School Health Promotion Kit

This kit is designed to help school health professionals, club leaders and teachers design, implement and monitor health promotion activities within schools through engaging the health system. It includes relevant health issues for school health promotion, tips for supporting school clubs and engaging parents, and potential health promotion activities for schools.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Religious Leaders Engagement – Training Guide

This is a facilitation guide for HEWs, PHCU directors, and Woreda Health Officials to help engage religious leaders in community health promotion.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Religious Leaders Engagement – Pocket Guide

This is a pocket guide for religious leaders, to serve as reference when they discuss health issues with their congregations. As they deliver guidance to their followers/congregations, this guide provides them with key messages mainly on maternal and child health, child feeding practices, sanitation and hygiene, and malaria.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Health Communication Message Guide

This guide serves as a reference for health communication interventions, by providing a set of core messages that are accurate and consistent. It enable practitioners to communicate standardized messages to communities and audiences.

Different guides are available for different health areas including Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (RMNCH); Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH); Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD); Malaria and TB. The Federal Ministry of Health and Regional Health Bureaus have endorsed the guides.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

PMTCT Invitation Card

This is an informational card used to encourage men to accompany their wives during ANC visits, receive counseling on HIV testing, and better support their wives. Midwives give the referral cards to pregnant women who come alone to ANC visits, inviting their husbands to come with them on their next visit. The card is available in Amharic, Afaan Oromo and Tigrigna.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Message Harmonization Fact Sheet

This brief summarizes how health messages were harmonized in the Ethiopia Communication for Health project. It is a tool that was used to help health providers, program implementers, media professionals, and other stakeholders to effectively communicate with their audiences for a better public health outcome.

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Malaria Prevention Methods Brochure

This brochure is based on the eight essential malaria actions and encourages preventive behaviors as well as treatment for malaria. It is part of a campaign called “Malaria Roadshow.”

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Malaria Brochure for Schools

This brochure, designed for use in schools, provides factual information on malaria, its signs, mode of transmission, and prevention, and treatment methods.

This brochure is part of a campaign called “Malaria Roadshow.”

Source: Communication for Health Ethiopia

Date of Publication: February 6, 2020

Radio Programs on FGM – Ethiopia

A project by Population Media Center includes the production of radio programs in three languages (Amharic, Afar, and Somali):

Source: Population Media Center

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Hulu Betiena: An Innovative Mobile Tool for Ethiopian Families

Hulu Beteina is a mobile health (mHealth) platform in Ethiopia to support rural women and men during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, delivery, and as parents of young children.

Designed for use on both smart and basic phones, the approach invokes a simple, easy-to-navigate format containing relevant, engaging, and educational content.

Specific objectives of the mobile tool include:

  • To improve knowledge, attitudes, and practice of high-impact health practices/behaviors related to reproductive, maternal, and child health.
  • To generate demand for and increase uptake of RMNCH services

The app aims to empower couples to take joint action for their family’s health. The platform includes suggested actions to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy, delivery, and early childhood. Such actions might include attending early and completing antenatal care visits, choosing a family planning method, or a myriad of other small doable actions.

Links to Hulu Betena App on Google Play Store

Source: Ethiopia Ministry of Health, USAID, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, PSI

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019