Show Some Love in Chinatown

The “Show Some Love in Chinatown” campaign encourages New Yorkers to patronize Chinatown businesses amid coronavirus fears.

Source: Chinatown Partnership

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Wave 3- COVID-19 Spots

Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria developed a third wave (Wave 3) of Radio spots for NCDC in support of the RCCE. These spots are themed on self isolation, staying at home and general prevention messages for religious practices and are available in 4 Nigerian local languages; Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba and English language.

For each language, there is a spot for 4 different scenarios:

  • The Barber
  • The Neighbor
  • The Christian friend
  • The Muslim friend

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

COVID-19 PSAs – Ethiopia

The project has produced public service announcements for specific regions of Ethiopia.

Regional materials:

No Panic
Social Distancing

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Breakthrough ACTION COVID-19 Indonesia

Breakthrough-ACTION activities in Indonesia will focus on providing assistance to the overall RCCE Coordinating Task Force to finalize strategy and develop the mapping of activities by themes and geographic areas.

Program activities include:

Working with religious leaders and Ramadan messaging

  • Youth Religious Leaders
    • Providing staff to support the National COVID-19 Task Force – focused on the public communication component.
    • One focus is the community channels – disseminating materials and messages coming out of the Task Force to community networks, mainly through online channels
  • Indonesian Girls: Actions to Fight Corona Virus
    • Webinar for young women from the youth religious organizations: “Indonesian Girls Actions to Fight Corona Virus”
  • Social Media and Ramadan
    • Praying at home for morning and evening prayers
    • Linking with the MUI’s fatwa on praying from home and not gathering at the Mosque or together for prayers
    • Steps to take – washing hands with soap, using your own prayer rug, etc.
    • Tips on fasting and when you shouldn’t fast

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Breakthrough ACTION Nigeria Wave 2- COVID-19 Spots

The second stream (Wave 2) audio spots as produced by Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria in support of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control’s Risk Communications response focused on preventive measures such as good hygiene and physical distancing as well as discouraging the sharing of fake news while promoting #Take Responsibility Campaign theme song.

The spots include:






Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

COVID-19 Posters -Guinea

These posters are part of a comprehensive COVID-19 information campaign in Guinea.

Affiche décrivant les mesures de protection personnelle préventive pour éviter de contracter et de propager le virus. Elle inclut le Handwashing, la distanciation sociale, le désinfectant pour les mains et la toux du coude.
Poster describing preventive personal protection measures to avoid contracting and spreading the virus. It includes handwashing, social distancing, hand sanitizer and elbow cough.

Affiche décrivant les mesures de protection personnelle préventive pour éviter de contracter et de propager le virus. Elle inclut le Handwashing, la distanciation sociale, le désinfectant pour les mains et la toux du coude.
Poster describing preventive personal protection measures to avoid contracting and spreading the virus. It includes handwashing, social distancing, hand sanitizer and elbow cough

Affiche sur le thème de l’utilisation du gel pour se laver les mains régulièrement.
Poster on the theme of using gel to wash your hands regularly.

Affiche sur l’importance de l’utilisation des tissus pour prévenir la propagation du virus.
Poster on the importance of using tissues to prevent the spread of the virus.

Affiche sur le thème de l’utilisation du gel désinfectant pour se nettoyer régulièrement les mains.
Poster on the theme of using disinfectant gel for regular hand cleaning.

Affiche sur le thème de la toux au coude comme mesure d’assainissement et de prévention pour COVID-19.
Poster on elbow cough as a remediation and prevention measure for COVID-19.

Affiche indiquant aux spectateurs de se laver fréquemment les mains à l’eau et au savon.
Poster advising spectators to wash their hands frequently with soap and water.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 6, 2020

Breakthrough ACTION COVID-19 South Africa

The COVID-19 timeline in South Africa is as follows:

  • March 5 – Index Case Announced
  • March 12 – BA/CCI COVID-19 support starts
  • March 17 – South Africa Reaches 100 cases
  • March 18 – State of National Disaster
  • March 18 – South Africa Closes International Borders
  • March 27 – Nationwide Lockdown
  • March 30 – Community Screening Introduced
  • April 9 – Nationwide Lockdown Extended
  • April 21 – Stimulus Package Announced
  • May 1 – BA/CCI SOW extended

Under the National Command Council, chaired by President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Office of the Presidency (through Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)) and the National Department of Health (NDOH) are jointly leading government communications on COVID-19. The NDOH Risk Communication and Community Engagement Technical Working Group has developed a COVID-19 RCCE plan, which has been put into implementation following the first confirmed case in the country. Centre for Communication Impact (CCI) has been supporting the RCCE Technical Working Group with the implementation of the plan, as per scope of work approved on March 5, 2020. The revised scope of work intends to continue with such support with additional funding targeted at four of the initially approved six activity areas as follows: (a) Internal and Partner Coordination, (b) Public Communication, and (c) Community Engagement, and (d) Addressing uncertainty and perception and managing misinformation.

List of materials here.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 6, 2020

Breakthrough ACTION COVID-19 Cambodia

To support the on-going USG emergency response for COVID-19, USAID will engage the Breakthrough Action mechanism through a buy-in to support USAID/Cambodia Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) response activities.

Breakthrough ACTION is providing a package of services and support, customized for Cambodia, combined with global support. This work will be rooted in the fundamentals of RCCE as well as other tools and resources developed by Center for Communication Programs and Save the Children, and in line with the global response priorities outlined in WHO’s Strategic Response Plan, technical guidance, and other strategic guidance as they continue to evolve in response to emerging data.

Through partnership and collaboration with government and RCCE pillar leads, Breakthrough Action is working to support government and RCCE country level pillar leadership (currently MoH, WHO and UNICEF) with technical assistance to adapt and contextualize plans, tools, templates, and materials to support the preparedness and/or response activities required by Cambodia. All activities emphasize coordination and collaboration among RCCE leadership and stakeholders to ensure coordinated messages to promote accurate information, respond to local concerns and realities, and minimize stigma and xenophobia fueled by fear and misinformation.

Campaign materials are here.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 17, 2020

Breakthrough ACTION COVID-19 Cote d’Ivoire

Breakthrough ACTION Cote d’Ivoire is working with government and other partners to create public awareness of COVID-19 symptoms and prevention.

Campaign materials here.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 17, 2020