Advocacy Fact Sheet

Breakthrough ACTION Liberia worked closely with the Liberia Ministry of Health to develop these health-related fact sheets to be used at the community level by advocacy groups. Fact sheets are used by local and regional level advocacy groups to support services for WASH, zoonotic diseases, malaria, facility-based delivery, nutrition, and family planning.

Last modified: July 21, 2024

Language: English

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Year of Publication: 2024

USAID/Senegal Building a Resilient Health System (BRHS) Project Doubles COVID-19 Vaccination Rate in One Month

This technical brief highlights the favorable results of the pilot COVID-19 Vaccination Acceleration Initiative (CVAI) that took place in Kaffrine, Senegal in July 2022. The Building a Resilient Health System (BRHS) project developed a strategy to design and support a CVAI across nine of Senegal’s 14 regions. BRHS worked with USAID and the Senegalese Ministry of Health and Social Action (MSAS) to pilot the initiative in the Kaffrine region, starting with Kaffrine district. With several partners involved, the CVAI doubled one-dose COVID-19 rates in one month from 10% to 19% and increased the coverage rate for full vaccination from 7.7% to 13% in the region.

Source: Chemonics International

Date of Publication: June 2, 2023

Breakthrough ACTION Sénégal Matériel de campagne Une Seule Santé/ PZD Imprimé

Une série de fiches d’information et d’affiches de deux pages traitant de la grippe aviaire, d’Ebola, de la rage, de la fièvre de la vallée du Rift, de la tuberculose bovine, de l’anthrax, du lavage des mains après avoir manipulé des animaux et de la manipulation sûre des animaux.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: September 28, 2022

PrEP 101

This is a fact sheet for consumers, answering some basic questions:

  • What is PrEP?
  • Is PrEP right for you?
  • Visit your doctor
  • How can you get help to pay for PrEP?

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: May 21, 2021

Covid-19: Rumours in the Camps

This brief focuses on Covid-19 rumours circulating in the Rohingya camps of Cox’s Bazar. It explores some of the more common rumours, discusses sources and formats of information, presents community perspectives about rumours and communication, and suggests approaches to communicating with the Rohingya community about COVID-19.

Source: BBC Media Action, Translators without Borders

Date of Publication: May 11, 2021

Generating Evidence to Inform Integrated Social and Behavior Change Programming in Nigeria

The Breakthrough RESEARCH project is conducting mixed methods research to inform the delivery of social and behavior change (SBC) programming among mothers within the first 1,000-day window of opportunity, including integrated interventions to promote malaria prevention and treatment behaviors, antenatal care attendance, delivery with a skilled attendant, early and exclusive breastfeeding, child immunization, timely care-seeking for common childhood illnesses, and postpartum contraceptive use.

The first phase of a behavioral sentinel surveillance (BSS) survey has been completed. The BSS rigorously assessed current practices and behavioral determinants of health outcomes over the lifespan of the Breakthrough ACTION integrated SBC project in Nigeria.

Results from the baseline have been released in the form of a series of programmatic research briefs, webinars, and slide decks by health area, a full report, and an overall key findings webinar. These results will help to improve the delivery of integrated SBC programming across health areas and behaviors in Nigeria and elsewhere.

Source: Breakthrough RESEARCH/Population Council

Date of Publication: April 16, 2021

Buku Tanya Jawab Seputar Virus Corona

This book contains frequenty asked questions related with COVID-19.

This campaign includes radio spots, video spots, infographics, and a Question and Answer booklet.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 22, 2020

How do Vaccines Work?

This page explains the body’s response to pathogens, how vaccines help, and herd immunity.

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: November 2, 2020

Factsheet on Brucellosis

This fact sheet provides detailed information and contains key issues such as the causative agent of Brucellosis, signs and symptoms both in animals and humans, modes of transmission, prevention methods, and actions to be taken when an animal or human beings get sick.

It serves as reference material that can be used by human and animal health service providers, media professionals, teachers, and other stakeholders for effective communication with audiences for a better public health outcome on both animals and humans. Messages on the fact sheet are drawn from the national priority zoonotic diseases message guide. The fact sheet is available in Amharic language.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 19, 2020