Campagne de vaccination de Paquinou – 2024

En Côte d’Ivoire, ce reportage présente une stratégie innovante visant à accélérer la couverture vaccinale contre le virus COVID-19 en ciblant les voyageurs de Pâques. Pâques est une période de grands déplacements ; des célébrations régionales connues sous le nom de Paquinou sont organisées. Les grands rassemblements publics et les mouvements de masse en font une période à haut risque pour la transmission.
La stratégie consistait à promouvoir la vaccination avant le voyage et à mettre en place des stands de vaccination pour encourager les voyageurs à se faire vacciner avant leur départ. Le matériel de campagne comprend un rapport de campagne, un reportage télévisé et des images de la campagne. Les bannières et le matériel imprimé sont inclus ici.

Matériel de campagne

Paquinou Vaccination Campaign – 2024

In Côte d’Ivoire, this news report shares an innovative strategy to accelerate COVID-19 vaccination coverage through targeting Easter travelers. Easter is a time of heavy travel; regional celebrations known as Paquinou are organized. Large public gatherings/mass movements make this a high-risk period for transmission.
The strategy promoted ‘vaccinate before travel’ and included a pop-up vaccination promotion to encourage travelers to get vaccinated before traveling. The materials include a campaign report, a TV News report, and Campaign images. Included here are the banners and print materials.

Campaign Materials

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 17, 2024

Campagne COVID-19 1 VACCIN, 1 BUT

La Coupe d’Afrique des Nations 2023 (CAN) offre une occasion unique d’atteindre des millions de fans de football africains à travers le continent, car tout le monde regarde les matchs et suivre leurs équipes. Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire, a conçu une campagne multi-médiatique visant à tirer parti de l’enthousiasme des fans pour la CAN afin de partager des messages qui établissent une norme sociale plus solide pour le vaccin COVID-19 et d’autres vaccinations à tous les stades de la vie en mettent l’accent sur la protection des plus vulnérables.

Matériel de campagne

1 vaccine, 1 goal COVID-19 Campaign

The 2023 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) provided a unique opportunity to reach millions of African football fans across the continent as everyone tuned in to watch the games and follow the teams. Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire designed a multimedia campaign to leverage this excitement among AFCON fans to share messages that build a more robust social norm for the COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccinations across the life stages and focus on protecting the most vulnerable.

Campaign Materials

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 17, 2024


Ces ressources sont issues de la Semaine nationale de la résistance aux antimicrobiens qui s’est tenue en Côte d’Ivoire du 18 au 24 novembre 2019.

Date of Publication: September 6, 2023

Modern Kitchen Campaign, Bangladesh

The Clean Cooking Alliance (Alliance), government agency SREDA, Social Marketing Company and Purplewood implemented a campaign, between 2016 to 2019, for promoting clean cooking products in Bangladesh. The campaign aimed at increasing awareness and adoption of clean (energy-efficient and low emission) cookstoves and clean fuels like LP gas, wood pellets. The campaign also promoted a retained heat cooker, piloted by GIZ Bangladesh.

The campaign aimed to expand the stove-continuum to accommodate improved cookstoves and efficient fuels e.g. LPG, wood pellets. All thirteen products were brought under a category-brand, styled ‘Modern Kitchen’. The big idea was, “Times have changed, change your kitchen.” A social norming approach was also adopted, showing that forward thinking households were upgrading their kitchens, and minding the health of the cook (usually the female household head).

The campaign used radio, print, billboards, rickshaw branding, interpersonal communications (IPC), community-theater, movie-screenings, and fairs. Also used were bulk SMS, helpline and geo-targeted Facebook marketing. All materials were pre-tested in the field and fine-tuned before deployment. In each case, usage situations of clean cooking products were highlighted.

The key pitch was a soap-opera style, over-the-top family drama, screened outdoors. In the story, a flamboyant man realizes that – despite his clothes and gadgets – his meek older brother is more modern; because a truly modern man protects his home and family. Multiple product usage and maintenance videos were produced. To create hype, ‘kitchen makeover’ activities were carried out in 16 locations.

For women, the campaign went into playgrounds and yards. In the street theater performance, the heroine was a young ‘Modern’ new-bride who tries to clean up her in-laws’ kitchen. A TV celebrity endorsed HAP messaging, and starred in a mock Teleshopping Program about stoves. Outreach workers carried videos and materials to households and conducted IPC sessions.

Over 300 days of SBCC activities reached an estimated 1.6 million unique individuals. Online video views totalled 550,000. Final evaluation, carried out by Berkeley Air Monitoring Group, showed a ~40% increase in brand awareness. Nearly 15000 units of clean stoves and fuels were sold during the campaign period.

Source: Purplewood Limited

Date of Publication: November 16, 2021

Together We Can Prevent Ebola

This banner was produced by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be used in African countries. It provides information about how Ebola is spread, what it is, and what to do if one has symptoms. It also provides an emergency phone number to call if one has questions, and encourages going to a health clinic if an infection is suspected.

Source: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Date of Publication: October 15, 2021

My Childhood My Right Campaign Materials

This campaign was inspired by a group of youths in the Purulia and Malda districts of West Bengal in 2011. At the center of the campaign were Youth Champions – young change agents identified by Unicef through their network of schools. The campaign strategy was train hundreds of Youth Champions through workshops, empower them to engage other community stakeholders in conversation, while simultaneously running a public visibility campaign on the issue.

Included are:

  • Youth Champion’s booklet – This Picture and Activity booklet was a take-home for the young participants, handed out at the end of the workshop. It has been designed to summarise the key issues covered; including aspects of law, discussions around the prevailing attitudes and practices, and ideas on how the Youth Champions can continue the dialogue in their own communities.
  • Posters aimed at youth as well as at different groups of stakeholders
  • Banners
  • Wall paintings
  • Billboards

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Suaahara Nepal Project

Suaahara was an integrated nutrition project (2011-2016) that worked in 41 underserved districts in Nepal to improve the health and well-being of the Nepali people by focusing on the nutritional status of women and children under the age of two years. CCP partnered with Save the Children; Helen Keller International; Jhpiego; Nepali Technical Assistance Group; Nepal Water for Health; and the Nutrition Promotion and Consultancy Service.

Suaahara means good nutrition, or “a good balanced diet is the strong foundation protecting our lives.” As part of the implementing team, CCP supported strategic social and behavior change communication initiatives that build on this message and model behavior change to lead to improved maternal, infant and child nutrition.

In close coordination with Nepal government, the team created Bhanchhin Aama (Mother knows best), which served as the basis for a campaign for mass and community media. Bhanchhin Aama is a trusted, knowledgeable friendly mother-in-law character who models and promotes positive behavior change.

Project products included:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 29, 2021

Posters. Banners, Newspaper Ads about COVID-19 – Ethiopia

These posters, banners, and newspaper ad were produced with technical assistance from the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 6, 2020

COVID-19 Print Materials – Ethiopia

The project has produced a variety of posters, brochures, and stickers for COVID-19 prevention.

Roll-Out Banners
Posters for General Population
Brochures for General Population
Brochures for Hotel staff
Posters for Travelers (in bus and train stops)
Stickers for Inside Buses and Trains
Handwashing Stickers for Washrooms
Handwashing Reminders
Door and Surface Stickers
Poster for Nursing Home Attendants

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 16, 2020