Trainer Manual – Counseling on Infant and Young Child Feeding at a Health Facility

Alive and Thrive is an initiative in Vietnam aimed at improving infant and young child feeding by increasing rates of exclusive breastfeeding and improving complementary feeding practices. – See more at: /project-examples/dads-can-do-toolkit#sthash.HrdiH0dM.dpuf

Alive & Thrive is an initiative in Vietnam aimed at improving infant and young child feeding by increasing rates of exclusive breastfeeding and improving complementary feeding practices.

This manual is designed for use by trainers to prepare health-facility workers to deliver good quality IYCF counseling services. This manual offers an overview of IYCF, nutrition and health care for pregnant women and lactating mothers, breastfeeding, complementary feeding, hygiene, and child feeding during illness. The manual’s principal purpose is to provide essential counseling and communication skills to health workers who are responsible for the direct provision of IYCF counseling services at health facilities. The accompanying handbook is a reference for participants on topics discussed in the training.

Source: Alive & Thrive

Date of Publication: August 16, 2021

SBC Palika Package Website

SBC Palika Package is a capcity strengthening support material for developing, advocating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Social Behavior Change (SBC) capacity for local-level health personnel and elected bodies.

This website includes supporting materials for the Package such as:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: August 11, 2021

Learning for Life: Classroom Activities for HIV and AIDS Education

This workbook provides activities to help students prevent new HIV infections and gain skills related to coping with all aspects of HIV and AIDS. Gaining this knowledge and these skills can help students live a healthy lifestyle, complete a basic education, and consequently reach their potential to attain their life goals.

The book covers all aspects of HIV and AIDS education, which includes not only basic information about HIV and AIDS and prevention strategies, but also HIV counseling, testing, treatment, and care; gender inequalities; stigma and discrimination; and involvement of people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS. It also contains lessons tailored to students in three different age groups: under age 10, ages 10–14, and ages 15+. The age groups have been determined by the changes that occur in the development of children and adolescents in relation to cognitive ability and psychosocial and sexual growth.

Source: Education Development Center, Education International, World Health Organization

Date of Publication: August 9, 2021

All Together Now! Community Mobilization for HIV/AIDS

This is part one of a two-part community mobilization toolkit for HIV/AIDS that helps communities to become actively and influentially involved in addressing the causes and effects of HIV and AIDS.The resources are:

• All Together Now! Community mobilization for HIV/AIDS guides you through the process of mobilizing communities to address HIV prevention, care, support, impact mitigation and treatment for those affected by HIV and AIDS.
Tools Together Now! 100 participatory tools to mobilize communities for HIV/AIDS is a set of participatory exercises designed to help put All Together Now! into practice.

This resource, “All Together Now”, describes the process of community mobilization. Community mobilization is a capacity-building process through which individuals, groups or organizations plan, carry out and evaluate activities on a participatory and sustained basis to improve their health and other needs, either on their own initiative or stimulated by others. The toolkit covers how to encourage community mobilization for prevention, care, support and treatment activities. It uses tried and tested approaches to help you facilitate communities to become actively involved in the assessment, design, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and scaling up of HIV/AIDS projects and programs.

This toolkit is intended to help organizations and community groups mobilize and work together to address HIV/AIDS issues. Whether these issues relate to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS, or mitigating the negative impact of HIV/AIDS on affected communities, this toolkit will be of use, and can also assist those wishing to support communities to assess the local HIV/AIDS situation: to plan, act, monitor, evaluate, reflect or scale up HIV/AIDS activities. The tools will be most helpful for people working directly with communities affected by HIV/AIDS. However, any organization working broadly on HIV/AIDS should find the toolkit useful.

Source: International HIV/AIDS Alliance

Date of Publication: August 5, 2021

Curriculum for Change Agent Development Program

This document provides a brief introduction to the background, purpose and targeted participants of the Change Agent Development Programme (CADP). It provides details of the curriculum content and learning objectives particpants can expect to achieve through their involvement.

The purpose of the Change Agent Development Programme is to strengthen individual capacity and fill existing skills and knowledge gaps of select national, regional and district-level staff of the Health Promotion Department to effectively coordinate and deliver SBCC and Health Promotion Campaigns.

Expected outcomes of the CADP are that by the end participants will have:

  • A deeper understanding of, and acquire new skills and knowledge in evidence based SBCC theory and practice
  • Learned strategies and tactics for applying the new knowledge and skills in their work setting
  • Developed insights, new ideas and techniques on how to tackle and influence social norms that negatively impact health
  • A greater awareness of current SBCC campaigns and practical ways to utilise and co-ordinate them effectively at regional, district and community level
  • Increased their understanding of the Health Promotion (HP) role and improvement of individual personal effectiveness
  • Become equipped to transfer SBCC knowledge and skills to peers through an organised system of mentorshipA
  • Acquired the skills required to implementing innovative SBCC interventions at a local level supported through the Change Challenge Fund

Source: Communicate for Health Ghana

Date of Publication: July 19, 2021

Curriculum for Change Agent Development Program – Facilitator’s Handbook

This document provides a guide for the facilitator and presenters of the Change Agent Development Programme (CADP). It provides details of the curriculum content and learning objectives particpants can expect to achieve through their involvement.

The purpose of the Change Agent Development Programme is to strengthen individual capacity and fill existing skills and knowledge gaps of select national, regional and district-level staff of the Health Promotion Department to effectively coordinate and deliver SBCC and Health Promotion Campaigns.

This document aims to:

  • Give context through a brief introduction to the background, purpose and targeted participants of the Change Agent Development Programme (CADP) and the outcomes it hopes to achieve
  • Set out the role and responsibilities of the facilitator and the session presenters/contributors and provides a house style and approach
  • Provide details of the curriculum content and learning objectives participants can expect to achieve through their involvement and what the presenters need to cover
  • Provide some inspiration for the facilitators for fun energisers and closers, introduction exercises, ways to gauge the learning and areas that may remain unclear, group discussion exercises or questions to address in pairs for each of the topic areas

Source: Communicate for Health Ghana

Date of Publication: July 19, 2021

Suaahara Nepal Project

Suaahara was an integrated nutrition project (2011-2016) that worked in 41 underserved districts in Nepal to improve the health and well-being of the Nepali people by focusing on the nutritional status of women and children under the age of two years. CCP partnered with Save the Children; Helen Keller International; Jhpiego; Nepali Technical Assistance Group; Nepal Water for Health; and the Nutrition Promotion and Consultancy Service.

Suaahara means good nutrition, or “a good balanced diet is the strong foundation protecting our lives.” As part of the implementing team, CCP supported strategic social and behavior change communication initiatives that build on this message and model behavior change to lead to improved maternal, infant and child nutrition.

In close coordination with Nepal government, the team created Bhanchhin Aama (Mother knows best), which served as the basis for a campaign for mass and community media. Bhanchhin Aama is a trusted, knowledgeable friendly mother-in-law character who models and promotes positive behavior change.

Project products included:

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 29, 2021

Mobiliser les Communautés Pour la Lutte Contre le Paludisme

Ce guide vise à former le personnel du projet, les acteurs impliqués dans le projet et les ONG partenaires sur les principes et les pratiques de mobilisation communautaire.

Cette formation a pour objectifs généraux de permettre aux participants de:

  • Développer une compréhension et un engagement eux principes et aux méthodes de mobilisation communautaire (MC) et de développement participatif
  • Elaborer des méthodes et ces compétences pour la facilitation effective du processus de cycle d’action communautaire afin d’aider les communautés participantes à atteindre les objectifs du projet de santé en l’occurrence de la lutte contre le paludisme
  • Examiner l’apprentissage et la facilitation participative
  • Apprendre à évaluer et à renforcer les capacités communautaires pour identifier et prioriser les problèmes (liés au projet de lutte contre le paludisme), planifier et mettre en œuvre des stratégies efficaces pour résoudre ces problèmes, et suivre et évaluer leurs progrès
  • Lancer un plan de MC, à l’aide de bonnes pratiques de MC, de comment entrer/fonctionner dans la “nouvelle” zone d’impact d’une manière qui harmonise à la fois les opérations et les programmes de parrainage
  • Comprendre comment suivre les résultats de mobilisation communautaire, le renforcement des capacités et de l’apprentissage à travers les communautés et au sein des programmes pour améliorer et élargir l’impact

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: May 20, 2021

Awareness and Education Campaign on COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals in the Philippines

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

The project produced a Pretest Results Report and a Posttest Report.

Materials cover the following areas:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – Community Pharmacy Interventions

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These materials were created for community pharmacy interventions:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021