Saath-Saath Integrated Brochure – Seven types of FP/HIV

Saath-Saath Project (SSP), funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided HIV prevention, care, support and treatment services along with family planning (FP) services, referral and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and mitigation services through its outreach activities and expanded integrated health services (EIHS) sites. T

FP and its integration into HIV/AIDS is a major component of Saath-Saath Project (SSP). By providing information and education on FP and FP methods to Key Affected Populations (KAPs) and to help create demand for FP methods and services, development/printing and distribution of comprehensive FP method related SBC material is essential. Outreach staff, Drop-in Center (DIC) Operators and service providers distribute the comprehensive FP/HIV integrated brochures to selected KAPs, so that they will be better informed and choose FP methods and services of their choice.

The seven brochures are:

  1. Family planning
  2. Oral contraceptives
  3. Injectable contraceptives
  4. IUDs
  5. Implantable contraceptives
  6. Minilap
  7. Vasectomy

Source: FHI 360

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Saath-Saath Litmus Test Game

Saath-Saath Project (SSP) provided HIV prevention, care, support and treatment services along with family planning (FP) services, referral and gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and mitigation services through its outreach activities and expanded integrated health services (EIHS) sites.

The litmus test game is designed to encourage Female Sex Workers (FSWs) and their clients to realize that even though one may look healthy from outside, they may be carrying infections or may be ill or suffering from some ailment. One may have an infection, but often they do not have immediate, obvious manifestations.

The objectvies are to encourage FSWs and clients of FSWs to visit clinics for STI diagnosis and treatment; and HIV counseling and testing, and to encourage FSWs and clients of FSWs to use condoms correctly and consistently. The game is used by outreach staff during outreach education and group discussions, and also in drop-in centers and clinic waiting rooms.

Source: FHI 360

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Safe Motherhood Program Posters

The Nepal Family Health Program (NFHP-I) was a six-year (2002-2007) bilateral activity of United States Agency for International Development, Nepal (USAID/N) with the Government of Nepal. Its overall goal was to support the Government’s long-term goal of reducing fertility and under-five mortality within the context of the National Health Policy and Second Long-Term Health Plan 1997-2017.

These posters were part of the Safe Motherhood Program activity of NFHP, promoting Skilled Birth Attendants and Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness. They were distributed to all the health facilities of 17 CPDs and also to the NGOs and CBOs of the CB-MNCH district for wider use.

In adddition, the program produced a job aid for health workers on management of the third stage of labor and on family planning counseling and disseminated to all health facilities, PHCCs and Hospitals of 17 Core Program Districts through National Health Education Information and Communication Center (NHEICC) by its partners.

Feedback from the field indicated that the materials had been very effective in filling a major gap for district lever service providers, helping them to better explain about the health messages to a women and their families.

The materials were also being used by the other stakeholders involved in the safe motherhood such as GTZ, SSMP in their respective districts.

Source: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/ Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Sangini Injection Brochure

CRS in Nepal piloted injectable contraceptives through pharmacies in the Kathmandu Valley in 1994, under the local brand name Sangini-Tin Mahiney Sui (Sangini three-month injection). Prior to the social franchising of Sangini, Depo-Provera was available only through public sector clinics and hospitals.

Sangini was introduced through 50 trained and certified service providers at Rs. 40, including service charges. Nepal CRS Company was responsible for marketing the contraceptive while the Nepal Fertility Care Centre was responsible for providing the quality of care service, including training and monitoring of the 50 outlets. In the first year Sangini sold 1,248 vials through 50 medical shops and in the second year, it was expanded outside the capital to 170 medical shops and increased the sale to 11,424 vials. In the third year the number of medical shops reached to 274 and sales was 48,372 vials. In the 4th and 5th year, the number of outlets reached to 430 and 737 and the sales was a 51,190 and 94,435 vial. The social franchising of Sangini has now expanded to all 75 districts and the total numbers of franchising outlets have reached to more than 3,000 outlets while its sales have reached to 590,462 vials in the year 2012/2013.

Source: Nepal CRS Company

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Smart Couple Nepal Advocacy Brochure

The advocacy brochure is part of HC3 Nepal project’s Smart Jeewan campaign. This piece is desinged and used for advocacy with the policy makers. The objective of this brochure is to encourage policy makers to budget for family planning in their respective sectors.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Smart Couple Nepal Badhai Booklet

The Badhai Booklet is promoting specific health and FP practices relevant to newly married and 1000-day couples.

The book was designed to serve as a mini-reference guide for new couples to provide them with FP information connected to the various life stages in the first few years of marriage, with specific focus on FP to delay the first birth, FP planning during ante-natal, postpartum family planning, optimal birth spacing, and long-term family planning.

The key messages are health information for events a new couple is likely to encournter in the course of the first few years of marriage, to support smart timing and method of FP use at each stage in the newlywed and 1000-day reproductive life cycle: FP to delay the first birth, FP planning during ante-natal, postpartum family planning, optimal birth spacing, and long-term family planning.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Smart Couple Nepal Booklets/Brochures

These materials are part of a family planning campaign – Parivar Niyojan Smart Banchha Jeewan (Family Planning makes a smart life), launched in Nepal on 21st August 2015 in an effort to reposition family planning for the young married couples (aged 15-29).

A “Badhai” or congratulations booklet was developed in the Wave-II to be used by community health workers and health worker when doing interpersonal communication/interactions with newly married couples and 1000- day couples (pregnancy 9 months and baby 2 years roughly equals to 1000 days). This booklet has important information useful for couples at the various stages of married and family life.

There are seven leaflets developed for use as job aids by community health workers and to be taken home by the newly-wed couples and 1000-days couples.

These cover

  • IUCD
  • Implant
  • 3-month injectable
  • Combined oral contraceptive pills
  • Condoms
  • Emergency contracentive pills
  • Two permanent family planning methods (vasectomy, minilap)
  • There is also one leaflet with information on all these methods

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Smart Couple Nepal Campaign Pamphlet, Poster Pretesting Report

The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) developed pamphlets related to Smart Life family planning Campaign. Before taking it to mass audience, HC3 decided to conduct tests of materials from the perspective of its target audience. This is the report of its findings.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Smart Couple Nepal Campaign Wave II Materials Pre-test Report

Health Communications Capacity Collaborative (HC3) developed various communication materials (television commercials, Badhai booklet, and IPCC videos/comic book) for its Smart Jeewan family planning behavior change and communication (BCC) campaign.

This is the report for the materials tested through qualitative study methods to assess the understandability and clarity of the messages and contents of the materials.

The study recommended the following:

  • Simplify terminologies that could create confusion in understanding
  • Correct some minor language errors
  • Use of suitable terminologies that are better understood by the target communities

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Smart Couple Nepal Family Planning Posters

These materials are part of a family planning campaign – Parivar Niyojan Smart Banchha Jeewan (Family Planning makes a smart life), launched in Nepal on 21st August 2015 in an effort to reposition family planning for the young married couples (aged 15-29).

These 5 posters cover the following topics:

  • Healthy timing and spacing
  • Using FP after first birth
  • Delaying first birth
  • Choosing a FP method together
  • Spacing babies 3 years apart

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019