Aha ye de Banner

Let’s come together and drive malaria away for the GoodLife. In June 2011 BCS and ProMPT, in partnership with the National Malaria Control Programme and the Ghana Health Service, launched the new “Aha ye de” malaria campaign. “Aha ye de” means “It’s Good Here” in Twi, one of Ghana’s national languages.

The campaign is designed to reposition the use of treated nets as a lifestyle decision, while at the same time preventing malaria, linking to the BCS’s overarching GoodLife campaign. The campaign seeks to increase risk perception by emphasizing the severity and threats of malaria. At the same time, the campaign empowers individuals to use malaria prevention and appropriate treatment. This is a banner used as part of the campaign.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Malaria Health Facility Posters

These serves a dual purpose of job aids for service providers and reminder materials for clients. It has uniform messages per thematic area but are state-specific with images that resonates with cultural and religious leanings in by state.

The thematic categories covered are:

  1. MALARIA IN PREGNANCY – Job aid and reminder tips on ANC registration, LLIN use and care, IPT Information and appropriate IPT administration to pregnant women
  1. ANC/IPT – A reminder material for Clients to register early for ANC and take at least 3 doses of IPT during every pregnancy
  1. MALARIA PREVENTION – A reminder material for Clients on the three steps to malaria prevention; sleeping inside LLIN every night all rea round, treating confirmed cases of malaria with only ACTs and attending ANC and taking at least 3 doses of IPT during every pregnancy
  1. ACT – A reminder material for both Clients and Service Providers to always treat every confirmed case of malaria with only ACTs
  1. RDT – A material targeted at Caregivers to know that “Not Every Fever is Malaria” and RDT test can confirm if it is malaria or not under 10-15 minutes.

The posters were used in Nasarawa, Benue, Akwa Ibom, Kebbi & Zamfara between 2015-2017, and were produced in English and Hausa. Approximately 313 health facilities received posters to use within the clinics.

The English versions of the posters are available here.

The Hausa versions are available here.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication for Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019