NORMAL Counseling Tools for Menstrual Bleeding Changes

Fears and misconceptions around menstrual changes associated with some contraceptive methods often contribute to discontinuation and non-use of contraception. Although amenorrhea or reduced bleeding can have important non-contraceptive health and lifestyle advantages, these potential benefits are often not emphasized in counseling sessions. To address this gap in counseling, FHI 360 and Population Services International (PSI) co-developed the NORMAL counseling tools to guide health care workers in counseling family planning clients on bleeding changes associated with the use of hormonal contraception and the copper intrauterine device.

The suite of tools includes a facility-based tool, community-based tool, and training slides.

Source: FHI 360

Date of Publication: September 1, 2022

Saleema Initiative

The Saleema initiative, launched in 2008 by the National Council of Child Welfare (NCCW) and UNICEF Sudan, supports the protection of girls from genital cutting, particularly in the context of efforts to promote collective abandonment of the practice at community level.

Saleema is a word that means whole, healthy in body and mind, unharmed, intact, pristine, and untouched, in a God-given condition.The broad objective of Saleema is to change the way that people talk about female genital cutting by promoting, at the community level, wide usage of new positive terminology to describe the natural bodies of girls and women.

Since the Saleema Initiative began in 2009, the ideal of keeping girls saleema has spread throughout Sudan, and also created interest in neighbouring countries such as Somalia and Egypt.

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: October 19, 2021

Integrated HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (ATM) Response Resource Kit for Civil Society Organisations in Nigeria

This resource kit is designed to effectively equip a core team of trainers and participants with required information on aspects of integrated ATM planning, strategies,interventions and communication. This is expected to strengthen the capacity of CSOs and their members as key stakeholders in the ATM prevention, control,treatment and the reduction/elimination of morbidity and mortality deriving from the diseases. This kit comprehensively gathers different reports, researches, intellectual knowledge and practical experiences of independent consultants, civil society organizations in Nigeria. There are five modules in the kit:

  • Module 1: Overview on HIV/AIDS/ TB and Malaria
  • Module 2: Roles of CSOs
  • Module 3: Capacity Building /Enhancement
  • Module 4: Community Response
  • Module 5: The Structure of National Response and How Civil Society Fits

Source: ActionAid Nigeria

Date of Publication: October 19, 2021

Tools for HIV Counseling for the Asia-Pacific

This package was created to meet a need to improve the quality of counseling as countries step up their drive to contain the AIDS epidemic. Prepared over two years by WHO and UNICEF with technical assistance from the Family Health International Asia-Pacific Regional Office, it is designed to equip trainers, counselors in training, and working counselors in the Asia Pacific Region with essential skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality HIV testing and counseling services in a range of approaches and settings.

The HIV counselors handbook, trainer’s session plans, participatory learning activities, and HIV counselor toolkit reflect tests being used by health care providers. The provider-initiated testing and counseling approach is based on the UNAIDS/WHO Policy Statement on HIV Testing (2004), which was drafted after numerous rounds of consultations to deal with the low uptake of Voluntary and Confidential Counseling and Testing worldwide.


Date of Publication: October 17, 2021

The Balanced Counseling Strategy: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers

The Balanced Counseling Strategy (BCS) is a strategy designed to be interactive and client-friendly. It uses three key job aids to guide comprehensive and high-quality reproductive health and family planning counseling to clients. The BCS toolkit incorporates international family planning norms and guidance as recommended by the World Health Organization, including the 2004 Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use and the 2007 Family Planning Global Handbook. The process, tested and refined in several countries, involves a set of steps to determine the method that best suits the client according to her/his preferences and reproductive health intentions. The BCS toolkit includes: 1. An algorithm that summarizes the 11 steps needed to implement the strategy, 2. Counseling cards with basic information about 15 family planning methods, plus a card with the checklist to be reasonably sure a woman is not pregnant, and 3. Brochures on each of the methods for the client to take once a method is chosen: The pill, Emergency contraception, Female condoms, Tubal ligation, Hormonal implants, Intrauterine device, Progestin-only injectables, Monthly injectable, Spermicides, Minipill,TwoDay Method®, Vasectomy, Standard Days Method®, Male condoms, Lactational amenorrhea method

Source: Population Council

Date of Publication: October 15, 2021

HIV and Infant Feeding Counseling Tools

These tools were created to help health workers before, during and after a counseling session so that they can better support HIV-positive mothers.

The tools consist of the following parts:

  • Counseling cards that describe the counselling process. Infant feeding counselors should use the flipchart during counseling sessions with HIV-positive pregnant women and/or mothers. The cards need local adaptation to a) identify the most acceptable/feasible feeding options from 0 to 6 months, and b) identify the most suitable foods to cover nutrient requirements from 6 to 24 months.
  • Take-home flyers that explain how to practice safer infant feeding, according to the mother’s decision. The counselor should use the relevant flyer to teach the mother, and she can then use it as a reminder at home.
  • A Reference guide that provides more technical and practical details than the counseling cards. Counselors can use it as a handbook.
  • An Orientation guide that suggests ways for health care managers to train infant feeding counselors on how to use these tools.


Date of Publication: October 15, 2021

Addressing Rumors or Myths and Role in Vaccine Safety Events

This video is part of a package of materials, including other short videos, for health workers, called Interpersonal Communication for Immunization.

The video tells a story about an immunization program which has been going well until a rumor begins that one child in a community far from the capital has become sick after receiving a vaccine. The rumor becomes stronger every day and there is concern that the rumor might make parents concerned about bringing their children for vaccination. Frontline workers (FLWs) go to the house of the sick children and find out from the child’s mother that she never thought her son was sick due to the vaccination he received. The mother agrees to speak to others during a community gathering to explain that her son’s illness was not caused by his vaccination. She also responds to a few questions to reassure other caregivers about the safety and advantages of immunization.

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

UNICEF Cholera Toolkit

This toolkit aims to provide UNICEF Offices, counterparts and partners with one source of information for prevention (or risk reduction) and control of cholera outbreaks, preparedness, response and recovery – including integration with regular/development programs.

The toolkit aims to provide guidance primarily for the health and WASH sectors; nevertheless guidelines are presented in an integrated manner, to avoid the continuation of ‘silo’ approaches for cholera prevention, preparedness and response. In addition, the toolkit includes specific content linked to Education, Nutrition, C4D, Protection and other relevant sectors.

The primary target audience for this toolkit is UNICEF staff at all levels and across all divisions and sections in the UNICEF Country, Regional and HQ Offices. It may however also be useful for government counterparts and partners such as NGOs, UN and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) working in cholera prevention, preparedness and response.

The toolkit comprises a main document, a series of annexes (templates, checklists, spread sheets and more detailed reference information) and a selection of additional resources (an electronic library including published papers, IEC materials, cholera guidelines, training packages, examples of mapping and a range of other practical information). Links to web-based resources are included throughout the electronic version of the main document. Complementarily, a set of ‘Roadmaps’ (graphic instructions on how to use the different elements of the Toolkit for specific purposes such as developing a preparedness plan or setting up an outbreak response plan) are provided as part of the main document.

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Transforming Immunization Dialogue

This video is part of a package of materials, including other short videos, for health workers, called Interpersonal Communication for Immunization.

The videos illustrate interpersonal communication-based challenges and solutions to improving immunization coverage and are intended to be used as job aids to support frontline health workers as they address barriers to immunization in their communities.

Source: UNICEF

Date of Publication: September 30, 2021

Community Conversation Toolkit for HIV Prevention – Facilitator’s Guide

Materials in this toolkit include a facilitator’s guide, community mobilizer’s cards, roleplay cards, storytelling finger puppets, promotional proverbs and best kept secrets throw boxes, promotional playing cards, and dialogue buttons. These formats are designed to mobilize adults aged 20 and above in communities to take action toward HIV prevention.

The toolkit is intended to complement existing HIV prevention activities and address several key drivers: concurrency, cross-generational sex, gender-based violence, and alcohol abuse. Each material in the toolkit was tested with community mobilizers and men and women ages 20 and above in community. Sixty-nine focus group discussions and 34 in-depth interviews were conducted with men and women and with trained community facilitators who lead discussions using the materials. The toolkit has also been adapted in Lesotho, Nigeria, and Swaziland and is available in 10 languages.

The Facilitator’s Guide describes each item in the toolkit and how to use it.

Source: FHI 360

Date of Publication: August 9, 2021