How to Use Digital Media for Message Dissemination

This material was developed as a how-to guide for health personnel on to use digital media for message dissemination to reach their intended audience. It is part of a capacity development program for service providers in improving their skills in social and behavior change.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

SUMATA Campaign Materials

The SUMATA initiative was launched on 8 March 2002 as a multilevel SM behavior change initiative designed to support the efforts of the Government of Nepal to reduce the high maternal mortality rate in Nepal.

The initiative primarily addresses husbands and mothers-in-law, calling them to care for their wives/daughters-in-law during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period; to share love, information, and the workload; and to prepare for childbirth and any complications that could occur during that stage. In districts with upgraded Emergency Obstetric Care services, SUMATA includes complication readiness, recognition of danger signs, and seeking emergency care, if required. SUMATA is an acronym for Care, Share, and Prepare.

SUMATA is also an auspicious word for mother in Sanskrit and can be broken down into Surakschhi (safe) Mata (mother).

The intended audience for SUMATA was women, husbands, families, community leaders, and community-based health workers.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: May 20, 2020

Activities Detail-Chandannath Municipality-Jumla

This document details the Social and Behavior Change (SBC) for Health activities planned for the learning by doing project in Chandannath Municipality, Jumla, Nepal for the duration of January – August 2019. These activities were part of the capacity development exercise in SBC for Health in Karnali province selected municipalities.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Facilitator’s Guide for SBC Training

This is the guide to be used by facilitators during Social Behavior Change for SBC training of health personnel.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

How to See DHS Data for Health

This material was developed as part of a capacity development program for service providers. The guide aims to teach health personnel how to perform data analysis for planning Social and Behavior Change (SBC) programs and activities.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

SBC Palika Package – SBC Capacity Strengthening Support Material for Local Level

SBC Palika Package is a capcity strengthening support material for developing, advocating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Social Behavior Change (SBC) capacity for local-level health personnel and elected bodies.

This package includes:
1. Introduction to SBC for health
2. Reason to include SBC in annual planning and the process of inclusion
3. Skills to strengthen the capacity to include SBC for health activities in local-level annual plan and to implement them

Benefits of using this support material are listed as follows:
1. All SBC programs will be formulated based on evidence
2. The rural and urban municipality Social Development sections will be clear about their roles and responsibilities during the annual planning process
3. It will help in preparing SBC activities for health with adequate budget for different health related programs that has been developed in participatory method in consultation with all stakeholders
4. The capacity will be developed in the local level to formulate, execute, monitor and evaluate all SBC activities for health

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

SBC Training Reference Material

This is reference material to be used during Social Behavior Change for Health training for health personnel.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: April 13, 2020

Local SBC policy Template

This is a guide to developing Social and Behavior Change policy at the local level.

This is a guide to developing Social and Behavior Change policy at the local level.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 13, 2020

SBC Assessment Tool – Nepal

The SBC assessment tool was adapted to suit the Nepali context. This is the English version of the adapted tool.

The SBC assessment tool was adapted to suit the Nepali context. This is the English version of the adapted tool.

The SBC assessment tool was adapted to suit the Nepali context. This is the English version of the adapted tool.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 13, 2020