Family Planning Sermon and Messaging Guide for Faith Communities

This guide is designed to support faith communities, congregations and religious leaders who want to improve family planning (FP) literacy and acceptance through sermons and other messaging opportunities. The sermon guide addresses how religious texts and sacred traditions can help break the silence on FP and correct misinformation. The guide addresses sacred texts and norms from Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, the Baha’i faith, and Sikhism and includes messages that can be tailored to each faith. The messages can be delivered in a variety of settings, including at worship services, faith community ceremonies, or other events.

Last modified: November 29, 2023

Language: English

Source: Christian Connections for International Health (CCIH)

Year of Publication: 2023

Message Guide for the Fight Against Malaria in Malawi

The Message Guide for the Fight Against Malaria in Malawi is an accompanying document to the National Malaria Communication Strategy 2022-2030 to operationalize malaria intervention-specific plans. The purpose of the guide is to assist in the development of standardized and focused malaria SBC materials in the following thematic areas: insecticide-treated nets (ITN), case management, intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy (IPTp), and indoor residual spraying (IRS).

Source: Malawi Ministry of Health, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, USAID

Date of Publication: July 28, 2023

The Malawi National Malaria Communication Strategy 2022-2030

This National Malaria Communication Strategy (NMCS) articulates the role SBC will play in the implementation of Malawi’s National Malaria Strategic Plan.

In the years since the 2017-2022 National Malaria Strategic Plan, Malawi has developed a broader set of National Health Communication guidelines, which are outlined in the HSSP III. As this overall strategy outlines how all partners are to integrate their activities and implement under the same set priorities, the new National Malaria Strategic Plan and this accompanying National Malaria Communication Strategy achieve the same goals: the facilitation of behavior change among individuals, households, and communities towards the adoption of positive health behaviors through effective communication, health promotion, interpreted health services, collaboration, evidence-based interventions, equity, social inclusion, and community empowerment and participation.

Source: Malawi Ministry of Health, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, USAID

Date of Publication: July 28, 2023

USAID and Breakthrough ACTION R-CEFM Remedial Education Program Learning Documents

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Breakthrough ACTION Nepal’s Reducing Child, Early and Forced Marriage (Nepal R-CEFM) Project aims to strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of the Government of Nepal (GON). The project operates in Madhesh Province to design, implement, monitor, evaluate, and coordinate effective social and behavior change (SBC) activities and child protection (CP) system strengthening for reducing CEFM through a community-based, multi-sectoral, data-driven lens.

The following documents focus on R-CEFM project activities designed to increase learning outcomes for adolescent girls (with the inclusion of boys) through non-formal education.

  1. Remedial Education Program Learning in brief
  2. Remedial Education Program Infographic
  3. Quantitative Endline Assessment Report: Baseline and Endline Scores
  4. Qualitative Learning Documentation Report: Remedial Education Classes and Non-formal Approaches Used to Improve Learning Outcomes for Adolescent Girls (with the Inclusion of Boys) in Nepal
  5. Findings from a Most Significant Change assessment following the R-CEFM Project’s remedial education program
  6. Remedial Education Program Presentation

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: February 8, 2023

Improving malaria surveillance through existing community structures: Lessons learnt from Ethiopia

Ethiopia has achieved a significant reduction in malaria morbidity and mortality over the past two decades. In line with Ethiopia’s Federal Ministry of Health strategic direction, Malaria Consortium has been working with existing community structures, health centres, district health offices and community levels to improve malaria case detection and surveillance. Community structures such as health extension workers and the health development army play a pivotal role in malaria case detection and surveillance when malaria service provision is disrupted, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Malaria Consortium

Date of Publication: October 27, 2022

Implementing a community-based approach to indoor residual spraying to improve acceptance, cost-effectiveness and efficiency

In Ethiopia, malaria poses a significant threat to public health, with an estimated 52 percent of the population at risk of malaria infection. The Ministry of Health recommends campaign-based, targeted indoor residual spraying (IRS) as a key strategy for malaria prevention, control and elimination in the country. With support from the James Percy Foundation, we carried out a community-based IRS campaign in the districts of Boloso Sore and Damot Sore between March 2019 and February 2021. This learning brief captures our learning around the opportunities and challenges associated with a community-based IRS model.

Source: Malaria Consortium

Date of Publication: October 27, 2022

Using the role model approach to improve malaria prevention and control: Lessons from Ethiopia

Malaria Consortium sought to improve understanding and uptake of malaria interventions in Ethiopia by implementing the role model approach in selected target districts in Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region. This innovative behavior change communication approach builds on the existing strengths of the community: it helps identify individuals who, despite sharing similar resources and living conditions to others in their communities, have shown unusual, but desirable, behaviors regarding malaria prevention and control that have resulted in healthy outcomes. This learning brief highlights the key results and lessons identified during implementation, and proposes recommendations. The work forms part of the three-year project Strengthening Community-based Malaria Prevention and Surveillance Interventions, Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region (2019-2022), supported by the James Percy Foundation.

Source: Malaria Consortium

Date of Publication: October 26, 2022

COVID and KIDS: A Video Animation from Malawi

UNICEF with support from UKAid is influencing children in Malawi to practice 5 key actions to prevent COVID-19: frequent handwashing with soap, physical distancing, use of the flexed elbow when coughing and sneezing, avoiding touching the face (mouth, nose and eyes) and staying at home.


Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

How Best to Protect Yourself from the Coronavirus

This poster, produced by UNICEF and ICRF, provides basic information in an attractive and child-friendly layout, about handwashing, wearing a mask, physical distancing, and what to do if you don’t feel well.


Date of Publication: September 30, 2021