Vivre et travailler en toute sécurité avec les animaux

Ceci est une traduction française d’un Flipbook d’engagement communautaire de Breakthrough ACTION Sierra Leone. Il se concentre sur l’approche Une Seule Santé et les comportements transversaux de prévention des maladies zoonotiques.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: September 28, 2022

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – Community Pharmacy Interventions

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These materials were created for community pharmacy interventions:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – User Testimonials

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These are posters with testimonials from pharmacists about how the materials helped them do their jobs better.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – Patient Isolation and Patient Pathway

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These are posters explaining the basics of patient isolation and referral, and the patient pathway

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Adolescent Age and Life-Stage Assessment Tools and Counseling Cards

The Adolescent Age and Life-Stage Assessment and Counseling tools aim to support health provider efforts to seize teachable moments while talking with adolescents on a one-on-one basis at the health facility.

These tools and cards help providers target their counseling based on an adolescent’s age and life-stage in order to provide them with sound, practical and actionable advice.

Source: MCS

Date of Publication: July 6, 2020

Date of Publication: May 6, 2020

Social Media COVID-19 Anti-Stigma Cards

This social media card was created to counter stigma and discrimination towards COVID-19 patients. This was shared through the Facebook Page of the Department of Health.

Source: Philippines Department of Health

Date of Publication: May 6, 2020

Social Media Cards for Ramadan

These social media cards include messages on how to celebrate the Ramadan at home while still practicing physical distancing. These social media cards were shared through the Facebook Page of the Department of Health.

Source: Philippines Department of Health

Date of Publication: May 6, 2020

Social Media Cards for Holy Week

These social media cards include messages on how to celebrate the Holy Week at home while still practicing physical distancing. It also provided tips on how to make DIY Palm Leaves for Palm Sunday. These social media cards were shared through the Facebook Page of the Department of Health.

Source: Philippines Department of Health

Date of Publication: May 6, 2020

How to Use a Complementary Feeding Wheel during Counseling

The USAID-funded Suaahara ‘Good Nutrition’ Project’s Bhanchhin Aama (“Mother says”) campaign comprehensively integrates nutrition, sanitation, agriculture and health services promotion to improve health outcomes. The program focuses on families within the 1000 days from pregnancy till the child is two years old.

The Bhanchhin Aama Campaign developed a complementary feeding wheel for front line workers to use when discussing age specific complementary food during home visits to 1000 days mothers. This short video explains how to use the complementary feeding wheel.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019