Malawi – Moyo ndi Mpamba National Radio Dialogues

As part of the Moyo ndi Mpamba campaign, the project held National Radio Dialogues aimed to promote dialogue and discussion among individuals, families and communities on issues that affect people’s health and wellbeing.

SSDI-Communication worked with and trained 13 radio stations (both national and community stations) to incorporate dialogue topics into one of their most popular programs each week during a five-week period. The effect of this was that every radio station in the country discussed the same issue every week during the period of the dialogues. Radio stations invited their listeners to call in, send SMS, and write letters to respond to the topics discussed on the programs.

The attached report outlines the radio dialogue program, and includes a fact sheet about the activity.

SSDI-Communication supported the Ministry of Health in realizing its ambitious health promotion agenda by developing and running a multimedia, multi-level Moyo ndi Mpamba, Usamalireni (“Life is precious, take care of it”) campaign, from 2011-2016. The ultimate goal of this campaign was to promote positive health behaviors and create demand for available services across six focus health areas – HIV & AIDS; family planning; nutrition; maternal, neonatal and child health; malaria; and water, sanitation and hygiene – and with audiences across the socio-ecological landscape and all targeted life stages.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

HTSP and the First 1000 Days

Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancies (HTSP) is an approach to helping couples time their pregnancies to occur during a mother’s healthiest years (ages 18-34) and space pregnancies by 3 to 5 years, improving both maternal and child health. It explains that the first 1,000 days of a child’s life are measured from conception to age two. The 1,000 days between conception and the child’s second birthday offer an opportunity for the mother to breast-feed, provide healthy foods, and care for the child without having a new baby competing for nutrients.

Source: World Vision International

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

How to Prevent Cholera

This fact sheet offers information about cholera prevention related to sanitation, food and water. It also covers signs and symptoms, treatment, and treatment of water.

The Arabic version of this fact sheet is located here.

Source: Hesperian Foundation

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Health Education Section Capacity Strengthening Initiative

This fact sheet explains the capacity strengthening initiative of the Moyo ndi Mpamba campaign. In this initiative, SSDI-Communication conducted a capacity mapping and assessment exercise to identify capacity gaps and needs. Based on this assessment, SSDI-Communication carried out a comprehensive series of capacity strengthening activities in partnership with the Health Education Section (HES).

SSDI-Communication supported the HES in the development of two national policy documents to support strategic and coordinated health promotion and SBCC: The Health Promotion Policy (launched in 2014), and the National Health Communication Strategy (launched in 2016). These two documents articulate and clarify HES guidance on health promotion and health-focused SBCC in Malawi.

Achievements included:

  • 23 HES staff trained in Leadership in Strategic Health Communication
  • HES conference facilities, physical resource center, and recording studio refurbished
  • Online hub for health promotion in Malawi launched and maintained by HES
  • Health Promotion Policy created and launched
  • Inaugural National Health Communication Strategy launched

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

The Girl Effect Factsheet

This ingraphic sheet offers the numbers and facts one needs to make the case for girls. This includes statistics and information about child marriage, age at first birth, economic empowerment, education, and health and safety.

Source: The Nike Foundation

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Dengue Virus: What You Need to Know

This fact sheet for the general public explains what dengue is, signs and symptoms, prevention, and what to do if one is ill with dengue.

Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Dengue and Severe Dengue Fact Sheet

This web page contains key facts, information about the global burden of dengue, including transmission, characteristics, treatment, immunization and prevention and control.

Source: World Health Organization

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Community Health Worker Training Materials for Cholera Prevention and Control in Haiti

This training manual for cholera prevention and control is intended for community health workers (CHWs) to help their communities prevent cholera illnesses and deaths.

Its 13 modules provide information about community mobilization, cholera, taking care of people with watery diarrhea, handwashing, oral rehydration solution (ORS), safe drinking water (Aquatabs, Dlo Lavi, Gadyen Dlo, and PuR) preparation and storage, food preparation, sanitation and cleaning, handling a death that occurs at home, and preventing stigma associated with cholera. Community education cards, a guide for the cholera training modules, and PowerPoint presentations are also included. Though this manual is specific to Haiti, an English-language worldwide version can also be found at the CDC’s Training & Education page, under CDC Community Health Worker (CHW) Training Materials.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019