Innovation Brief: Leveraging Technology to Develop and Test Family Planning Mass Media Campaigns in Niger and Cote D’Ivoire

The use of technology for Family Planning (FP) mass media provides an opportunity to reach a large number of people with appropriate FP information, often at national scale, and allows messages to be adjusted and improved quickly based on real-time feedback.

Using technology for developing and testing FP mass media campaigns also provides users with a safe and anonymous space to interact when they are free. This is a particularly important factor in contexts where FP is a taboo subject, especially among certain populations.

The aim of this brief is to present an overview of two uses of technology (interactive voice response (IVR) and Facebook) for FP mass media campaigns in Niger and Côte d’Ivoire (CDI), the challenges and benefits of using technology, and considerations for future use.

Source: Population Services International

Date of Publication: March 1, 2021

Innovation Brief: Insights from Model Providers in Cote d’Ivoire to Strengthen Voluntary Family Planning Service Delivery

“Model providers” are health workers who deliver high quality services, such as voluntary family planning (FP), despite societal and systemic obstacles. Such high-performing service providers can be identified through supervisor evaluation and confirmed through an assessment of client experience (e.g., mystery client surveys).

The insights and examples of model providers can be used to support and improve provider performance across the workforce, ultimately increasing access to voluntary FP. The aim of this brief is to describe the characteristics of model providers and how they respond to the barriers they face, as identified in the Transform/PHARE Côte d’Ivoire study.

The brief includes recommendations to foster high performance across the FP workforce.

Source: Population Services International

Date of Publication: March 1, 2021




Innovation Brief: The Importance of Segmentation and Tailoring Messages to Constructively Engage Men and Boys in Voluntary Family Planning

Segmentation is a common approach used by marketers to identify population sub-groups based on common characteristics to identify target audiences.

This approach is also used to tailor interventions and messaging around specific attitudes or behaviors. Transform/PHARE adapted traditional segmentation to prioritize those population segments most likely to change their behaviors and designed interventions tailored to their specific needs, behaviors and attitudes.

In Cote d’Ivoire and Niger, PHARE used segmentation to prioritize target audiences and develop effective FP interventions to increase voluntary FP uptake.

Source: Population Services International

Date of Publication: March 1, 2021

Innovation Brief: Applying the Human-Centered Design Approach

Youth face many obstacles in accessing contraceptive products and services, often more than married or older individuals. These include, for example, lower access to voluntary family planning and reproductive health services, and provider bias and social norms.

Successfully breaking down these barriers requires a deep understanding of the issues that female and male youth face—and actively involving them in the solutions. Human-centered design (HCD) is one strategy for engaging youth and facilitating best practices in offering contraceptive services.

Evidence suggests that individual and community-level participation and engagement leads to more sustainable and stronger outcomes. The purpose of this brief is to describe how PHARE applied the HCD approach to address demand and access barriers to contraceptive products and services among youth in Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Niger.

Source: Population Services International

Date of Publication: March 1, 2021

Factors Influencing Perceived Risk of Zoonic Diseases and Effectiveness/feasibility of Related Preventions Behaviors

In Guinea, current priority zoonotic diseases of interest include human anthrax, rabies, brucellosis, Lassa fever, avian influenza, and RVF.

The current study focused on the prevention behaviors related to these particular diseases of interest. Specifically, the study examined awareness, perceptions, cultural practices, and other behavioral determinants that would inform animal-human interactions, as well as community engagement and coordination strategies to prevent and combat future disease outbreaks.

The study also explored trusted information sources and the roles of various actors in an epidemic response.

The study is available in English and French.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 7, 2020

Guide de Gestion Multisectorielle des Zoonoses Prioritaires en Guinee 2018-2019

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Ces nouveaux outils de surveillance, d’investigation et de riposte ‘’Une Seule Santé’’ sont conçus de manière pratique selon l’approche par compétences.

Ces nouveaux outils de surveillance, d’investigation et de riposte ‘’Une Seule Santé’’ sont conçus de manière pratique selon l’approche par compétences.…” title=””>

Ils permettront de former des professionnels capables de s’inscrire dans une vision systémique et multisectorielle lors de l’investigation et la riposte aux zoonoses en phase d’épidémie/épizootie, et par la suite de mobiliser les ressources professionnelles nécessaires pour contenir et prévenir les maladies à potentiel épidémique/épizootique en vue d’améliorer la santé et de contribuer ainsi au développement humain et social.

Ce présent guide s’inspire de Manuels/Guides d’autres pays relatant les expériences ‘’Une seule Santé’’.

Source: Ministry of Health, Guinea

Date of Publication: December 7, 2020

Location, Location: Connecting People Faster to HIV Services

This document discusses new opportunities to reverse the HIV epidemic in specific locations and among key populations at higher risk of HIV exposure.

Since HIV data collection is expanding, new methods are being used to identify where localized epidemics may be emerging, where specific populations are carrying the highest burden of disease and where vital HIV services are deficient or absent.

These data are being combined in innovative ways, including with geographical information, to produce more detailed and vivid understandings of the HIV epidemic, all the way to the district and subdistrict levels. This makes it possible to focus HIV programs more precisely and effectively and to offer or adapt services to reach greater numbers of people in need.

This document covers the following:

  • Benefits of a location-based approach
  • Using location-specific analysis
  • Implications and next steps

Source: UNAIDS

Date of Publication: November 30, 2020

Post Pregnancy Family Planning Quality Improvement Approach for Private Health Facilities

Quality FP services entail meeting the reproductive health needs of the individuals and couples using the Bruce Jain Quality Improvement (QI) framework. This framework is made up of six elements, relevant to improving the quality of care in family planning services.

This guide explains the framework, who should be on the team, what the team members do,and how they implement QI in the health facility.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020

Guide for Conducting In-Clinic Mobilization

In-clinic mobilization is an activity conducted in the health facility during antenatal, post-natal and immunization clinics to increase family planning use by reaching women and couples with family planning information and messages during pregnancy and after delivery.

Since the health worker on duty is responsible for providing comprehensive family planning information to the clients by giving health talks during MCH clinics, this how-to guide describes the step by step process of how to run this activity and offers talking points.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020

A Guide to Conducting Outreaches for Family Planning Services

Outreaches are a method to provide FP information, counseling, and method uptake to members of the community at a minimal or affordable cost.

It also involves reaching many underserved with comprehensive FP services. There are both clinic outreaches and community outreaches. This guide explains how outreaches work, the benefit of this process.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020