If You Are Experiencing Any Form of Violence or Abuse

This poster targets women and children who may be experience abuse or violence in the home.

The key messages, in English and Siswati, encourage women to reach out to supportive family, friends, or neighbours for support, provide local emergency contact numbers to call, and to seek out locally available support services.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 4, 2020

Make a Safety Plan for Yourself and Your Children

This poster, available in English and Siswati, targets women and children in Eswatini who may be experiencing violence at home. The key message highlights the importance of having a safety plan if women and children need to leave in a hurry because of abuse or violence.

Steps include identifying a trusted person and place to go, having a plan on how to get there and bringing key personal documents needed. It also provides contact details of local support services available in country.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 4, 2020

Be Safe In Places Of Worship – English and Siswati

This poster is designed for places of worship to remind congregations of key prevention practices during faith services.

Key behaviors include the importance of physical distancing, wearing a mask, no touching or sharing of objects and handwashing.

Other safety measures reinforce the importance of good ventilation inside, maintaining physical distancing when entering and leaving the worship space, and staying at home when unwell.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: September 24, 2020

COVID-19 and Churches: Reminders for Faith Based Settings

These are five reminders for COVID-19 prevention designed for faith-based settings, and all are available in English and Siswati.

The message “Because I care about you” reinforces the importance of maintaining physical distance and wearing a mask while in the market, standing in line, and sitting in a place of worship for everyone’s safety,

Other key messages focus on protecting others by staying at home when sick and the importance of compassion and prayer for a speedy recovery.

The five reminders:

  1. Keeping physical distance: English Siswati
  2. Prayer: English Siswati
  3. Stay home when you feel sick: English Siswati
  4. Sitting far apart: English Siswati
  5. Market: English Siswati

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: September 24, 2020

COVID-19 Posters, Cambodia

Below are three posters produced to instruct the public about various aspects of living during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Breastfeeding – This graphic of a mother holding her child contains information on how to safely breastfeed when mothers are infected with COVID-19.

General prevention – This graphic contain information on general preventive behaviors such as physical distance, mask use and hand hygiene.

Self-isolation – This graphic promotes self-isolation and information on what self-isolation means and why it is important.

COVID Prevention for Children – This poster contains a graphic of general preventive behaviors such as hand washing, sneezing into elbow, and symptoms, with Khmer text.

Handwashing – This poster provides step by step instructions on how to wash hands properly with soap and water.

Source: Save the Children

Date of Publication: August 12, 2020

Malawi SSDI Project Materials

In 2011, the Support for Service Delivery Integration (SSDI)-Communication was implemented by JHU/CCP in collaboration with Save the Children. SSDI-Communication developed and disseminated behavior change communication materials on 6six priority health areas- family planning and reproductive health, malaria, HIV/AIDS, maternal, neonatal and child health, nutrition, and WASH.

Family Planning Billboard

Family Planning Implant Poster

Net Use Billboard

Family Health booklet

Family Planning booklet

Music4Life AllStars Video

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: August 12, 2020

TCI University Resource Collection

This Resource Collection covers The Challenge Initative (TCI)’s tools, job aids, brochures, magazines, posters, and many other types of materials.

The collection includes materials on:

  • Services and Supply
  • Demand Generation
  • Advocacy
  • Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

All You Need to Know about COVID 19

This primer contains all basic information on COVID-19 intended for the general public and printed in broadsheets. It has short sections on transmission, common symptoms, ways to protect yourself, steps to take if you catch the virus, and Q&A.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020