Campagne de vaccination de Paquinou – 2024

En Côte d’Ivoire, ce reportage présente une stratégie innovante visant à accélérer la couverture vaccinale contre le virus COVID-19 en ciblant les voyageurs de Pâques. Pâques est une période de grands déplacements ; des célébrations régionales connues sous le nom de Paquinou sont organisées. Les grands rassemblements publics et les mouvements de masse en font une période à haut risque pour la transmission.
La stratégie consistait à promouvoir la vaccination avant le voyage et à mettre en place des stands de vaccination pour encourager les voyageurs à se faire vacciner avant leur départ. Le matériel de campagne comprend un rapport de campagne, un reportage télévisé et des images de la campagne. Les bannières et le matériel imprimé sont inclus ici.

Matériel de campagne

Paquinou Vaccination Campaign – 2024

In Côte d’Ivoire, this news report shares an innovative strategy to accelerate COVID-19 vaccination coverage through targeting Easter travelers. Easter is a time of heavy travel; regional celebrations known as Paquinou are organized. Large public gatherings/mass movements make this a high-risk period for transmission.
The strategy promoted ‘vaccinate before travel’ and included a pop-up vaccination promotion to encourage travelers to get vaccinated before traveling. The materials include a campaign report, a TV News report, and Campaign images. Included here are the banners and print materials.

Campaign Materials

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 17, 2024

Campagne COVID-19 1 VACCIN, 1 BUT

La Coupe d’Afrique des Nations 2023 (CAN) offre une occasion unique d’atteindre des millions de fans de football africains à travers le continent, car tout le monde regarde les matchs et suivre leurs équipes. Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire, a conçu une campagne multi-médiatique visant à tirer parti de l’enthousiasme des fans pour la CAN afin de partager des messages qui établissent une norme sociale plus solide pour le vaccin COVID-19 et d’autres vaccinations à tous les stades de la vie en mettent l’accent sur la protection des plus vulnérables.

Matériel de campagne

1 vaccine, 1 goal COVID-19 Campaign

The 2023 Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) provided a unique opportunity to reach millions of African football fans across the continent as everyone tuned in to watch the games and follow the teams. Breakthrough ACTION Côte d’Ivoire designed a multimedia campaign to leverage this excitement among AFCON fans to share messages that build a more robust social norm for the COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccinations across the life stages and focus on protecting the most vulnerable.

Campaign Materials

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: July 17, 2024

Eswatini COVID-19 Mythbusters

The ten mythbusters, available in English and Siswati, were developed based on feedback received from chiefdom leadership who identified prevailing myths and misconceptions related to COVID-19 prevention, treatment or stigma related to recovery.

Key mythbusters tackle use of alcohol, garlic, hot baths, home remedies, sex, bleach and sanitizer, and hydroxychoroquine, with key facts. They also address misconceptions that only urban populations or older people are affected and reassure people about recovery.

The myths cover the following topics:

  1. Alcohol: Siswati English
  2. Garlic: Siswati English
  3. Hydroxychloroquine: Siswati English
  4. Older People: Siswati English
  5. Urban People: Siswati English
  6. Home Remedies: Siswati English
  7. Bleach and Sanitizer: Siswati English
  8. Hot Bath: Siswati English
  9. Sex: Siswati English
  10. Recovery: Siswati English

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: June 6, 2021

The COVID Tracking Project

The COVID Tracking Project is a volunteer organization launched from The Atlantic and dedicated to collecting and publishing the data required to understand the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States.

Every day, their teams collect data on COVID-19 testing and patient outcomes from all 50 states, 5 territories, and the District of Columbia. The dataset is currently in use by national and local news organizations across the United States and by research projects and agencies worldwide. Their data API (which allows sites and apps to import our dataset automatically) receives about two million requests per day.

On April 15, they launched the COVID Racial Data Tracker, a partnership between the COVID Tracking Project and the Center for Antiracist Research that collects, publishes, and analyzes racial data on the pandemic within the United States.

Source: COVID Tracking Project

Date of Publication: September 22, 2020

COVID-19 Posters, Cambodia

Below are three posters produced to instruct the public about various aspects of living during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Breastfeeding – This graphic of a mother holding her child contains information on how to safely breastfeed when mothers are infected with COVID-19.

General prevention – This graphic contain information on general preventive behaviors such as physical distance, mask use and hand hygiene.

Self-isolation – This graphic promotes self-isolation and information on what self-isolation means and why it is important.

COVID Prevention for Children – This poster contains a graphic of general preventive behaviors such as hand washing, sneezing into elbow, and symptoms, with Khmer text.

Handwashing – This poster provides step by step instructions on how to wash hands properly with soap and water.

Source: Save the Children

Date of Publication: August 12, 2020

Infographics about COVID-19 in Many Languages

These infographics were designed through a strategic process led by Harvard Medical Students, Harvard School of Public Health professionals and alumni as well as physicians.

The infographics designers are now partnering with the Cincinnati Health Department to make more specific infographics.

Source: Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Infographics for COVID-19: Prevention, Symptoms, Masks

These posters were created by the Centre for Communication and Change-India to promote proper prevention against COVID-19 and to provide information about the pandemic.

Source: Centre for Communication and Change, India

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Infographics in Multiple Languages

This initiative produced over 55 infographics designs in over 60 languages in order to empower many communities in Africa and beyond.

The infographics are available in over 60 languages, including:

  • Amhari
  • Bemba
  • Chinchewa
  • English
  • Hausa
  • Igbo
  • Luganda
  • Lumasaba
  • Madinka
  • Pidgin
  • Portuguese
  • Setswana
  • Somali
  • Spanish
  • Swahili
  • Wolayita
  • Wolof
  • Yakurr
  • Yala
  • Yoruba
  • …and more

Source: Slum and Rural Health Initiative

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020

Vaccine Delivery Infographics

These infographics can be downloaded and include the following topics:

  • Polio cases per year
  • Polio timeline
  • Vaccines save lives
  • Potential of vaccines against rotavirus

Source: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Date of Publication: July 21, 2020