Planting Our Tree of Hope: A Toolkit on Positive Prevention for People Living with HIV – Flipchart

This is the flipchart which accompanies the “Planting Our Tree of Hope” Facilitator’s Guide.

The stories contained in the Flipchart are of real people in Malawi living and affected by HIV/AIDS. Each story follows the theme for a particular session in the Guide. The questions related to each story are found within the Facilitator Guide. Activities are also included for each thematic session. These resources were developed as part of the Malawi BRIDGE Project, and as part of the Positive Prevention campaign, which aimed at creating an HIV/AIDS prevention response that recognizes the needs and desires of PLHIVs by providing them with information to live healthy, and addressing the psycho-social well-being including family planning options.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 23, 2021

My Dreams, My Choice! Toolkit

In support of the USAID DREAMS initiative in Malawi, SSDI-Communication adapted other evidence-based manuals for participatory group sessions from Malawi and surrounding countries to produce a toolkit for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Malawi.

The toolkit, “My DREAMS, My Choice!”, is a participatory toolkit for both in- and out-of-school girls. It provides a safe and fun opportunity for AGYW to understand their bodies as they transition from childhood to adulthood; gain skills knowledge and self-efficacy to live productive lives, free from HIV; develop social support networks and recognize safe spaces in their communities; feel empowered to speak for themselves and recognize the role they play in society and in shaping their future; help girls examine how gender norms and social roles operate and impact on their lives; and empower AGYW to access key health and other social services.

The toolkit uses Participatory Learning Approaches (PLA) and is participant centered, with content delivered through discussions, games, lectures, songs, demonstrations and role plays. The toolkit has a total of six modules and 24 sessions.

Source: SSDI-Communication

Date of Publication: June 29, 2021

The COVID-19 Message Toolkit

This Message Toolkit was designed to help the Department of Health (DOH) staff, local government stakeholders, non-government organizations, international organizations and others to communicate consistently and effectively about COVID-19. It is a one-stop-shop for all messages about COVID-19.

The messages here have been reviewed and approved by the Department of Health (DOH).

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Philippines Department of Health

Date of Publication: April 12, 2021

Handoff Package for Postpartum Family Planning and Improved Counselling

This document provides an overview of a provider behavior change solution set, and is intended to encourage ownership and scale-up of the solution set by local partners in Malawi.

It can also be used by any service delivery partner working on improving postpartum FP through improved FP counselling with a referral system beyond Malawi. The document (and the accompanying files in the Digital Appendix) explain how to operationalize and monitor the solution set, and provide guidance for ensuring successful implementation. The tools and implementation guides can be adapted by to meet the specific needs of any context.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: February 3, 2021

Encouraging Family Planning Counseling that Promotes Meaningful Choice

Despite recent gains in the use of modern contraceptives around the world, many women are still dissatisfied with their family planning methods and discontinuation remains high.

In collaboration with health workers, postpartum women, implementers, and policymakers in Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral design to develop a package of evidence-based, low-cost solutions that improve the quality of family planning counseling for postpartum women.

An accompanying guide highlights the “how-to” of the solutions so that implementers can consider if they may want to adapt them to their own settings. The guide includes more details and implementation considerations for each solution, downloadable files for each solution, and links to the formative research and evaluation results.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: February 3, 2021

Go Girls! How to Use the Visual Brief

This guide helps teachers and service providers how to explain the content of the Go Girls! Visual Brief.

It includes the following topics, among others:

  • Spread of HIV
  • Protection from HIV
  • Knowledge and Attitudes
  • Relationships with family
  • Relationships with friends

The instruction guide is available in:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 10, 2020

Go Students! School-Based Life Skills for Girls and Boys: A Teacher’s Manual

This manual is part of the Go Girls! Toolkit and aims to help teachers teach students a range of life skills that will help them protect themselves from HIV/AIDS.

The manual includes ideas for communication and teaching on the following topics: personal strengths, healthy friendships, communication, adults as helpers, how an adolescent’s body changes, how pregnancy happens, HIV, readiness to engage in sexual activity, sex with older men, healthy friendships, being faithful, alcohol use, and risk taking.

It is available in:

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 10, 2020

Go Communities! A Manual for Mobilizing Communities to Take Action to Reduce Girls’ Vulnerability to HIV/AIDS

This manual is part of the Go Girls! Toolkit and aims to strengthen the skills of mobilizers and community facilitators to motivate communities around reducing girls’ vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. The Go Girls! Initiative aimed to reduce HIV prevalence among vulnerable adolescent girls aged 10-17 in Botswana, Malawi and Mozambique.

This manual is designed around a Community Action Cycle for reducing girls’ vulnerability to HIV/AIDS which includes the following steps: getting prepared, getting organized, promoting community dialogue, building consensus and planning together, taking collective action, and evaluating together.

The manual is available in:

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 10, 2020

Go Families! Building Adults’ Skills to Communicate with Young People: A Training Manual

This manual is part of the Go Girls! Toolkit and prepares parents, caregivers, initiation counselors and other concerned adults to better communicate with the young people in their lives about the unique needs, concerns and interests of adolescents.

The manual helps adults engage in nurturing, supportive relationships with young people through role-modeling and by building communication and relationship skills. The manual covers the following: positive communication, adolescence and puberty, talking about sex, talking about HIV, talking to kids who don’t want to talk, being a role model, talking about money, talking about alcohol, and knowing where kids hang out.

It is available in:

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 10, 2020

Adapting a Radio Magazine Program in a New Geography

This how-to guide is developed for program managers who want to implement radio magazine programs that have been proven to inspire behavior change around family planning.

The original radio programs were developed for specific Nigerian cities and States and are adaptable to other locations which may not be similar to the location and language of the original program. In NURHI 2, a radio magazine programme ‘Ireti Eda’, developed for Oyo was adapted for broadcast in Ogun and Ondo States and was proven successful in changing family planning intention to use in those States.

This was successful because the program manager followed a process of adaptation as highlighted in this how to guide.

Source: NURHI

Date of Publication: August 10, 2020