Club Risky Business Creative Brief

A strategy document for Club Risky Business, a multimedia campaign in Zambia focusing on concurrent sexual partnerships. The objective of the campaign is to serve as a “wake-up call” or “epiphany” for target groups.

The communication objectives were:

  1. Increase personal risk perception for acquiring HIV through better understanding of “window period” (viremicity) and sexual networks (role of concurrency)
  2. Increase understanding of protective behaviors (primarily partner reduction but also condom use)
  3. Increase sense of responsibility to not infect others

This video describes the development of the project.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Creative Brief for Radio Skits for Uganda Schistosomiasis Prevention Campaign

This is a creative bfief for a series of radio skits aimed at adults and school children at high risk for contracting Bilharzia, or Schistosomiasis.

The campaign message strategy included the following goals:

  • Raise awareness about the disease
  • Build a sense of vulnerability
  • Instill self-confidence to avoid Bilharzia
  • Encourage practices that reduce the risk of Bilharzia

The radio skits included a musical jingle, s short dramatic spots, 2-minute dramas, call-in to experts, and reached 31 community radio stations in 15 languages.

Source: Ministry of Health Uganda

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Family Planning Law Campaign Creative Brief

The Family Planning Law Campaign was designed, produced and implemented by the USAID|PlanFam project, with the purpose to disseminate information about the right to family planning among rural indigenous women and men from Guatemala. The campaign was made using basic language and short sentences so as to better explain what may be complicated laws.

The campaign’s goal is that, once the rights and laws are understood, it is easier for community health workers to convey messages about the benefits of family planning and make referrals to health services to obtain these services. The campaign materials included posters, pamphlets, comics, 30-second radio spots, and a 10 minute video.

Whereas the printed materials were made available in Spanish, the radio and video materials were also available in five Mayan languages spoken in the region (Kiché, Ixil, Cakchiquel, Mam, Qeqchi). The audience was also reached through entertainment education activities such as health fairs, mobile outreach vans, individual and group counseling, and community meetings.

This creative brief explains the goal, the audience, messages, content, and media for the campaign.

Source: PSI PASMO Guatemala

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

HIV Care and Treatment Campaign Concept Note

This concept note lays out the communication strategy for Tanzania’s national HIV care and treatment campaign.

The concept note was developed by the HIV Treatment Campaign Task Force Team, which was led by the National AIDS Control Program with the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP) as Secretariat, and several partners and stakeholders as members. The concept note gives the background and rationale for the initiative, and outlines the vision, campaign goal, target audience, communication objectives, theoretical framework, behavioral determinants, communication channels, key message content, tone, geographical coverage, illustrative monitoring and evaluation plan, and the projected timeline.

This concept note resulted in the Tunakuthamini (We value you) campaign.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Older Men and Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) Creative Brief

This creative brief was designed for a campaign to encourage older men to access VMMC to reduce their risk of HIV and remove the barriers to accessing the service. It explains the objectives, the competition, the audience, the key promise, the benefits, and messages.

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019