WHO competency framework, risk communication and community engagement

The risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) competency framework is a resource that details the essential behaviors and activities necessary for effective communication and engagement with communities before, during, and after public health emergencies. The purpose of this framework is to establish and promote a common understanding of behavioral competencies and how they should be applied for high-performing and community-centered health emergency programs. It is intended to support the development of standardized training programs, professional development, and talent acquisition and to enhance the capabilities of public health professionals involved in RCCE. Its goal is to inform the establishment of a skilled, well-trained RCCE workforce that consistently understands and executes the necessary behaviors and activities required to conduct RCCE activities with competence and professionalism.

Last modified: July 21, 2024

Language: English

Source: World Health Organization

Year of Publication: 2024

Standards for improving quality of maternal and newborn care in health facilities

This framework contains eight domains of quality of care that should be assessed, improved, and monitored within the health system. The health system provides the structure for access to high-quality care in the two important, inter-linked dimensions of provision and experience of care. Within this framework and in line with the Organization’s mandate, WHO will work towards realization of its vision in six strategic areas, which will be the basis for a systematic, evidence-based approach to providing guidance for improving the quality of maternal and newborn care.

Last modified: February 15, 2024

Language: English, French, Russian

Source: World Health Organization

Year of Publication: 2016

Getting to 2030: Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Technical Roadmap

The Getting To 2030: Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Technical Roadmap is a framework that guides USAID’s maternal and child survival programs. It serves as a foundational component of USAID’s commitment to Prevent Child and Maternal Deaths alongside the Agency’s investments in family planning, malaria, and health systems strengthening.

This roadmap:

  • Shapes collaborative efforts across USAID Bureaus, Missions, U.S. Government agencies, external stakeholders, and partners.
  • Supports a coordinated, strategic approach to strengthening essential services for women and children and health systems
  • Informs the development, measurement, and adjustment of country level strategic plans led by host country governments with support from USAID missions and other stakeholders.

Source: USAID

Date of Publication: November 9, 2022

Adolescents 360 Blueprint for Change

Adolescents 360 (A360) is a program of FHI360 which aims to increase voluntary, modern contraceptive use and reduce unintended pregnancy among adolescent girls between the ages of 15 and 19 in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania.

This “Blueprint for Change” provides a practical guide for how to work with and for young people to drive youth-powered sexual and reproductive health breakthroughs — all with the flexibility to tailor to the contexts in which a project operates.

Source: FHI360

Date of Publication: August 11, 2021

Aiisseee! (I Say!) Game Show Conceptual Framework

This framework was used to guide the development of the Aiissee! (I Say!) Game Show in Tanzania.

Aiisseee! (“I Say!”) is a television and radio-based game show designed to improve couple communication and promote couple connectedness by giving contestants and listeners the chance to discuss serious relationship issues in a humorous way. In these programs, couples answer questions to see how well they know their partners.

The programs are a project of the Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP).

The show acts as a platform for conversations about HIV prevention, maternal and child health, and family planning, using a subtle yet provocative approach to create a comfortable forum for addressing hard-to-discuss issues in a non-confrontational way.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 9, 2019

Bangladesh MoHFW Comprehensive SBCC Strategy

This National Comprehensive SBCC Strategy was officially disseminated on August 30, 2016 by BKMI and the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

This strategy includes direction for:

  • SBCC to be used to promote healthy behaviors at the community and household levels
  • SBCC to encourage social norms that support positive health behaviors and improved health outcomes
  • SBCC to drive demand for services

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

NURHI Conceptual Framework

This conceptual framework for the Nigeria Urban Reproductive Health Initiative Project was based on the broader concept that, using a theory-based approach rooted in a social-ecological model, supply and demand side initiatives will be integrally linked. Thus, demand will push supply and supply will rise to meet the challenge.

Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

Plan d’Action de Lutte Contre la Maladie a Virus Ebola en Cote d’Ivoire [Action Plan for Ebola Virus in Cote D’Ivoire]

This matrix lays out the various steps in the planning for a full range of actions in the event of an Ebola virus outbreak on Cote d’Ivoire. It includes steps for:

  • Organization
  • Informing the population
  • Epidemiologic surveillance
  • Prevention activities
  • National capacity surveillance
  • Dealing with livestock
  • Observation/monitoring
  • Research

For each segment of activities, it lists the activity, output/expectations, person responsible, time frame, and cost.

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019

SBCC Capacity Strengthening Framework, Bangladesh

Under BKMI, the Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative II (BKMI), multiple frameworks were developed to outline approaches to strengthen SBCC capacity within the Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The strategic plan for the national Health Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program (HPNSDP) describes the Government of Bangladesh’s intentions for developments and innovations in Health Population and Nutrition (HPN) for the period of 2011‐2016. The HPNSDP identifies social and behavior change communication (SBCC) as a key strategy for achieving positive and lasting health outcomes.

This Framework supports the implementation of the HPNSDP by ensuring that SBCC activities are aligned with GoB policies, strategies and plans, and that they are carried out according to high‐quality standards for best practices.

This framework was developed by the Bangladesh BCC Working Group following a participatory, iterative process in close consultation with relevant key stakeholders and concerned experts including DGFP, DGHS, development partners, NGOs and civil society members.

The Framework assists all stakeholders to deliver consistent, reinforcing messages to priority audiences addressing key behaviors in support of the HPNSDP. It facilitates coordination between and among stakeholders, and will align all stakeholders’ activities with government policies and strategies. The Framework supports the planning, design and implementation of effective communication in support of favorable health outcomes.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 25, 2019