Mobiliser les Communautés Pour la Lutte Contre le Paludisme

Ce guide vise à former le personnel du projet, les acteurs impliqués dans le projet et les ONG partenaires sur les principes et les pratiques de mobilisation communautaire.

Cette formation a pour objectifs généraux de permettre aux participants de:

  • Développer une compréhension et un engagement eux principes et aux méthodes de mobilisation communautaire (MC) et de développement participatif
  • Elaborer des méthodes et ces compétences pour la facilitation effective du processus de cycle d’action communautaire afin d’aider les communautés participantes à atteindre les objectifs du projet de santé en l’occurrence de la lutte contre le paludisme
  • Examiner l’apprentissage et la facilitation participative
  • Apprendre à évaluer et à renforcer les capacités communautaires pour identifier et prioriser les problèmes (liés au projet de lutte contre le paludisme), planifier et mettre en œuvre des stratégies efficaces pour résoudre ces problèmes, et suivre et évaluer leurs progrès
  • Lancer un plan de MC, à l’aide de bonnes pratiques de MC, de comment entrer/fonctionner dans la “nouvelle” zone d’impact d’une manière qui harmonise à la fois les opérations et les programmes de parrainage
  • Comprendre comment suivre les résultats de mobilisation communautaire, le renforcement des capacités et de l’apprentissage à travers les communautés et au sein des programmes pour améliorer et élargir l’impact

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: May 20, 2021

Awareness and Education Campaign on COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals in the Philippines

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

The project produced a Pretest Results Report and a Posttest Report.

Materials cover the following areas:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – Community Pharmacy Interventions

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These materials were created for community pharmacy interventions:

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – Patient Isolation and Patient Pathway

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These are posters explaining the basics of patient isolation and referral, and the patient pathway

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Awareness of COVID-19 for Pharmacy Professionals – User Testimonials

In an effort to expand public efforts to arrest the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) collaborated with mClinica, an Asian regional tech startup that develops and operates mobile platforms, to build the capacity of the pharmacy workforce in the Philippines to communicate effectively with customers about COVID-19.

This partnership developed two solutions to strengthen pharmacy capacity to be sources of reliable COVID-19 information and communication : (1) run awareness campaigns to promote COVID-19 best practices and prevention for pharmacy professionals and the patients they serve through SwipeRx, the largest social network of pharmacies in Southeast Asia using their social media platforms and mobile application; and (2) provide continuing professional development (CPD) education modules to pharmacy professionals using SwipeRx app covering topics on COVID-19 etiology, method of transmission, best practices, and health system framework currently in place to tackle COVID-19 (i.e., health facilities to get diagnosed when COVID-19 infection is suspected, etc.)

These are posters with testimonials from pharmacists about how the materials helped them do their jobs better.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: March 17, 2021

Guide de Facilitation Pour l’Elaboration d’un plan d’Action Communautaire de Lutte Contre le Paludisme

La participation active des communautés et de leurs leaders dans un processus d’identification des causes sous-jacentes des problèmes de santé et de la planification des actions collectives pour leur résolution peut contribuer à un changement durable dans les normes comportementales et sociales qui favorisent ces problèmes.

Cela aidera également à renforcer la capacité des communautés à mener les activités sur une base participative et durable pour améliorer leur santé et d’autres besoin sur leur propre initiative à l’avenir pour promouvoir et soutenir le changement social et de comportement.

Les leaders communautaires, en particulier les autorités traditionnelles (AT), le groupe des chefs de village, les chefs de village, les leaders religieux, les membres de COGES, les membres des comités de protection et d’autres dirigeants influents de la communauté –jouent un rôle essentiel dans régulation des comportements normatifs à la fois au niveau des individus, des ménages et de la communauté.

Le présent guide de facilitation pour l’élaboration d’un plan d’action communautaire spécifiquement adapté pour la lutte contre le paludisme en Côte d’Ivoire parle Ministère de la Santé et de l’Hygiène Publique à travers la Direction de la santé communautaire et le programme national de lutte contre le paludisme et leurs partenaires, aidera les communautés à se mobiliser sur les questions de la santé notamment sur le paludisme en particulier par ‘approche “Cycle d’Action Communautaire” (CAC).

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: January 20, 2021

Springboard Orientation (Presentation and Training Manual)

Ce document est un manuel pour le facilitateur pour une orientation sur l’utilisation de Springboard.

Source: Breakthrough ACTION/Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: December 7, 2020

Tools Together Now! 100 Participatory Tools to Mobilise Communities for HIV/AIDS

This is part two of a two-part community mobilization toolkit for HIV/AIDS that helps communities to become actively and influentially involved in addressing the causes and effects of HIV and AIDS.

The resources are:

All Together Now! Community mobilization for HIV/AIDS guides you through the process of mobilizing communities to address HIV prevention, care, support, impact mitigation and treatment for those affected by HIV and AIDS.

• Tools Together Now! 100 participatory tools to mobilize communities for HIV/AIDS is a set of participatory exercises designed to help put All Together Now! into practice. In this resource, there is a selection of 100 participatory learning and action (PLA) tools which you can use for HIV/AIDS programs. PLA tools are interactive activities which enable communities and organizations to learn together about HIV/AIDS in their community, develop a plan, act on it and evaluate and reflect on how it went. The philosophy of this set of publications is that organizations and communities have to work as closely together as possible if they are to address HIV/AIDS successfully.

This toolkit was specifically designed for communities and organizations to use alongside All Together Now! Community Mobilization for HIV/AIDS to: Uul>

  • Start together to address HIV/AIDS
  • Assess the HIV/AIDS situation together
  • Make a plan together
  • Implement the plan together
  • Evaluate that plan together
  • Decide what they want to do next together
  • Scale up action on HIV/AIDS together.

Source: International HIV/AIDS Alliance

Date of Publication: November 29, 2020

Collection of FP Commodities from the State Government

Access to quality and affordable Family planning {FP) services is crucial in improving Maternal and Child health (MCH) indices in Nigeria. High quality FP services is a key determinant of contraceptive uptake, and availability of a full range of commodities enables a woman to make an informed decision and increases contraceptive uptake and continuation.

To enable the private sector to provide affordable FP services to its clients, the Post Pregnnacy Family Planning project obtained approval from the Lagos State Ministry of Health for the provision of free commodities to the supported private health facilities.

This collaboration between supported private health facilities and the State Government is based on certain criteria and steps as stated in this document.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020

Guide for Conducting In-Clinic Mobilization

In-clinic mobilization is an activity conducted in the health facility during antenatal, post-natal and immunization clinics to increase family planning use by reaching women and couples with family planning information and messages during pregnancy and after delivery.

Since the health worker on duty is responsible for providing comprehensive family planning information to the clients by giving health talks during MCH clinics, this how-to guide describes the step by step process of how to run this activity and offers talking points.

Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs

Date of Publication: November 21, 2020