A Guide to Conducting Step Down Training

This document explains the importance of step-down training on FP services to reduce the workload of skilled health workers and to meet the FP needs of their clients.

The guide also describes the advantages of step-down training, materials required, when to conduct the training, and eligibility criteria.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020

In-clinic Demand Generation for Post Pregnancy Family Planning Services In The Private Sector: A Promising Strategy

The Post Pregnancy Family Planning (PPFP) is a four-year project (2017-2021) funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and MSD for Mothers that aims to achieve an increase in the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) in Lagos State by reducing ideational barriers linked to knowledge, misperceptions, spousal communication, self-efficacy, and risk perception for post-pregnancy women and families.

This document focuses on innovations in the in-clinic demand generation activities as a promising private sector strategy.

Source: Post Pregnancy Family Planning Project, NURHI

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020

Collection of FP Commodities from the State Government

Access to quality and affordable Family planning {FP) services is crucial in improving Maternal and Child health (MCH) indices in Nigeria. High quality FP services is a key determinant of contraceptive uptake, and availability of a full range of commodities enables a woman to make an informed decision and increases contraceptive uptake and continuation.

To enable the private sector to provide affordable FP services to its clients, the Post Pregnnacy Family Planning project obtained approval from the Lagos State Ministry of Health for the provision of free commodities to the supported private health facilities.

This collaboration between supported private health facilities and the State Government is based on certain criteria and steps as stated in this document.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020

Modified Clinic Makeover: The Private Sector Experience

The Post Pregnancy Family Planning (PPFP) project (2017-2021) aims to support private sector health providers to provide post-pregnancy clients with the information and services they require to commence the use of family planning services in Lagos State, Nigeria. The Project is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and MSD for Mothers.

The post-pregnancy period is defined as the period of pregnancy through one-year post-pregnancy and includes miscarriages and any pregnancy that does not result in a live birth. The project’s family planning activities are not stand­alone but rather integrated along the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) continuum of care services; antenatal, delivery, immunization, postnatal and any interaction the post-pregnancy client has with the healthcare system.

In Lagos State, the private sector provides maternal services to sixty-five percent of the citizens. Formative research revealed that majority of the post-pregnancy clients who patronize the health facilities for antenatal care, delivery, and immunization services are not being counselled on family planning. This is a missed opportunity and provides the occasion to reach women with quality family planning information and services during their multiple contacts with the healthcare system. The PPFP approach utilizes the proven-to-work Nigeria Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI) Project model which focuses on service delivery, advocacy, and demand generation through a sustainability lens.

This document focuses on the innovation of 72-hour makeover – a concept initially conceived by the Nigeria Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI) project primarily for the public sector­and how it was modified for use in the private sector. Within the private sector context, the activity involves co-implementation with private sector providers to upgrade the physical environment ( clinic structure and equipment) of the facility in line with the national standard for the provision of quality FP services.

The makeover aims to improve the quality of the family planning (FP) clinic setting, make the environment conducive for client-provider interaction, and improve the client experience and satisfaction. The methodology enhances collaboration between the Project and facility owners by encouraging cost-sharing and extension of the makeover process to other areas of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) services within the facilities. Till date, the Project has renovated 110 private health facilities, with 51 designated FP spaces.

Source: Post Pregnancy Family Planning Project, NURHI

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020

Plan Stratégique National de Plaidoyer en Matière de Lutte Contre le Paludisme en Côte d’Ivoire (PSNPP) 2018-2023

Le paludisme constitue un défi majeur en matière de santé publique. Au cours des vingt dernières années, le monde a connu de grands progrès en matière de réduction de la morbidité et de la mortalité dues au paludisme, en partie grâce à un investissement mondial visant à améliorer l’accès et la qualité des interventions qui sauvent des vies. Cependant, la situation générale du paludisme dans les pays endémiques, comme la Côte d’Ivoire se caractérise par une stagnation alarmante.

Le Plan stratégique national de plaidoyer en matière de lutte contre le paludisme (PSNPP) 2018-2023 servira à harmoniser la programmation des actions de plaidoyer et à garantir que les interventions de plaidoyer sont alignées sur les priorités du Plan stratégique national de lutte contre le paludisme (PSNP) 2016-2020. Il va guider les professionnels du changement social et comportemental et de la communication en santé, et les autres parties prenantes concernées à concevoir, mettre en oeuvre, surveiller et évaluer les interventions de plaidoyer pour s’assurer qu’elles sont compatibles avec les politiques nationales et internationales actuelles.

Ce guide, développé à travers un processus stratégique qui prend en compte les principes d’une stratégie efficace, est localisé, ciblé, prouvé, collaboratif, influent, redevable et pérenne.

Ce plan de plaidoyer, qui fait partie du Plan Stratégique National de Communication pour le Changement Social et des Comportements en Matière de Lutte Contre le Paludisme, a pour but de contribuer à la vision d’une Côte d’Ivoire émergente et prospère sans paludisme à travers la réalisation d’un objectif d’impact, à savoir : « D’ici à 2023, 75 % des chefs de ménage adoptent des comportements favorables à la lutte contre le paludisme »

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 28, 2020

Priority Zoonotic Diseases Prevention and Control Message Guide

This message guide is intended to provide a reference for presenting accurate, standardized, basic health information in simple language, using a health message format relevant to the prevention and management of anthrax, brucellosis, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Rift Valley Fever, and rabies in Ethiopia. It aims to facilitate coordination across sectors to ensure effective, consistent, and credible communication of messages through multiple sources and channels.

The intended audiences of this document include sector ministries, institutions, departments, agencies, media, and development partners that are designing or implementing programs, activities, or communication on zoonotic diseases.

Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs developed this guide with the concerted effort of the Ethiopian One Health Steering Committee, its stakeholders, and partners.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 16, 2020

Adapting a Radio Magazine Program in a New Geography

This how-to guide is developed for program managers who want to implement radio magazine programs that have been proven to inspire behavior change around family planning.

The original radio programs were developed for specific Nigerian cities and States and are adaptable to other locations which may not be similar to the location and language of the original program. In NURHI 2, a radio magazine programme ‘Ireti Eda’, developed for Oyo was adapted for broadcast in Ogun and Ondo States and was proven successful in changing family planning intention to use in those States.

This was successful because the program manager followed a process of adaptation as highlighted in this how to guide.

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

A How-to-Guide in Conducting Effective and Vibrant Social Mobilization Activity

The Nigerian Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI 2) project is designed to increase contraceptive use in Kaduna, Lagos and Oyo states. It is an extension of the successful NURHI Phase 1 Project (2009 – 2014) and runs from 2015 – 2020.

This second phase of NURHI builds on successful strategies implemented over a six-year period in six Nigerian cities. Through a strategic combination of service delivery, communication and advocacy, the project aims to increase demand for and supply of family planning (FP) services, ultimately leading to longterm sustainability.

NURHI 2 uses communication to increase demand for family planning among men and women through an integrated communication strategy that employs a combination of social mobilization, media campaigns, and entertainment education.

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

NURHI 2 Social Mobilization Tools

Social mobilization has been used over the years at different times to increase awareness of social issues and promote change at the community level. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of social mobilization in improving health-seeking behaviors.

In family planning, social mobilization is used to generate demand for products and services through community-based activities, such as neighborhood campaigns, community dialogues and key life events. In NURHI 2, programming for young persons is intentional, with discussions around life planning and reproductive health.These activities promote family planning discussions at the community level and direct potential clients to health facilities for more information on family planning and uptake of modern family planning methods.

All mobilization activities focus on making family planning information available and bringing the services closer to the community members, even in hard-to-reach areas.

The following tools are available on the page:

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020

TCI University Resource Collection

This Resource Collection covers The Challenge Initative (TCI)’s tools, job aids, brochures, magazines, posters, and many other types of materials.

The collection includes materials on:

  • Services and Supply
  • Demand Generation
  • Advocacy
  • Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation

Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020