USAID and Breakthrough ACTION R-CEFM Remedial Education Program Learning Documents

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Breakthrough ACTION Nepal’s Reducing Child, Early and Forced Marriage (Nepal R-CEFM) Project aims to strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of the Government of Nepal (GON). The project operates in Madhesh Province to design, implement, monitor, evaluate, and coordinate effective social and behavior change (SBC) activities and child protection (CP) system strengthening for reducing CEFM through a community-based, multi-sectoral, data-driven lens.

The following documents focus on R-CEFM project activities designed to increase learning outcomes for adolescent girls (with the inclusion of boys) through non-formal education.

  1. Remedial Education Program Learning in brief
  2. Remedial Education Program Infographic
  3. Quantitative Endline Assessment Report: Baseline and Endline Scores
  4. Qualitative Learning Documentation Report: Remedial Education Classes and Non-formal Approaches Used to Improve Learning Outcomes for Adolescent Girls (with the Inclusion of Boys) in Nepal
  5. Findings from a Most Significant Change assessment following the R-CEFM Project’s remedial education program
  6. Remedial Education Program Presentation

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: February 8, 2023

Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite Campaign Overview – India

Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite (Don’t Take the Bite Lightly) is a national health education campaign to drive malaria prevention and treatment during COVID-19 in India.

This informational slide deck introduces the Bite Ko Mat Lo Lite campaign, including the challenge of COVID-19 and the objectives and future opportunities of the campaign.

For more information, visit:

Date of Publication: July 13, 2021

HHS COVID-19 Public Education Campaign

This is a description of a public campaign to encourage Americans to maintain protective practices and, eventually, to be vaccinated for COVID-19.

The campaign goals are:

  • Increase vaccine acceptance while reinforcing basic prevention measures (e.g., mask wearing, social distancing, handwashing)
  • Support activities related to COVID- 19 clinical trial enrollment, plasma donation, and flu vaccination
  • Connect the public with government information about COVID-19

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services

Date of Publication: December 15, 2020

My Island My Community Project Profile

This slide presentation describes the “My Island My Community” project in the Caribbean. My Island – My Community is an SBCC program that builds knowledge, shifts attitudes and changes behaviors to help create resilient island communities.

The program focuses on:

  • Increasing resilience to climate change in coastal communities by promoting natural solutions
  • Conserving biodiversity by improving solid waste management practices
  • Reducing HIV infection rates particularly among youth

Source: Population Communication International

Date of Publication: November 30, 2020