Malaria in Pregnancy Resource Package

This resource package provides tools including training resources, programming resources, and reference materials to help implement programs that will reduce malaria in pregnancy and provide effective treatment for pregnant women with malaria. It includes job aids for clinical trainers and health care providers to help them provide correct information for clients and their families about malaria in pregnancy. The Package is aimed at policymakers, public health professionals, and managers. The Focused Antenatal Care job aid provides an overview of what providers should do at each of four scheduled antenatal care visits, and information to help the client as she prepares for the birth. The Malaria during Pregnancy job aid includes important facts about malaria, and preventing malaria in pregnancy through intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide-treated nets. Also included in the package are examples of job aids from Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and Tanzania.


Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

The Monday Campaigns

The Monday Campaigns is a non-profit public health initiative associated with Johns Hopkins, Columbia and Syracuse universities that dedicates the first day of every week to health. Every Monday, individuals and the private sector join together to commit to the healthy behaviors that can help end chronic preventable diseases.

The group helps private sector and public sector organizations incorporate the Monday concept into their own health promotion programs by providing free research, creative materials, case studies and ready-to-scale programs. It supports individuals through consumer websites and social media with weekly recipes, tips and resources that can help them live healthier week after week.

The Monday movement has grown to include an array of schools and universities, businesses, communities, nonprofit and government organizations, and media outlets. Some utilize the campaign’s free resources while others create their own programs. Organizations contact the group if they want to incorporate the Monday concept into their own programs and/or collaborate with The Monday Campaigns and their partners to develop and disseminate evidence-based models.

The campaign also includes Workplace Wellness, which guides companies to create wellness programs for their employees.

Here is a list of the various Monday campaigns

Source: Monday Campaigns

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Monitoring in Real Time the Implementation of HIV Mother-to-Child Prevention Programme

In 2012, the Government of Uganda launched Option B +, a new prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission program in collaboration with WHO. The antiretroviral treatment is available for pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV.

As part of the program, Pulse Lab Kampala developed an application that generates analysis and visualizations of real-time data tracking the implementation of Option B+.

A user-friendly dashboard was created to monitor the real-time performance of health centers in districts where the program was being launched or was ongoing. This interactive platform tracks in real time the indicators received from health centers across the country. The information is analyzed using several variables such as: number of patients going for regular antenatal care visits, number of HIV/AIDS cases, and number of patients receiving the option B+ treatment.

The dashboard also highlights relevant correlations between drop out rates in treatment and different relevant factors. For example, the application analyses the relation between stock-outs of medical supplies and drop out rates.

The purpose of the application is to enable the flow of timely information to address bottlenecks on the rollout of the Option B+ treatment in Ugandan districts.

Source: UNAIDS, Uganda Ministry of Health

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019