Tool and Guide for Reviewing the Nutrition Content of Pre-Service Training Curricula

Quality pre-service training forms the foundation of all nutrition services, equipping health professionals with the competencies required to deliver quality services from day one on the job. However, nutrition content is often outdated and can be difficult to integrate into pre-service training.

In an effort to improve the quality of nutrition services, USAID Advancing Nutrition developed the Tool and Guide for Reviewing the Nutrition Content of Pre-Service Training Curricula and tested it in Bangladesh, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Malawi. The tool can be used by academic institutions, relevant government entities, non-governmental organizations, and donors to help review and improve the nutrition content in existing pre-service training curricula for specific cadres of health workers who provide frontline nutrition services.

Last modified: January 1, 2024

Language: English, Russian

Source: USAID Advancing Nutrition

Year of Publication: 2023

Designing Effective Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Activities Workshop: Facilitator’s Guide and Slides

This guide provides materials needed to facilitate nutrition-sensitive agriculture design workshops. Paired with two PowerPoint slide decks, it provides instructions for facilitators to conduct a three-day workshop that helps activity teams establish contextually appropriate, nutrition-sensitive agriculture outcomes, interventions, and indicators. Workshop participants discuss outcomes to consider that will lead to improved nutritional status and then develop interventions to contain underlying contributors to malnutrition. Originally developed by the USAID-funded Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally (SPRING) project, USAID Advancing Nutrition updated the guide in 2020.

Last modified: January 1, 2024

Language: English, French

Source: USAID Advancing Nutrition

Year of Publication: 2022

One Health Risk Communication Training for Chiefdom-Level One Health Structures

This training manual overviews a three-day, interactive training in One Health risk communication and community engagement. This training package was designed for chiefdom-level One Health representatives and stakeholders within the health, animal, or environment sector, as well as key chiefdom-level authorities and influencers. Much of the training content is specific to Sierra Leone but could be easily adaptable to other contexts. The training emphasizes adult learning methods that require participation through small and large group discussion, brainstorming and reflection, role-play, and practice.

The objectives of this training are:

  • Objective 1: Gain an understanding of the One Health concept, as well as the core One Health institutions.
  • Objective 2: Review Sierra Leone’s priority zoonotic diseases and their relationship to public health emergency preparedness and response.
  • Objective 3: Review available risk communication tools and protocols in country to promote awareness, engage communities, and support a public health emergency response.
  • Objective 4: Learn and practice skills to apply the principles of effective risk communication in communicating with the public.
  • Objective 5: Improve confidence and ability to effectively respond to the public’s needs and concerns regarding PZDs and public health emergencies to minimize conflicting information, rumors, and misinformation.
  • Objective 6: Gain experience in conducting the community-led action (CLA) method.

The training package is designed to be “field-friendly”. No slides are required. Instead, this training is broken into the following documents:

Last modified: November 20, 2023

Language: English

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Year of Publication: 2023

RCCE Training for Liberia University Students

In 2023, Breakthrough ACTION Liberia, in close collaboration with the Liberia One Health Platform, developed a seminar series for University students in Liberia. The seminar series was designed to provide an introduction to risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) to post-secondary public health students (primarily undergraduate juniors and seniors) with an expressed interest in risk communication, health communication, and other public health disasters.

The seminar series focused on One Health and RCCE before, during, and after public health emergencies, and provided introductions to definitions, principles, and best practices of RCCE, as well as real-life examples and scenarios.

RCCE Training for Liberia University Students

Seminar Case Scenarios

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: September 26, 2023

Liberia Interpersonal Communication and Counseling Curriculum

To be effective and trusted, health providers must show empathy and the ability to effectively communicate with their clients. Technical competence plays a large role in delivering high-quality care; however, additional factors identified as affecting the quality of care delivered by health providers include their communication skills, values, beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, perceptions of their role, social and workplace norms, structural context, and level of supervision.

The interpersonal communication and counseling (IPCC) curriculum was developed by a multidisciplinary team from the Liberia Ministry of Health (MOH) along with its national and international development partners and in collaboration with Breakthrough ACTION Liberia. This IPCC curriculum focuses on building skills related to communication, empathy, and compassion in order to support service providers in delivering more effective and responsive care. Building a service provider’s communication and counseling skills will lead to a better understanding of a client’s perspective, improved relationships between providers and clients, and ultimately, a greater sense of trust and confidence in the health system.

This training manual is designed for health providers who are in contact with clients at health facilities in Liberia. It is an interactive training manual that teaches counseling, communication, and motivation skills using hands-on practices such as problem-solving, post-training coaching and mentorship, self-reflection, peer review, and visual reminders. These approaches aim to build skills that will promote health provider empathy for clients, improve client-provider interaction, client experience, quality of care and ultimately improve health outcomes.

Curriculum Resources

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: February 15, 2023

“Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19” training curriculum

Breakthrough ACTION supports the Government of Nigeria (GON) to create an enabling environment for preparedness, response, and recovery from emerging pandemic threats and infectious disease outbreaks. Working with and through healthcare workers (HCWs) during the COVID-19 response efforts has been key to this support. Research shows:

  • HCWs are trusted messengers for social and behavior change (SBC) interventions. Results from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Sydani Vaccine Hesitancy Study in Nigeria showed that 83% of participants said they would seek advice from an HCW in the decision to get vaccinated for COVID-19.
  • HCWs were largely more likely to be vaccinated than the general population for COVID-19. However, many remained vaccine-hesitant. This was largely due to a lack of confidence in the vaccines, followed by a lack of trust in government/public figures, fear of adverse effects, constraints to access, and a low perception of the risk of disease.
  • HCWs reported that they lacked sufficient information on COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines and required more information on COVID-19 and vaccination.

In response to this demonstrated need, Breakthrough ACTION in collaboration with partners in Nigeria developed the “Building Trust and Empathy Around COVID-19” training curriculum, which aims to not only build the skills of HCWs in providing empathetic care but also support them in navigating their own self-care to avoid burnout during an emergency. The training combines an in-person component along with virtual coaching support and reference materials. These include:

A blog on Breakthrough ACTION’s website describes the training curriculum and lessons learned.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: February 3, 2023

A Guide to Action for Community Mobilization and Empowerment Focused on Postabortion Complications

This is a training manual for using the community action cyclem which is a participatory problem-solving approach involving community diagnosis, planning together, implementation of plans, participatory evaluation, and scaling up. It helps communities identify their problems and prioritize and solve the major problems relating to post abortion care.

The manual includes activities for a six day training session.

Source: EngenderHealth

Date of Publication: January 17, 2022

Community IPC Guide – Malaria

This is a flipchart designed to aid Community Volunteers (CVs) in facilitating discussions around malaria appropriate behaviors during community dialogue sessions. There are versions for Nasarawa, Benue, Akwa Ibom, Kebbi & Zamfara.

It includes information about:

  • What is Malaria
  • Malaria signs and symptoms
  • People at risk
  • Severe malaria
  • Malaria in pregnancy
  • Prevention of malaria
  • Environmental management
  • Testing
  • Treatment

The flipchart was used to interact with over 4 million individuals.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: October 25, 2021

HIV Counselling Resource Package for the Asia Pacific Region

This package outlines the key activities and information involved in training HIV counsellors to work in voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), provider initiated testing and counselling (PITC), and HIV care counselling settings in the Asia and Pacific regions.

The overall objectives of the training are:

  • To improve the technical capacity of counsellors to provide HIV testing and counselling across the disease continuum
  • To train counsellors in evidence-based counselling strategies that may help reduce HIV transmission
  • To provide counsellors with skills to support adherence to HIV treatment and care
  • To reduce the psychological morbidity associated with HIV disease and improve the quality of life of people living with HIV

The trainer’s manual contains essential information for the use of those facilitating or conducting the training of HIV counsellors for low- and high-concentration HIV epidemic areas in the Asia and Pacific regions. The manual contains 16 modules with clearly stated objectives and session plans. The printed manual contains all the training resources listed in the Training Resources Outline.

The annex of the trainer’s manual contains sample training evaluation materials.

Source: UNICEF, FHI360, WHO

Date of Publication: October 17, 2021

Engaging Boys and Men in Gender Transformation: The Group Education Manual

This 11-chapter manual offers trainers an array of participatory experiential exercises to reach men (and their partners), exploring gender socialization and its impact on HIV prevention and care. Piloted in Ethiopia, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania, the manual is designed to assist master trainers in developing curricula to work with men and boys on gender, HIV and AIDS issues.

After a short background discussing the scientific rationale, chapter topics include: Gender and Power, Sexuality, Men and Health, Substance Use, Healthy Relationships, STI and HIV prevention, Living with HIV, Fatherhood, Violence and Making Change-taking Action. This educational manual allows men to question non-equitable views about masculinity and develop more positive attitudes to prevent unhealthy behaviors that put them and their partners and families at risk. It can also be used to train facilitators who will implement workshop activities with groups of men.

The activities are intended for use with men of all ages, although some adaptations might have to be made depending on the ages of the men and the country and community context. These activities can also be adapted for use with groups of men and women.

Source: EngenderHealth, Promundo

Date of Publication: October 15, 2021