1,000 Days for Brain Growth and Development

Alive & Thrive is an initiative in Vietnam aimed at improving infant and young child feeding by increasing rates of exclusive breastfeeding and improving complementary feeding practices.

A series of seven posters were placed in health facilities to reinforce messages received during counseling. They focus on no water in the first six months, exclusive breastfeeding, frequent breastfeeds, timely introduction of complementary foods, feeding iron-rich foods, and the critical 1,000 day window for brain growth and physical development.

This poster reinforces messages about the critical 1,000 day window from pregnancy through the first two years to ensure optimal growth.

Source: Source

Alive & Thrive

Date of Publication: July 20, 2022

SMART Advocacy Training Facilitator’s Guide

This facilitator’s guide was produced to train Health Advocacy Committees (HAC) as part of Breakthrough ACTION Liberia’s overall capacity development and implementation of community-based advocacy core groups. It offers conceptual and in-depth methodologies, tools, and step-by-step guidance to individuals who will facilitate SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) Advocacy training specific to HACs across project locations.

The manual is structured into four modules with a general training preparation section:

General Training Preparation: This section presents the specific activities facilitators will need to complete prior to the training. It also includes the overall introduction and opening of the training session. Additionally, this section provides the opportunity for participants and facilitators to get to know each other, agree on norms of the workshop, set and clarify expectations and objectives, and understand participants’ prior knowledge of the training content. This section will build trust and set the pace for the rest of the training modules and sessions.

Module One: This module provides an overview of the Breakthrough ACTION Liberia project. In this module, participants will get an overview of the project, as well as the community group concept, the process and importance of group formation and working in a team, and the roles and responsibilities of the HACs. By completing this module, participants will develop an appreciation of the concept of the HAC and identify and develop skills for dealing with the challenges associated with community group work.

Module Two: This module presents the overall concept of SMART advocacy. The module is intended to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of advocacy, the definition of advocacy, its importance, approaches, and the qualities and skills of an advocate. Further, the module provides relevant tools that enable participants to identify advocacy issues; conduct stakeholder analyses; address oppositions including myths, misconceptions, and mindset; develop advocacy messages; and effectively communicate these messages. Finally, the module explores strengthening capacity for effective stakeholders’ engagement and coordination, determining advocacy results, and monitoring and evaluation in advocacy.

Module Three: This module aims to provide information on the accountability and management of HACs. It provides an opportunity to reflect on steps to ensure HACs’ sustainability and the importance of documentation and report writing. Further, participants will have the opportunity to establish a county-level HAC and its leadership and develop a work plan for the HAC.
Module Four: This module aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the training outcomes. Activities under this module include administering the training post-test, conducting the final evaluation, and closing the sessions. Both facilitators and participants will have the opportunity to give and receive overall feedback on the training.

Date of Publication: May 12, 2022




      Haryana Newborn Action Plan

      As a follow up to the India Newborn Action Plan, the Haryana Newborn Action Plan (HNAP) has been drafted as a state-specific roadmap for reducing preventable newborn deaths and stillbirths and achieving the desired targets for the neonatal mortality rate (NMR) and stillbirth rate (SBR) by 2030.

      The document looks into the current situational analysis of newborn health in the state and the state initiatives for reducing neonatal mortality. It documents the process followed for development of the HNAP and its implementation. Based on the activities undertaken by the state, and available resources it suggests a roadmap for the state to implement evidence-based high impact interventions for achieving the target of Single digit NMR and SBR by 2030.

      Source: VRIDDHI, USAID

      Date of Publication: April 28, 2022

      Chlorhexidine for Umbilical Cord Care

      This is a film for health workers and communities providing safe newborn care. The film demonstrates how to effectively use chlorhexidine to provide safe umbilical cord care after birth.

      Source: Medical Aid Films

      Date of Publication: April 28, 2022

      What are Your Plans?

      This material is from the Healthy Women of Ukraine (HWUP) program. The goal of HWUP, which runs from 2011-2016, is to protect the reproductive health of Ukrainian women and couples by increasing the appropriate and effective use of modern methods of contraception as an alternative to unintended pregnancy and associated abortion. HWUP was a follow-on project to an earlier program, Together for Health, which ran from from 2006-2011.

      Evaluation of the project thus far shows the following;

      • 7.8 million Ukrainians have been reached with the program’s messages
      • More than 25,000 people, mainly youth, have participated in FP/RH education sessions
      • 87% of education session participants plan to use modern family planning methods in the future
      • The number of access points for family planning and reproductive services has increased more than 300% in HWUP partner oblasts
      • More than 2,600 health care providers have been trained in modern family planning approaches and counseling

      This poster is aimed at young people and offers information about the various types of information and services/social network options available on the program’s website.

      Source: Healthy Women of Ukraine Program (HWUP)

      Date of Publication: April 27, 2022

      Stratégie Nationale de Communication sur les risques liés aux cing groupes de zoonoses prioritaires en Côte d’Ivoire

      This national risk communication strategy document was developed in collaboration with One Health stakeholders in Cote d’Ivoire, with support from Breakthrough ACTION. It focuses on the country’s five priority zoonotic diseases and has been structured according to the main phases of health threat management (preparation, response, and recovery).

      Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

      Date of Publication: March 31, 2022




          Message Guide for Zoonotic Diseases

          This is a message guide on zoonotic diseases from Sierra Leone.

          It contributes to Sierra Leone’s preparedness and response efforts by serving as a reference guide of validated messages to facilitate consistent communication across partners and inform the design of activities and materials to raise awareness, promote healthy behaviors and mobilize communities to take action to prevent zoonotic diseases.This message guide was developed, reviewed, and ratified by the One Health sector and partners.

          Source: Source

          Government of Sierra Leone - Health Education Division - Directorate of Primary Health Care

          Date of Publication: March 31, 2022

          Guide d’informations et des messages clés “Une Seule Santé” sur les maladies zoonotiques prioritaires au Mali

          This key message guide on zoonotic diseases stresses the benefits of the multisectoral and multidisciplinary One Health approach, which allows for the establishment of national coordination, communication, and collaboration mechanisms to combat health threats at the human-animal-environment interface—including known and emerging zoonotic diseases.

          Communication is a critical component of zoonotic disease control both in the preparation phase of an epizootic or epidemic and in the response and recovery phase. The key to this communication is the development of standardized key messages not only to facilitate collaboration among stakeholders but also, and more importantly, to increase the level of knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and community involvement in zoonotic disease control.

          Source: Source

          Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

          Date of Publication: March 31, 2022

          Ethiopia One Health Steering Committee – Priority Zoonotic Diseases Prevention and Control Message Guide

          This message guide provides a reference for presenting accurate, standardized, basic health information in simple language, using a health message format relevant to the prevention and management of anthrax, brucellosis, highly pathogenic avian influenza, Rift Valley fever, and rabies in Ethiopia.

          It aims to:

          • Facilitate coordination across sectors to ensure effective, consistent, and credible communication of messages through multiple sources and channels.
          • Inform the design of activities and materials about PZDs to raise awareness, promote healthy behaviors, and mobilize communities to take preventive action.
          • Provide an informational foundation to which more detailed and specific information can be added in the event of an outbreak and throughout the response and recovery phases.

          The content of this guide was generated through the participation of technical experts from Ethiopia’s key One Health stakeholders- Federal Ministry of Health; Ministry of Agriculture; Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission.

          Source: Source

          Ministry of Health - Ethiopia, Johns Hopkins University - Center for Communication Programs

          Date of Publication: March 31, 2022

          Manuel de Procédures Opérationnelles Standard de la Communication des Risques et l’Engagement Communautaires en période d’urgence en Guinée

          This manual provides the framework for the implementation of all communications activities during a public health emergency, as well as the framework for coordination and collaboration of partners and stakeholders.

          This SOP details the actions that will be implemented in the event of a public health emergency in Guinea. Knowledge of how to implement timely, consistent, and accurate communication activities can have an impact on how the media and the public react to an event and therefore have a major impact on the success of the response to a potential health emergency.

          Source: Source

          Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

          Date of Publication: March 31, 2022


