Staying Safe Outside Video

This short video describes how to stay safe from COVID-19 while doing errands outside and how to keep the virus from coming home.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Mr Bean’s Essential COVID-19 Checklist

The World Health Organization (WHO), Project Everyone, and Tiger Aspect Productions have partnered to launch a Public Service Announcement (PSA) using global comedy cartoon star, Mr Bean.

With cases of COVID-19 continuing to rise globally, “Mr Bean’s Essential COVID-19 Checklist” is a reminder to people about the importance of washing hands, physical distancing, and demonstrating kindness to their neighbors. The PSA features a cartoon sketch of Mr Bean comically tackling a pesky roller blind to finally reveal a number of essential tips to protect people against COVID-19.  

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: July 12, 2020

Videos for Youth on Handwashing, Coughing, and Physical Distancing

Ces vidéos ont été produites pour montrer aux jeunes l’importance de la distance physique, de la toux du coude et du lavage des mains.

These videos were produced to show young people the importance of physical distancing, elbow coughing, and handwashing.

Lavage des mains

Vidéo de jeunes parlant des mesures préventives COVID-19 liées à l’importance du lavage des mains.
Video of young people talking about COVID-19 preventive measures related to the importance of hand washing.

Tousser dans le coude

Vidéo sur le sujet de tousser dans le coude et de l’utilisation du mouchoir pour prévenir la propagation du virus.
Video on the subject of coughing in the elbows to prevent the spread of the virus, and the use of tissues.

Distanciation sociale

Vidéo de jeunes sur l’importance de la distanciation sociale pour prévenir la transmission du virus.
Video of young people discussing the importance of social distancing to prevent the transmission of the virus.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 6, 2020

Nalamdana’s Tips for COVID-19 Prevention – Part 3

Physical distancing, masks and hand washing are here to stay. Since the emergence of COVID-19, the need for clear communication of dos and don’ts for audiences who live and work in low resource and crowded contexts has become more important than ever.

Nalamdana’s short films developed in an entertainment education format use humor and plain language to share key tips with low literacy audiences on preventing the transmission of COVID-19. Preemptively addressing barriers and dispelling common myths where possible, the videos are intended for sharing on digital and social media. Also under development are audio scripts to mirror the films. These are intended for community radio broadcast and sharing through social media.

This one talks about when things start to open up and people venture out again…

Source: Nalamdana

Date of Publication: June 29, 2020

Date of Publication: June 10, 2020

Animated Video about COVID-19 and Kindness

This video uses characters from the movie “Despicable Me” who let their love and kindness show and show ways to keep themselves and their communities safe during this unprecedented time.

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: May 28, 2020

Overview Video of GoodLife Live it Well Campaign

The Ghana Behavior Change Support project ran from 2009 – 2014. This video captures some highlights from this national social and behavior change communication program targeting many health areas, including malaria, child survival, family planning and hand washing.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: May 19, 2020