% contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) by 2015 by increasing demand for family planning information, products and services. The campaign promotes contraceptives with the understanding that their use can allow women to space their pregnancies in a healthy way, allowing them to regain their strength and focus on their newborn before a subsequent pregnancy, thereby improving health outcomes for both women and children. Led by the MoHSW, the revitalized Green Star campaign builds off the success of original Green Star campaign, previously launched by His Excellency Ali Hassan Mwinyi in 1993. Green Star is being rolled out on radio, through electronic and print media, in health facilities, and at the community level. The “mobile for reproductive health” (m4rh) platform provides women and their families with more information on reproductive health, free of charge.
Infection Prevention and Control

As part of an effort to increase infection prevention and control, a strategy was developed, out of which a set of SBC materials was created.

Jiamini! was a national campaign in Tanzania designed to empower women to initiate use of modern methods of family planning and encourage male support of family planning.
Malaria Safe

Malaria Safe is a platform that works with the private sector to prevent and reduce the malaria burden on their employees, businesses, and the country by encouraging companies to invest in educating and protecting their staff,families, and surrounding communities against malaria. Members of the initiative represent a wide range of private sectors partners committed to investing their own resources in health in order to carry out malaria activities under four guiding pillars:
(1.) Education – Teaching staff and their families about malaria;
(2.) Protection – Making insecticide treated nets, and malaria testing and treatment freely available;
(3.) Visibility – Running malaria campaigns; and
(4.) Advocacy – Inviting other companies to join.
Mothers and Infants: Safe, Healthy Alive (MAISHA)

The Mothers and Infants: Safe, Healthy Alive (MAISHA) project in Tanzania was aimed at various aspects of safe motherhood.
Most Vulnerable Children

In Tanzania, The National Costed Plan of Action (NCPAII) for Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) was developed to guide the implementation of actions and policies during 2013-2017 that aim to enhance the wellbeing of MVC. NCPAII aimed to prevent and reduce health and social risks for MVCs, and protect the rights of MVCs. This multi-sectoral plan was developed by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare through the Department of Social Welfare (DSW) in collaboration with other ministries, development partners and stakeholders.
Not Every Fever is Malaria

Sio Kila Homa ni Malaria (Not Every Fever is Malaria) is a national radio campaign focused on promoting early malaria testing and appropriate treatment for malaria. The malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test has been rolled out nationwide, and formative research showed that: 1.) Many people were still self-medicating for malaria, and 2.) When they did go and
test and were found negative, clients and health providers alike often did not believe the results Sio Kila Homa ni Malaria aims to motivate clients and health service providers to test any fever for malaria, since malaria prevalence is reducing, and not all fevers are malaria. The campaign is a collaborative effort between the National Malaria Control Program, Clinton Health Access Initiative, and TCCP. In addition to encouraging testing, treating and completion of malaria medication once found positive, the campaign also promotes a branded, low-cost rapid diagnostic test available in private clinics
Safari ya Mafanikio (Journey of Success)

The Safari ya Mafanikio CRK’s unique and highly participatory methodology applies the principles of effective learning, engaging participants through interactive storytelling, drama, games, metaphors, personal risk assessments, and other innovative activities that inspire solution-seeking behaviors and shift mental models around deeply held cultural values. Activities do not just inform the audience what they should or should not do, but also enable a motivating connection with why they should or should not do it, in a manner effective for literate and non-literate audiences.
School Net Program

The Tanzania School Net Program involved distribution of treated nets to both children ages 6-14 years and heads of household as primary audiences, empowering these audiences to take action while clearly conveying the benefits of getting everyone covered – including neighbors – by drawing on popular “sharing” beliefs that exist in Tanzania.
Siri ya Mtungi

Siri ya Mtungi (“Secrets of the Pot”) is a 26-episode TV serial drama that promotes HIV prevention behaviors (HIV testing, condom use, prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV, voluntary medical male circumcision, and reduction of concurrent partnerships), and advocates for uptake of family planning and maternal and child health through research-informed entertainment-education. The show and its colorful cast of characters have reached millions of Tanzanians throughout the country through its broadcast on national television, distribution on DVD, availability on YouTube, and innovative partnership with Vodacom’s mobile television platform. With over 225,000 fans, Siri ya Mtungi’s Facebook page is one of the largest in the country.
Pata Tohara (Get Circumcised)

Tohara (Circumcision) is a voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) campaign implemented in non-traditionally circumcising regions of Tanzania. Tohara aims to contribute to the reduction of new HIV infections among males, and indirectly among females, by promoting uptake of VMMC at static service delivery sites and through outreach services. TCCP supports several service delivery partners in demand creation for VMMC in implementing regions using radio spots, testimonials and print materials with the slogan “Maisha ni Sasa! Wahi Tohara! Pata kinga, kuwa msafi!” (“Life is now! Go for circumcision now! Get protected and be clean”). Key messages are around the benefits and safety of VMMC, availability of VMMC services, and importance of couple communication
Tuko Wangapi? Tulizana (How Many Are We? Settle Down)

Tuko wangapi? Tulizana (“How many are we? Settle down”) is a national HIV prevention campaign led by the Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) National AIDS Control Program (NACP) and the Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) with the goal of reducing the practice of overlapping sexual partnerships. Phase I aimed to increase knowledge of what a sexual network is and why it is risky, and examine the health, social, emotional, and other consequences of concurrency. Phase II focused on how to reduce concurrent partnerships by facilitating solutions, providing tips, and building skills on how to communicate more effectively and improve your relationship with your main partner, and how to end relationships with outside partners. The campaign actively promotes partner reduction, condom use and HIV testing and counseling, particularly for couples. An intensive radio and TV media buy is supported by outdoor, print, and promotional materials, an active social media campaign, interventions with institutions of higher learning, and robust community engagement.
Tunakuthamini (We Value You!)

Tunakuthamini was a coordinated, branded, national, multi-channeled HIV treatment campaign targeting supporters of PLHIV and PLHIV themselves that is rolled out by all stakeholders in targeted geographic locations and health facilities.
Wazazi Nipendeni (Love, Me, Parents)

Wazazi Nipendeni (“Love me, parents”) is a national campaign designed to empower pregnant women and their partners to take the steps necessary for a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery, and proper care for the newborn during the first 12 months. Through the framework of the Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Morality in Africa in Tanzania (CARMMA/Tz), Wazazi Nipendeni’s goal is to integrate all safe motherhood areas under one platform and emphasize key behaviors that are proven to promote maternal and newborn health, including early and complete ANC attendance, couple HIV testing and the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV through Option B+, IPTp uptake and nightly net use to prevent malaria in pregnancy, and the creation of an individual birth plan that includes delivery in a health facility with a skilled provider. Phase II expands the campaign into the post-partum period, and addresses the importance of iron and folic acid, tetanus toxoid, vitamin A, post-natal care, danger signs, early and exclusive breastfeeding, immunizations, and post-partum family planning. The campaign is led by the Reproductive and Child Health Section (RCHS) of the MoHSW in coordination with the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP), NACP, the Health Promotion and Education Section (HPES), and the mHealth Partnership within the MoHSW. Wazazi Nipendeni’s mass media channels are supported by a strong health facility presence through the active involvement of a number of service delivery partners. All campaign materials refer users to the Healthy Mama, Healthy Baby Text
Messaging Service, a free SMS platform supported by CDC Foundation.
Zanzibar Malaria Elimination

From 2013 to 2016, there was a campaign in Zanzibar to eliminate malaria. The Tanzaia Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP) supported the Zanzibar Malaria Eimination Program (ZAMEP) in the creation of SBCC materials to support malaria control on Zanzibar.
Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs
Date of Publication: May 20, 2020
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