Factsheet on Rabies

This fact sheet provides detailed information and contains key issues such as the causative agent of rabies, signs and symptoms both in animals and humans, modes of transmission, prevention methods, and actions to be taken when an animal or human beings get sick.

It serves as reference material that can be used by human and animal health service providers, media professionals, teachers, and other stakeholders for effective communication with audiences for a better public health outcome on both animals and humans. Messages on the fact sheet are drawn from the national priority zoonotic diseases message guide. The fact sheet is available in Amharic language.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 19, 2020

TCI University Resource Collection

This Resource Collection covers The Challenge Initative (TCI)’s tools, job aids, brochures, magazines, posters, and many other types of materials.

The collection includes materials on:

  • Services and Supply
  • Demand Generation
  • Advocacy
  • Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

COVID-19 24/7 Parenting Resources in 70 Languages

Parenting for Lifelong Health provides open-access online parenting resources during COVID-19. These tip sheets are available in 70 languages.

The tip sheets cover the following topics:

  1. Keeping children safe online
  2. Family budgeting in times of financial stress
  3. Family harmony at home
  4. Learning through Play
  5. When we get angry
  6. Crowded homes and communities
  7. One-on-one time
  8. Keeping it positive
  9. Structure Up
  10. Bad behavior
  11. Keep calm and manage stress
  12. Talking about COVID-19

Source: Parenting for Lifelong Health

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Q&A on COVID-19

WHO is continuously monitoring and responding to this outbreak. This Q&A will be updated as more is known about COVID-19, how it spreads and how it is affecting people worldwide. For more information, check back regularly on WHO’s coronavirus pages.

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Myth Busters: Coronavirus

The World Health Organization has created a series of graphics to show important myths and facts related to COVID-19. Each graphic can be downloaded and shared.

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Uganda COVID-19 Campaign

The Next Big Thing

A group of concerned health communication specialists in Uganda has volunteered their time to help the government get word out about COVID-19 and its prevention. These SBC professionals come from a variety of organizations and institutions, including MOH, UNICEF, USAID funded projects, universities, Ugandan NGOs, media houses, and international NGOs. Even retirees and independent consultants are members of the group.

The Next Big Thing group emerged organically with no financial.or technical assistance from any donor funded project. Since March 18th, when the group first decided to offer assistance to the Ministry of Health (MOH), it has developed and launched a mass and social media campaign called Tosemberera. The campaign encourages Ugandans to stay at home, maintain a distance of at least two meters from others, wash hands frequently, and take other precautionary measures recommended by government.

Tonsemberera Campaign

On the 1st of April, only two weeks after work began, the Tonsemberera campaign was launched by the Minister of Health. The campaign is intended to harmonize government communication efforts in response to the pandemic, raise awareness and popularize simple actionable behaviors. It invites citizens, leaders, and popular influencers to share stories through social and mass media about how they are protecting themselves and others. The aim is to engage as many partners as possible to share accurate information about the disease and the government’s recommendations for prevention and treatment.

Thus far the list of materials includes the following (this will be updated as needed):

Source: Uganda Ministry of Health

Date of Publication: April 7, 2020

Materials in Many Languages

Doctors of the World and British Red Cross have shared COVID-19 fact sheets available in many different languages. Files are in Word or PDF.

Source: Doctors of the World

Date of Publication: April 6, 2020

Information About Social Distancing

This fact sheet explains that social distancing is a term applied to certain actions that are taken by public health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease.

Social distancing measures are taken to restrict when and where people can gather to stop or slow the spread of infectious diseases. Social distancing measures include limiting large groups of people coming together, closing buildings and canceling events.

Source: Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System Public Health Department

Date of Publication: March 13, 2020