COVideo19 Student-Led Initiative

COVideo19 is an initiative led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health students aimed at providing science-based, social media friendly information on COVID-19 in multiple languages. The students are part of the Digital Health Society, the student arm of the Johns Hopkins University Global mHealth Initiative.

The video series, aimed at young, connected audiences around the globe, challenges viewers to become “public health warriors” and combines scientific knowledge about COVID-19 with instructions on how to help stop its spread. In addition to the introductory video—now available in 20 languages and counting—COVideo19 features brief Q&As in multiple languages that address common myths, misconceptions, and concerns sourced from students’ home communities, ranging from the effects of COVID-19 on mental health to the seasonality of the coronavirus. The videos are available on the School’s playlist.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Date of Publication: May 17, 2020

Nalamdana’s Tips for COVID-19 Prevention – Part 2

Physical distancing, masks and hand washing are here to stay. Since the emergence of COVID-19, the need for clear communication of dos and don’ts for audiences who live and work in low resource and crowded contexts has become more important than ever.

Nalamdana’s short films (under 3 mins) developed in an entertainment education format use humor and plain language to share key tips with low literacy audiences on preventing the transmission of COVID-19. Preemptively addressing barriers and dispelling common myths where possible, the videos are intended for sharing on digital and social media. Also under development are audio scripts to mirror the films. These are intended for community radio broadcast and sharing through social media.

Source: Nalamdana

Date of Publication: May 15, 2020

Heart to Heart Video Series – Preventive Measures

This is a series of videos covering various aspects of COVID-19 prevention.

Handwashing: Melai Cantiveros-Francisco, a Filipino TV host, talks about the preventive measures she and her family practice like proper cough etiquette and handwashing to protect her home from COVID-19.

Fathers Protecting their Homes: Dingdong Dantes, a Filipino celebrity, shows how to be a responsible father by not bringing the COVID-19 into their home. He removes his shoes before entering the house and washes his hands before greeting his family.

Protecting your Home: Jodi Sta. Maria, a Filipino celebrity, reminds mothers about the correct preventive measures to protect their homes from COVID-19.

Checking up on Loved Ones: JC Santos and Bela Padilla, Filipino celebrities, show how you can still keep in touch with friends while apart. Using technology, you don’t need to leave the house to chat with loved ones. This is just one way to protect our homes from COVID-19.

Source: Film Development Council of the Philippines, Metro Manila Film Festival, Epic Media, Global Shapers Community Manila, On the Spot Music Score, Richie Pilares, and Aldwin Alegre

Date of Publication: May 12, 2020

#StaySafeStayHome Video

This video, postedon Twitter, is aimed at children. It offers information about personal protection from COVID-19, and ideas about what to do if one has to remain at home.

Source: Save the Children UK

Date of Publication: May 4, 2020

Let’s Bold Out Coronavirus

This video compares fighting the coronavirus to a cricket match and challenges the public to fight against it.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: May 2, 2020

Songs to Wash Your Hands To

GoMo Health is focused on continuing to support health and wellbeing. In an effort to complement the abundance of public domain information available. This is a list of upbeat songs to sing while washing one’s hands.

Source: GoMo Health

Date of Publication: April 23, 2020

Music Video for Children about Coughing Etiquette

This music video, subtitled in English, shows children following COVID-19 prevention practices, especially covering their mouths/faces when sneezing or coughing.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 16, 2020

About the Coronavirus

In this video for kids (an episode that is part of a series), Dr Binocs explains safety measures for doronavirus.

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Coronavirus Alert Music Video

Are you a musician? We’ve openly licensed this track, and we are inviting you to sing our song in your language and for your people! We’ll be featuring your videos here on our channels! Join the #DontGoViral campaign and co-create with us!

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Coronavirus Disease

COVID-19 has now spread around most parts of the world. This animation addresses best practices to protect against Coronavirus through recommended preventative measures.

Source: SAWBO

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020